Mercurians and Infernal

[to_xp]Gekko;7252663 said:
wow, I am overwhelmed by QES' post, so many good ideas there. little suggestion: since angels and order religion are obsessed with social order, it would be nice if "angel" specialists provided a decreased maintainance cost in the city they're in ( cumulative of course) . that way they could even conquer a city far, far away from their own territory and still get away with it nicely ( maintenance-wise) , could be a nice unique ability.

Well, they'll only really have ONE city.

Everything else is "outposts" and "leylines". Leylines are uninhabbitable, and outposts are a lot like Kuriotates Settlements simply waiting to BE leylines.

City maintenance shouldnt be an issue - ever.
Additionally, manes can be used to artificially inflate the units XP
That's a good idea. The others....well we already have a civ with supercities and settlements. And there are still some flaws in implementation of this idea. And even if design team get rid of them, Kuriotates should stay the only civ with this mechanics.
I'll just chime in to say that I LOVE QES's ideas on re-working Basium. They neatly side-step many of the problems with the way the civ works, and create a very different dynamic to gameplay. I would be very leery of the +/- 50 points to the AC when one of the heroes dies. That's a huge change.

Also, you have to make Hyborem friendly with barbarians unless you want him to be at war with the Armageddon heroes like Yersinia, et al. I think this makes more of a case for an additional "Armageddon" civ, that Hyborem could be at peace with.
Some cool ideas here... I haven't tried either civ yet, but can you declare war on your former ally if you play mercurians? or is it a locked permanent alliance?

In general though, it seems like its almost too much too fast. IE after you spawn hyborem and the mercurians, the rest of the game is pretty much over for everyone else since those 2 civs start getting huge production and unit bonuses... how would you keep up if they declare war on you? Especially once you have the higher level angels being pumped out immediately (what with all the angel specialist xp bonuses)... you have a stack of magic (?) / mind immune flying 14str units that gain everytime you die. I'm not sure that I like the idea that once basium and hyborem show up at the party, everything is about them.

In general, words like "permanent golden age" give me the willies...
I think that QES's ideas are too much.

The first improvement boost I'd give each civ is giving their leaders a very large number of traits. (This makes killing their heroes and depriving them of the traits more fun.)

Since Basium has Raider, Angels already start with Commando. I'm ok with having them (and all units with visible wings, except probably gargoyles whose wings are just ornamental and are too heavy to fly) fly, but keep in mind that this would make commando pretty much worthless; flying units cannot use roads.

I don't like the siphon mana idea at all. Also, divine spells no longer have spheres.

I'm thinking that Manes and Angels should keep the religion they had in life, and maybe angels should start with divine/channeling 2, and the top tier units like Valkyries and Seraphs should have channeling 3 so they can cast high priest spells.

Letting Angels recruit in any Order/good city could be cool, but it needs some downside--but not one that would make people avoid the religion. Maybe they can only recruit while you share a common enemy, and recruiting like this could cause a minor, temporary diplomatic penalty?

I'm fine with letting Manes be sacrificed for a little research, production, and culture, but I don't really like the other changes to them.

I don't really like having Angels and Demons "corrupt" or "redeem" souls, but I do think that Hyborem and Basium themselves should have a chance to create manes or angels when they kill living units, the way werewolves spawn more werewolves.

I don't really like the outpost/leyline idea.

I don't really like any of the proposed effects tied to the AC.

I think that there need to be more rituals tied to the AC, including AV-only rituals that can make peace/defensive pact/permanent alliance with the barbarian state.
I think that there need to be more rituals tied to the AC, including AV-only rituals that can make peace/defensive pact/permanent alliance with the barbarian state.

that would be really nice - even better if it was tied with snarko's option mod for separating animals, barbs and undead/demon/armageddon stuff into different factions
I think that QES's ideas are too much.

The first improvement boost I'd give each civ is giving their leaders a very large number of traits. (This makes killing their heroes and depriving them of the traits more fun.)

Since Basium has Raider, Angels already start with Commando. I'm ok with having them (and all units with visible wings, except probably gargoyles whose wings are just ornamental and are too heavy to fly) fly, but keep in mind that this would make commando pretty much worthless; flying units cannot use roads.

I don't like the siphon mana idea at all. Also, divine spells no longer have spheres.

I'm thinking that Manes and Angels should keep the religion they had in life, and maybe angels should start with divine/channeling 2, and the top tier units like Valkyries and Seraphs should have channeling 3 so they can cast high priest spells.

Letting Angels recruit in any Order/good city could be cool, but it needs some downside--but not one that would make people avoid the religion. Maybe they can only recruit while you share a common enemy, and recruiting like this could cause a minor, temporary diplomatic penalty?

I'm fine with letting Manes be sacrificed for a little research, production, and culture, but I don't really like the other changes to them.

I don't really like having Angels and Demons "corrupt" or "redeem" souls, but I do think that Hyborem and Basium themselves should have a chance to create manes or angels when they kill living units, the way werewolves spawn more werewolves.

I don't really like the outpost/leyline idea.

I don't really like any of the proposed effects tied to the AC.

I think that there need to be more rituals tied to the AC, including AV-only rituals that can make peace/defensive pact/permanent alliance with the barbarian state.

I understand what you're saying. But my goal was fundamentally to change the way that each of the "compact" civilizations play comparitively to all other civs in the game. The goals was to create a resource/harvest system in which one city was needed, and everything else was combat oriented.

What came above was merely an idea on how to get that to work with what i know so far about what's possible in coding.

The idea of "two big cities vs all" is that it takes a LOT of the focus away from "building up" and more on the 'working with what you get.'

The goal was not to repeat the mechanics of the Kuriotates, anyone who assumes that this was to be a mirror or mimic of that, completely misunderstood the point.

Kuriotates fundamentally still use the same aspects of resource gathering/developtment/building and production. These divine "super cities" are not like the kuirotates because what they use for resources, what they build, and what they produce are all foundationally and fundamentally different than 'normal city' production - or at least that was the intention.

Above ALL I simply want to build basium and then play a "wholly different kind of game." Elsewise - why ever build basium? or hyborem? Why are they not units with events tied to them instead of entire civs?

Civs that enter half way cant be looked at in the same light as civs that had all game to develop. They cant be 'building' civs - not normal ones anyway.

The Manes/Angels resource is a beautiful concept developed by the team - and i simply wish to see it expanded to the point where 'normal/nominal' production means become almost a moot point for those two civs.

I welcome ANY change that results in this fundamental outcome.
The nit-pickery of how, doesnt really concern me - this was only a suggestion on how it might.
They are great ideas. I'd also toss in that the Manes/Angels (or those enhanced by sacrificing one) ought to provide the owner with some :hammers:/:commerce: from each kill they make. Then you can drive your entire economy through war alone (since :science: will be hard to come by with the single city, until you have managed to get up to size 300 or whatnot)
I find the Mercurians powerful and interesting. I think that drafting units is a good idea. I don't really understand the ley line suggestion, and I think that making squares impassable could be gamed by a human player.

I would like to suggest that the starting army for both depend on the number of units on board at the start of the game. I like the old Avatar of Wrath and I understand that its unit summoning power was reduced because of crashes. Perhaps the AI could create its own units based on the total number of units on the board? Would that be less costly in CPU cycles?

Also, sometimes the Infernals land on an empty continent. They should have hunters who would capture the wildlife.

Finally, if you want to make Hyb more powerful, give him a spell that works like domination but allows him to capture barbarian cities with all the units in those cities.
OK lets break it down. Note, the following is an opinion only and if I sound confrontational its not intended, that's just how I write. Thanks for putting in the time to think of the original ideas!

1. Angels & Manes ideas
- Allowing angels to fly! This only makes sense... and would have to be accompanied by a movement increase. Would also be cool to allow angels to rest/recover in mountains. This may increase their survivability.
- I can see manes being used to enhance units, but only standard military units. IE the demon can possess any mortal unit to give it a bonus, but a demon possessing another demon or an undead doesn't thematically work.
- Conversion is both fun and a fail. Its a good mechanic for getting angels & manes from generic combat since you actually NEED angels and manes for the civ to work and although the civ your fighting is neutral, individual units may be personally good or evil so a standard percent to become an angel or manes with ANY death makes sense.

- Manes used to purchase tech, this is unnecessary since Infernals already have a significantly flexible specialist build. Thematically, it also doesn't work. How does a jr demon teach you some new skill?
- Drafting 3 units from any order city? That means a single angel flying through an Order 10-city civ can instantly get 30 units. Thats insane. Even if there isn't any unhappiness, its overpowered... if there is unhappiness its even more messed up since you can screw over an entire civ without penalty. If they get pissed enough to declare war, you win again with free angels. In addition, thematically it wouldn't make sense for a unit that follows ORDER, which is essentially a religion that worships UNQUESTIONING OBEDIENCE, to abandon its post because a pretty angel flies by.
- Why should an angel have the ability to enter enemy territory? The inability to enter enemy territory isn't necessarily physical... nothing physically stops a warrior from walking across the border. What's stopping the unit is the game mechanic representing the fact that an enemy seeing your military unit in their border is going to take that as an act of war. This includes enemy angels flying over your cities.
- Siphoning energy doesn't really make a lot of sense. Thematically, there is the knowledge to cast spells + the mana required to allow you to cast it. Just because you have the mana it doesn't mean you suddenly know how to cast the spell. I do support giving them standard priest spells though, that makes sense. IE cure disease and heal. Bless would also make sense as a free spell.
- Conversion is a fail because it doesn't make sense that being killed by an angel suddenly makes you good aligned. If anything it would make you feel resentment and anger and become a manes. A more reasonable mechanic would simply be to make any living neutral unit death have say a 20% chance to show up as an angel or manes representing the idea that although the civ is neutral, the way individual units lead their lives can fall on the side of good or evil.

Not discussed:
- Manes can already purchase units and buildings since they can be sacrificed for shields.
- Commando promo was already covered. Fly vs Commando, I prefer fly. Raiders also already gives commando and is useful for produced non-angelic units.

2. Start and Play style
- There should not be any unhappiness or unhealthiness in the Mercurian capital city. That makes sense since you're surrounded by healing/curing angels flying around.

- As mentioned, manes can be settled as scientists right off the bat, sacrificing them isn't necessary and is abusable if you use any of the other ideas for increasing manes/angel generation.
- Multiple enhancement doesn't really make sense. Is this possession? I can see that as being a boosting influence but multiple possessions?
- Why would happyfaces create food? Why would health bonuses add food? The benefit of no unhealthiness and no unhappiness is that you don't need to waste shields building those buildings in the first place.
- I don't see any need for the new specialists for the Mercurians. See the big picture themes below... they're a cooperative civ and should be cooperating with their summoners. The angel as a specialist doesn't thematically make sense. That'd be like making a specialist called "Female". An angel isn't a job its just what they are.

3. Capital city bout
- Nothing

- This whole section is mostly a fail. Thematically it IS similar to the Kurio no matter how much you say it isn't. Small numbers of cities, useless conquered cities.
- I can't figure out any point of the ley lines. They only give 5 units for a conquered city? If I conquer a size 30 kurio city, I get 5 freakin units? I get that they affect the armageddon counter but if I'm playing a neutral civ, I HATE the idea that there's nothing I can do to affect the armageddon counter so I'm just waiting for one side or the other to win... or have to try and take them both on.
- Alternately, I lose my city to the mercurians and the whole place is trashed with no way of getting it back?

4. Ultimate consequences / New Armageddon counter rules
- I sorta like the 0 or 100 victory condition. 0 may be strong since there's no real benefit from being at 0 armageddon counter and thematically it doesn't make sense especially if there are still AV cities and hyborem around... but at 100 the world is essentially blowing itself up so it should be just a matter of time for the infernals to mop up. Thematically it doesn't make sense for a 0 to be an instant win because they must always be on guard for evil to spread again, but I could buy a 100 being an instant win.
- I sort of like the idea where if all evil is eliminated, then Basium leaves the mortal realm and all his cities go to his ally. Alternately, the infernals are at war with everyone so they would never go away.
- If one side or the other gets eliminated a standard golden age for the opposite team is appropriate. IE if the mercurians get eliminated, all AV civs and the infernals get a golden age. If the Infernals get eliminated, the mercurians and their allies get a golden age.

- All this talk of permanent golden age. No permanent golden ages. This is basically an instant win. Every age has an end... when future generations no longer believe history or just consider it all to be myth.
- The 100AC penalties are unnecessary. With everyone else losing 1/2 their population and rampant unit damage, Hyborem already has a huge advantage. If you're going to give him crazy bonuses you might as well just end the game.
- Why wouldn't AV cities also have unhappiness? They're not looking to end the world like the Sheaim are, they're just all selfish and out for themselves. Usually that doesn't include widespread pestilence and their own death.

Big-picture themes to keep in mind:

This is how I believe the 2 civs are intended to work, thematically:

The infernals basically don't care about anyone else. They want to rule to world. Their cities dont' require food with the idea being that they're self contained. They are the ultimate specialist civ (where the sidar is the ultimate great specialist civ) because they can have 100% specialists with each city producing culture/shields/cash/research as necessary.

The Mercurians are a cooperative civ. They form an alliance with another civ and work together to stamp out evil. In theory, the mercurians are the military branch of the cooperative and the allied civ is the research branch.

In practice, their combined research takes a huge hit because of the alliance penalty and the late start of the Mercurians make them a liability plus the original civ loses a city. One easy way to solve this would be to eliminate the ally penalty. In a long enough game, if the Mercurians start conquering like crazy the whole alliance gets an unnatural boost... but in practice the game rarely gets to this point. I think eliminating the penalty would go a long way in helping the Mercurians.
re: instant win. Just asking the obvious, but this victory condition could be turned off? Also it might be nice to code it so that the instant win number is a variable. (i.e. instant win at -50 or 150? are there any mods that implement a longer AC?)
OK lets break it down. Note, the following is an opinion only and if I sound confrontational its not intended, that's just how I write. Thanks for putting in the time to think of the original ideas!

1. Angels & Manes ideas
- Allowing angels to fly! This only makes sense... and would have to be accompanied by a movement increase. Would also be cool to allow angels to rest/recover in mountains. This may increase their survivability.
- I can see manes being used to enhance units, but only standard military units. IE the demon can possess any mortal unit to give it a bonus, but a demon possessing another demon or an undead doesn't thematically work.
- Conversion is both fun and a fail. Its a good mechanic for getting angels & manes from generic combat since you actually NEED angels and manes for the civ to work and although the civ your fighting is neutral, individual units may be personally good or evil so a standard percent to become an angel or manes with ANY death makes sense.

Yeah i'm just trying to make the factions MORE manes/angles focused.

- Manes used to purchase tech, this is unnecessary since Infernals already have a significantly flexible specialist build. Thematically, it also doesn't work. How does a jr demon teach you some new skill?

The goal here was to boost manes some since i was denying Hyborem other cities outside a capital. (Effectively) Any other ideas on how to boost manes usefullness are welcomed.

- Drafting 3 units from any order city? That means a single angel flying through an Order 10-city civ can instantly get 30 units. Thats insane. Even if there isn't any unhappiness, its overpowered... if there is unhappiness its even more messed up since you can screw over an entire civ without penalty. If they get pissed enough to declare war, you win again with free angels. In addition, thematically it wouldn't make sense for a unit that follows ORDER, which is essentially a religion that worships UNQUESTIONING OBEDIENCE, to abandon its post because a pretty angel flies by.

1. Typically these are "allies" of Basium that are being 'harvested' for units. This means, thematically, over-all, it's a trade. Your ally is less able to fight a prolonged war, since you just yanked a lot of his populace, but you can fight an immediate war now. The numbers could be adjusted for balance. This function should be 'self-balancing'.

2. Thematically it makes sense that the Angels are incarnations of Order. So "do what I say" Orderites are following the orders of the angel - "Come fight now." That makes sense to me at least.

- Why should an angel have the ability to enter enemy territory? The inability to enter enemy territory isn't necessarily physical... nothing physically stops a warrior from walking across the border. What's stopping the unit is the game mechanic representing the fact that an enemy seeing your military unit in their border is going to take that as an act of war. This includes enemy angels flying over your cities.

This was to allow the previous mechanic. Angels entering friendly, but closed-boardered Order-Good allies so that they could get units from their cities.

- Siphoning energy doesn't really make a lot of sense. Thematically, there is the knowledge to cast spells + the mana required to allow you to cast it. Just because you have the mana it doesn't mean you suddenly know how to cast the spell. I do support giving them standard priest spells though, that makes sense. IE cure disease and heal. Bless would also make sense as a free spell.

This was an invented mechanic to give the angels yet another tool at their disposal that wasnt strictly combat. Since I'm effectively trying to use a whole new level of resource, i was trying to intuit how they could be different from manes, fit thematically (being spellcasters) but not require any of the normal means of achieving spell casting - but still allowing for diversity.

And thematically - Angels are different, they're not moral. The primal energies that spells function on may be bread and butter to angels. They need not access it the same way mortals do. Essentially, the "how" of it could easily be explained if need be. I just didnt take time to suss that out.

- Conversion is a fail because it doesn't make sense that being killed by an angel suddenly makes you good aligned. If anything it would make you feel resentment and anger and become a manes. A more reasonable mechanic would simply be to make any living neutral unit death have say a 20% chance to show up as an angel or manes representing the idea that although the civ is neutral, the way individual units lead their lives can fall on the side of good or evil.

Again themes that "can" be sussed out. Here I envision either side making a bargin before the 'final blow.' We see this in good horror or 'epic' flicks all the time. Before the killing blow the Angel grants a reprieve in mercy. The life is still taken but the soul redeemed. Basically think of all those "Last great speeches" before a final blow. This works both ways, of course. We just dont see these little epics in motion, becuase we've the god's vew, instead of the passerby.

Not discussed:
- Manes can already purchase units and buildings since they can be sacrificed for shields.
- Commando promo was already covered. Fly vs Commando, I prefer fly. Raiders also already gives commando and is useful for produced non-angelic units.

I was unsure how the 'fly' mechanic works. I thought it was simply a "gets a movment = 1 on all squares". This means in opposing territories, movement is reduced to nominal, and cant use roads. But for friendlies - roads would be used. If flying units dont use roads ever anyway, then it's moot - but again, i was unsure of how it worked.

2. Start and Play style
- There should not be any unhappiness or unhealthiness in the Mercurian capital city. That makes sense since you're surrounded by healing/curing angels flying around.

- Why would happyfaces create food? Why would health bonuses add food? The benefit of no unhealthiness and no unhappiness is that you don't need to waste shields building those buildings in the first place.

Was trying to invent a mechanic that was different from the infernals - would fit thematically, and still make the capital a powerhouse.

Essentially everything makes the capital bigger - which allows it to house more specialists - which would form the core of any "production" the city would need to have.

Also - more than likely the Mercurian capital will be a already existing city. This city would have buildings that alloted for happiness and health - i just sought to not 'nerf' the city when the mercurians come.

If you've a better idea of how to reach the 'powerhouse' but 'different than infernals' for the capital - i admit this one is rough, and i'd like to hear it.

- I don't see any need for the new specialists for the Mercurians. See the big picture themes below... they're a cooperative civ and should be cooperating with their summoners. The angel as a specialist doesn't thematically make sense. That'd be like making a specialist called "Female". An angel isn't a job its just what they are.

Well then name it something else. I dont really care what it's "called" only that angels could provide something directly to the city. Manes can add directly to population - which can be steared to do anything. I sought to make "Angels adding to population" of the Capital more restrictive - but still beneficial.

Maybe instead of special citizenry, the Mercurians may just have unlimited specialists of all kinds? Then it becomes player choice.

I still think angels need to add something "Directly to the city" as manes can - so that they're also sources of production and not just soldiers. How doesnt really concern me. My idea was specialists.

How about "Divine Tutor" as a specialist name? That's just an angel settling in the city and teaching others - Gives +3 Science +2 Hammers and +1 XP or something.

3. Capital city bout
- Nothing

- This whole section is mostly a fail. Thematically it IS similar to the Kurio no matter how much you say it isn't. Small numbers of cities, useless conquered cities.
- I can't figure out any point of the ley lines. They only give 5 units for a conquered city? If I conquer a size 30 kurio city, I get 5 freakin units? I get that they affect the armageddon counter but if I'm playing a neutral civ, I HATE the idea that there's nothing I can do to affect the armageddon counter so I'm just waiting for one side or the other to win... or have to try and take them both on.
- Alternately, I lose my city to the mercurians and the whole place is trashed with no way of getting it back?

This is all nit-pickery.

I'm NOT providing "sum total final ideas". I"m providing brainstorming. Thematics (mechanically), design notations, etc.

This was just one way i could concieve of - for changing the "how" of the compact-factions.

It is NOT similar to the Kuriotates because the Kuriotates should have to juggle all the normal city processes - they just get 3 big rings of fun to do it in.

The Uber-Capital-Extraveganza is a departure from concentration on the City and focus on the other resources. Really they're just collection points for the grand battle. Angels/manes are the resources, more important than the meager food/trade/hammers output of the city. The city is providing, essentially - support troops, science, and a base of opperations. That was the goal in the idea. If this can be achieved some other way, or at least the "feel of the play" of the civ - then i'm all for it. This was just one way of accomplishing that goal.

Focus =/ Sameness. Yes you focus on "one city." So in that, it's the same as the Kuriotates. But its NOT in that you sholdnt be focusing on the city - you should be focusing on the roving bands of angels/manes - what they're being thrown in for, and the other insundry processes of war.

4. Ultimate consequences / New Armageddon counter rules
- I sorta like the 0 or 100 victory condition. 0 may be strong since there's no real benefit from being at 0 armageddon counter and thematically it doesn't make sense especially if there are still AV cities and hyborem around... but at 100 the world is essentially blowing itself up so it should be just a matter of time for the infernals to mop up. Thematically it doesn't make sense for a 0 to be an instant win because they must always be on guard for evil to spread again, but I could buy a 100 being an instant win.
- I sort of like the idea where if all evil is eliminated, then Basium leaves the mortal realm and all his cities go to his ally. Alternately, the infernals are at war with everyone so they would never go away.
- If one side or the other gets eliminated a standard golden age for the opposite team is appropriate. IE if the mercurians get eliminated, all AV civs and the infernals get a golden age. If the Infernals get eliminated, the mercurians and their allies get a golden age.

- All this talk of permanent golden age. No permanent golden ages. This is basically an instant win. Every age has an end... when future generations no longer believe history or just consider it all to be myth.
- The 100AC penalties are unnecessary. With everyone else losing 1/2 their population and rampant unit damage, Hyborem already has a huge advantage. If you're going to give him crazy bonuses you might as well just end the game.
- Why wouldn't AV cities also have unhappiness? They're not looking to end the world like the Sheaim are, they're just all selfish and out for themselves. Usually that doesn't include widespread pestilence and their own death.

This was thrown in rough-shod becuase I felt like there needed to be real consquences for conquering. I didnt want "all razing" since it was only the "capital" which is really needed. Admitedly this could be better - and was only meant to inspire or flush out (poorly) something for people to look at.

I'm completely ambivilant to that section.

Big-picture themes to keep in mind:

This is how I believe the 2 civs are intended to work, thematically:

The infernals basically don't care about anyone else. They want to rule to world. Their cities dont' require food with the idea being that they're self contained. They are the ultimate specialist civ (where the sidar is the ultimate great specialist civ) because they can have 100% specialists with each city producing culture/shields/cash/research as necessary.

Agreed in part. I dont think they "must" be specialist run. And i know that the AI doesnt play them as such. You're not wong, but i dont think they're limited just to specialists.

The Mercurians are a cooperative civ. They form an alliance with another civ and work together to stamp out evil. In theory, the mercurians are the military branch of the cooperative and the allied civ is the research branch.

Agreed in part.

That seems all well and good on paper - but as we can see, it's a hinderance to both military and scientific endeavors - therefor it needs reworking.

I figure that if the "good-aligned" civ sacrifices one city - which becomes the powerhouse of divine might of their now permanent ally - that it beneifts the primary civ regardless. One could stay primary or switch to baisum - or AI's will "just" benefit.

All in all ilt should be a "win-win" to produce Basium if that route (and therefor the time and effort) is taken. I do not feel it is like this now - hence all these ideas.

In practice, their combined research takes a huge hit because of the alliance penalty and the late start of the Mercurians make them a liability plus the original civ loses a city. One easy way to solve this would be to eliminate the ally penalty. In a long enough game, if the Mercurians start conquering like crazy the whole alliance gets an unnatural boost... but in practice the game rarely gets to this point. I think eliminating the penalty would go a long way in helping the Mercurians.

Agreed. As said above.

Thank you for your insightful analysis! Keep it up.
re: instant win. Just asking the obvious, but this victory condition could be turned off? Also it might be nice to code it so that the instant win number is a variable. (i.e. instant win at -50 or 150? are there any mods that implement a longer AC?)

Yeah that's a great idea. I was just thinking that i didnt want a "aww that's it?" anticlimatic moment if you finally defeated the ever hated foe on the other side, and things kept chugging along as though they just lost yet another unit.
1. Typically these are "allies" of Basium that are being 'harvested' for units. This means, thematically, over-all, it's a trade. Your ally is less able to fight a prolonged war, since you just yanked a lot of his populace, but you can fight an immediate war now. The numbers could be adjusted for balance. This function should be 'self-balancing'.

That... doesn't really make sense. You're assuming that all good civs are allied with the Mercurians and all evil civs are not. This mechanic allows you to wander into a good civ, create tons of unhappiness, gain a ton of units, then declare war on it. I play a good aligned civ and I get sucked into war with the Mercurians all the time. Usually its their land-hungry ally that declares it.

2. Thematically it makes sense that the Angels are incarnations of Order. So "do what I say" Orderites are following the orders of the angel - "Come fight now." That makes sense to me at least.

I'm not really convinced angels are incarnations of Order... they're just "good". I can see where you're coming from though... but I still think "unquestioning obedience" is to their own general, who is obedient to their king. Also, there's no guarantee that Basium is going to be Order (is there? I haven't paid attention to his religion, I think he can switch).

This was an invented mechanic to give the angels yet another tool at their disposal that wasnt strictly combat. Since I'm effectively trying to use a whole new level of resource, i was trying to intuit how they could be different from manes, fit thematically (being spellcasters) but not require any of the normal means of achieving spell casting - but still allowing for diversity.

And thematically - Angels are different, they're not moral. The primal energies that spells function on may be bread and butter to angels. They need not access it the same way mortals do. Essentially, the "how" of it could easily be explained if need be. I just didnt take time to suss that out.

Yea, I can see that. It still makes more thematic sense for them to be priest types though. There's a reason that the priest spells and mage spells are separated. An angel being able to summon a pit beast or mutate units doesn't seem to fit.

Casting the various priest spells doesn't seem to fit either... maybe they have a unique angel / anti-demon spell and can only "recharge" it by visiting a mana node?

Again themes that "can" be sussed out. Here I envision either side making a bargin before the 'final blow.' We see this in good horror or 'epic' flicks all the time. Before the killing blow the Angel grants a reprieve in mercy. The life is still taken but the soul redeemed. Basically think of all those "Last great speeches" before a final blow. This works both ways, of course. We just dont see these little epics in motion, becuase we've the god's vew, instead of the passerby.

Err in these movies, don't 95% of them end with the evil guy trying to kill the good guy right after the good guy spares his life? heh. I don't think last second redemption is all that common or realistic. If they're evil, they're evil... a change of heart due to fear shouldn't purge their soul of the evil they've done. Again, a more realistic mechanic would be for neutral units that aren't necessarily fully committed to being good or evil have a chance to spawn a demon/angel.

I was unsure how the 'fly' mechanic works. I thought it was simply a "gets a movment = 1 on all squares". This means in opposing territories, movement is reduced to nominal, and cant use roads. But for friendlies - roads would be used. If flying units dont use roads ever anyway, then it's moot - but again, i was unsure of how it worked.

Fly just means its 1 move on all squares including impassible squares like mountains and ocean. I can't remember if you can use roads in your own territories though... I think they never use roads. The raiders trait that the Mercurians already have includes the free commando promotion anyway. This should help their "normal" non-angel units.

Was trying to invent a mechanic that was different from the infernals - would fit thematically, and still make the capital a powerhouse.

Well, the base idea of no unhappiness and no unhealthiness is fine as something thats common to the both of them. In this case the methods to achieve it are wholly different and the rest of the playstyle is different. In this case, the Infernals have their cities filled with unfeeling demons. The mercurians shower their citizens with infinite blessings and health. They're two opposite extremes with the same result. I'm ok with no unhappiness and no unhealthiness in their capital cities a unique ability of the 2 divine civs.

Essentially everything makes the capital bigger - which allows it to house more specialists - which would form the core of any "production" the city would need to have.

Also - more than likely the Mercurian capital will be a already existing city. This city would have buildings that alloted for happiness and health - i just sought to not 'nerf' the city when the mercurians come.

If you've a better idea of how to reach the 'powerhouse' but 'different than infernals' for the capital - i admit this one is rough, and i'd like to hear it.

Thats what I mean... right now, the deal with the infernals is all about specialists. They don't need farmers, maybe some miners or some town workers but they can get much of the same benefits + tons of great people just by using all specialists. By having the mercurians ALSO run a specialist economy you're actually making them much more similar to the infernals than differentiating them.

Maybe instead of special citizenry, the Mercurians may just have unlimited specialists of all kinds? Then it becomes player choice.

See above re: Infernals, this is what they essentially have already.

This is all nit-pickery.

Games are broken on the details.

The Uber-Capital-Extraveganza is a departure from concentration on the City and focus on the other resources. Really they're just collection points for the grand battle. Angels/manes are the resources, more important than the meager food/trade/hammers output of the city. The city is providing, essentially - support troops, science, and a base of opperations. That was the goal in the idea. If this can be achieved some other way, or at least the "feel of the play" of the civ - then i'm all for it. This was just one way of accomplishing that goal.

I can support that goal... its an interesting dynamic. Logistically, its not really all that workable though. You end up waging a war where you have 0 reinforcements because everything has to come from your one city half way across the world. At least with the Kurio you can build the nexus and transport units to your captured settlements (right? I'm pretty sure that would work) but your leylines aren't even cities anymore.

Focus =/ Sameness. Yes you focus on "one city." So in that, it's the same as the Kuriotates. But its NOT in that you sholdnt be focusing on the city - you should be focusing on the roving bands of angels/manes - what they're being thrown in for, and the other insundry processes of war.

I still think angels need to add something "Directly to the city" as manes can - so that they're also sources of production and not just soldiers. How doesnt really concern me. My idea was specialists.

How about "Divine Tutor" as a specialist name? That's just an angel settling in the city and teaching others - Gives +3 Science +2 Hammers and +1 XP or something.

By making all angels able to add to the city you're basically eliminating one of the essential differences/dynamics between the 2 civs.

The infernals are all about building inhuman cities that can churn out hordes of evil units, their "thing" is a demonic work force. You can upgrade a manes to a military unit, but why bother? They also have access to the highest level mortal units that all die and become manes to add back to the city. They can build tons of units, send them to their death in wave after wave then reap their souls for a bigger city and even more units.

The Mercurians start with relatively strong free military units but they must be nurtured and upgraded in order to get strong. Their "thing" is a divine military supported by relatively few upper level mortal units.

Agreed in part. I dont think they "must" be specialist run. And i know that the AI doesnt play them as such. You're not wong, but i dont think they're limited just to specialists.

They don't, but you CAN without really sacrificing a whole lot. Usually food is the limiting resource on your specialist city, they don't have that limitation.

Agreed in part.

That seems all well and good on paper - but as we can see, it's a hinderance to both military and scientific endeavors - therefor it needs reworking.

I figure that if the "good-aligned" civ sacrifices one city - which becomes the powerhouse of divine might of their now permanent ally - that it beneifts the primary civ regardless. One could stay primary or switch to baisum - or AI's will "just" benefit.

Simply getting rid of the ally penalty will solve the hindrance.


Generally, I really like the mechanics of the mercurian and infernal playstyles as is. They're different but JUST the same enough to keep it interesting. A couple tweaks (unhappiness/unhealthiness, ally penalty, and manes/angels from neutral units) would make it a lot more fair for them to survive and give people an actual reason to want to summon Basium without going overboard and making the entire endgame about surviving the infernal/mercurian war.

Some areas are not really working as intended, mainly that you need to declare war on a same-alignment civ to build yourself up but adding neutral units as a way to get angels/manes would help that a lot.

The ally penalty is crippling. You get such a huge dip in progress when you summon Basium that its not worth it. By the time you manage to build yourself back up the Infernals/AV civs are way ahead or you end up doing what a lot of people do which is NOT play the mercurians then go conquer an enemy civ and gift the cities to Basium. I don't think Basium was intended as a pet....
Flying gives units a flat movement cost of 1 on any terrain (including that normally impassible), which also makes flying units get no benefit from roads. The Flying promotion also gives +1 movement point.

In one of my versions, I gave all the units with wings a new Winged promotion, which does nothing but allow two spells: Take Flight (which gives the unit flying) and Land (which also requires Flying, and removes Removes Flying). This lets them fly and use roads.

I could see Manes being added to living units (which I guess would pretty much just be captured) to create stronger "Thralls." They should not be able to boost the strength of non-living units.

I think I'm leaning towards changing the was the Infernals enter the game. I'm considering removing Infernal pact altogether--or rather changing it from a tech to a repeatable ritual. I'd really like it if completing the ritual triggered an event with several choices.

If the Infernals have not entered the game yet, then the options would all be about how he should enter the game:
1. Give the city that built the Infernal Pact Ritual to Hyborem, who would become your vassal (realizing that he is the kind of vassal who will turn on you) and have open borders with you.
2. Give the city that built the Infernal Pact Ritual to Hyborem and switch to playing as the Infernal, leaving your old civ as your vassal.
3. Refuse to sacrifice the city to the Infernal, causing Hyborem and his army to enter the world at war with you.

After they enter the world, the ritual would trigger an event with different options, such as:

Align peace with the barbarians. Makes peace with the barbs, and makes them declare war on your enemies. This would only work while at war with someone else, and would require an AC~50. (I'm also changing it so that the Barbarians declare war on anyone making a peace treaty with a civ with whom the barbs are at war, unless the enemy was way too strong or if capituation is involved.)

Make a Permanent Alliance with the Barbarian State. Requires peace with Barbs, has some sort of really high cost, very high AC prereq.

Summon a demonic army. Has an AC prereq. Gives you a small army of free demonic units (type and number based on based on tech level and the AC), but also gives free units to the Infernals. The units that go to you may start crazed/enraged, and (if this is based on FF) may start with limited duration and a promotion that lets them gain duration from winning battles (like pit beasts).

Get a free tech (or research points) - probably has to be something some one else knows, or the amount of research is based on the AC. Would probably give some research to Hyborem too.

Mystically sustain us; kills a large potion of your population, but gives you the fallow trait. High AC prereq.

These options would have significant costs, like killing a significant amount of your population, turning them straight into Manes for Hyborem, and causing massive unhealthiness/unhappiness. They might also give a small diplomatic bonus with Hyborem, but he would be set to attack even those with whom he is pleased. Hyborem wouldn't have access to all of them, and would of course not help himself as a side effect.

I think we're on the same page.

The goal is to eliminate a lot of the city-based-expansion functions and concentrate on the manipulation of a few key resouces (manes and angels).

You're right about the infernalist "specialists" build.

The goal i set out with is that each resource would/could have 4 functions, but what those functions would be would vary widely.

1. Production
2. Augmentation
3. Soldiers
4. Science/magic

This way if each is addressed then the whole of 'play' will be accomplished with minimal city-need (settlers/workers, etc).

What my idea above (and needs working) was:

Manes -

1. Adds to city population - population is never unhappy or uses food, cant grow otherwise.
2. Alter existing units to allow for additional mane revenue and combat
3. Can instantly convert to a unit.
4. Can add to research.

Angels -

1. Could join city as specific specialist.
2. Can recruit in cities
3. Badass solder/level up.
4. Can cast spells.

What if, instead of that, angels could:

1. Create special Improvements on tiles.
2. Recruit limited numbers of units from ally or those with defensive pact? (This limits the spam to actual allies) maybe each angel can only ever recruit ONCE?
3. Badass soldier/level up
4. Can cast limited spells using mana-nodes. The idea here is to remove the 'city-build' or 'mage-feel' from the angel but still give it casting capability WITH versitility. Perhaps limit some of the mana - no entropy or death, for example.

For 1, i was thinking that certain "awesome" improvments might be made only by angels.

And while they should serve as a productive end - i'd like to avoid that meaning Hammers, or gold or food. I feel like the angel should be "used up" or at least 'incapasitated' in this process. OR, what about the angel must give up it's immortality? The angel reincarnates (on the spot) as a worker unit. Instead of an angel. This would just be for flavor.

Perhaps something in the following of uber improvements that have both 'worked' and 'unworked' effects could be used:

Hallowed Ground:
Tile generates Damage/turn to any demon or undead on it.
- If worked, generates 1 :gp: and 2 :hammers:
Shrine of Order: Tile generates +1 :culture: per turn per 2 happiness in Basium's Capital. The culture would focus on that point - it wouldnt go to the capital - this is a means only of expanding boarders. (remember this is pillageable)
- If worked, generates 2 :gp: and 1 :hammers:
Divine Gate Portal: Units in tile may be airlifted to/from Basium's Capital
- If worked, generates 2:hammers: 2:gold:
Sacred Tower: Tile becomes a tower, and Heals units on it 30% per turn. May not be placed in Hell terrain.(Remember it costs and angel to plop down)
- If worked, city gains +1 sight range to all units (cumulative).
Holy Pillar of Fire: Tile becomes a pillar of fire, doing holy damage to all units in/adjacent to it. It destroys any undead/demon unit passing through it. Lasts x turns.
-Cannot be worked, nor can the tiles adjacent to it.
Righteous Arms Depot Grants units in it the "Holy Weapons" Promotion. This overlaps the other weapon promotions (does not remove them).
- If worked, grants 3:gp:(Engineer) 3 :gp:(priest).
Humble Hermit's Shack: Cannot be placed in a city radius. Has a % chance of spawning an Angel each turn.
-Cannot be worked.

Perhaps we should clarify goals. I think you're right about tweaking. But if you were to "ground-up" these guys. How would it look? Even if you use the same thing, spell it out, perhaps we can note things.
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