[MOD] Fall from Heaven II

Just to let you know the installer does not work unless you let it extract the files to the default location. I am running windows xp as well. So the solution is to copy files over after you let it extract to the default location. I mean if you are not using the default location for your civilization game. It did not make the fpk file and theme resource folder for me.
This is just a possibility, but after you select the folder Civ IV is in, using Browse, it puts a backslash ( \ ) at the end of the line (e.g. ...\Beyond The Sword\Mods\). This may cause a problem with output folders. Either way, I took the backslash out on the assumption that it might break the install. My FfH installation was without error and it's running just fine.

Installed the b patch, thanks Kael for releasing it. I'd run into one of those crashes in my initial game, and I'm hoping this does the trick. I have no desire to see The Return of the Crash to Desktop.
I believe that I heard that this was removed by the BtS patch, although I don't know why. FfH has nothing to do with it.
Patch "c" is linked in the first post. It won't break save games.

Patch "c":
1. Fixed an error with the Bandit Nietz event (so he correctly gets his promotions, thanks JJR!).
2. Pestilence event gives temporary unhealthiness to cites instead of killing population.
3. Events are back in and working (I had them disabled for testing with b and forgot to turn them back on, oops).
4. Fixed Blight so it wont trigger multiple times on one civ.
5. Ranged Defense is back in and working correctly.
Hi Kael and the rest of the fantastic FFH team! :) I just thought I'd drop by and say how much I appreciate all the hard work you've done. Obviously FFH is the most popular civ4 mod, and I can see why. :thumbsup:

Also as a fellow modder, I can especially appreciate FFH, because I can really see all the hard work you've done. If I ever need to see how something is done, I generally turn to FFH, and use similar methods.

Not only that, but all the other pro bono work you do with tutorials and other helpful modding utilities. :)

great job, I really appreciate it, as I'm sure others do as well.

DLed the new version - great work again, Kael! Here are a few notes from my first game as Ljosalfar, patched to a:

1. Treetop Defense is supposed to be removed, but my Nature I Adept can still cast it.

2. When my HN Giant Spider attacked a Devout, I had an immediate CTD. Don't know if that could be the issue with Ranged Defense you mentioned - will patch and see. Other attacks with the Spider had had no problems, but it was the first time against a Devout.

I'm loving the new version & the changes you've made. The steamlined magic seems to feel better; less complicated & unecessarily heavy.

That said...

1.) I second the comment above about Treetop Defense - I've found it too.

2.) Why I'm really here. Playing as the Svartalfar with the Council of Esus religion. I cannot spread the council beyond my Holy City as none of my units are being born as worshippers (atleast in my own territory - it's spreading to other civs quiet well) . The initial Nightwatch was not a follower, and none of the subsequent units built in the Holy City are either. Also, neither Alazkan or Gibbon are followers, which seems rather odd to me - if they are the religions hero's shouldn't they atleast carry the mark?

Just an aside, I'm probably wrong, but I noticed that none of the Barbarian units are pillaging my territory. I don't mind, but I found it a little strange as they used to pillage - ALOT!

I'm currently playing the Illians (first game at level .31) and, after close to 500 turns, I just noticed something... They don't appear to have a "world spell"...???

Am I missing something here or are the Illians the only civ not to have a world spell?

Since I'm close to finishing my first game at .31 and I'm currently the Illians, I have an observation to make and, hopefully, someone can straighten me out and let me know where I'm wrong since I'll be starting the Tower of Mastery in only a few turns and the world will declare war on me.

Am I missing something or are the Illians at a severe disadvantage being agnostic? Unlike Cassiel who has a unit that fills the "discipline" (or, at least, inquisitor) roll and has tons of adventurers to make up for the loss, Ulric doesn't APPEAR to have any substitute available to him. Even his hero, Wilboman, is a poor substitute for other civs' (and religions') heros since he isn't particularly strong, doesn't have any spells that he can cast, and cannot go through any desert areas.

Is there something that I've overlooked that evens the odds a bit?
It's that time of the day for me to add a BUNCH of posts -- at which time the developers and other people just shake their heads and say Omegon3 is back at it...

Playing the Illians, it strikes me that a really good improvement for the "agnostic" civs/leaders would be to allow them to -- at minimum -- adopt the "Council of Esus" as their national religion since it's NOT really a religion and offers no disciple units. While the other religions certainly indicate a belief in some type of god (lower case "g"), the Council does not lend to this belief given what I know of it.

Any how, take this input for whatever it is worth.... Just an idea.
Since I'm close to finishing my first game at .31 and I'm currently the Illians, I have an observation to make and, hopefully, someone can straighten me out and let me know where I'm wrong since I'll be starting the Tower of Mastery in only a few turns and the world will declare war on me.

Am I missing something or are the Illians at a severe disadvantage being agnostic? Unlike Cassiel who has a unit that fills the "discipline" (or, at least, inquisitor) roll and has tons of adventurers to make up for the loss, Ulric doesn't APPEAR to have any substitute available to him. Even his hero, Wilboman, is a poor substitute for other civs' (and religions') heros since he isn't particularly strong, doesn't have any spells that he can cast, and cannot go through any desert areas.

Is there something that I've overlooked that evens the odds a bit?

Same answer--the Illians are not finished and thus should not be played if you want to have a fulfilling game.
The Illians have yet to be 'polished'. They will be given coll mechanics, world spell, etc. during the next phase, 'Ice'. Ice will probably not start for several months, so until then I wouldn't play the Illians.
Thanks for the feedback, Rex!!! I guess that, given this, the post following your answer can be ignored. I was just under the impression, given their availability and some improvements listed by Kael, that they were ready to play.

I'll avoid the Illians until "Ice".
1. Treetop Defense is supposed to be removed, but my Nature I Adept can still cast it.

The Treetop Defense promotion was removed from the game, not the spell.
When I have the time to make a new modmod, I'm definitely going to improve the Illians (I had already added a Disciple of the Hand and Illian Inquisitor non-religious disciple UUs for the Illians in a couple .30 versions that I somehow broke.)
When I have the time to make a new modmod, I'm definitely going to improve the Illians (I had already added a Disciple of the Hand and Illian Inquisitor non-religious disciple UUs for the Illians in a couple .30 versions that I somehow broke.)
MagisterCultuum, you keep referencing a mod on which you are working. When do you expect that this will be out? It sounds pretty neat!!
The impression I got from reading some of the information interchange for release .31 was that there were several scenarios introduced at this time (of course, I could be wrong -- I usually am according to my family!!). However, when I look at the "Single", "Scenarios" form the scenarios listed appear to be those found in the standard game except for, I'm guessing, the "Earth_IceAge". Can someone tell me which, if more than "IceAge" are FfH scenarios?

MagisterCultuum, you keep referencing a mod on which you are working. When do you expect that this will be out? It sounds pretty neat!!

No time soon. I haven't started on the .31 version yet, and haven't been able to figure out why my more recent, incomplete attempts at a .30 modmod keep crashing.

I did release a modmod for .30f, but there is a lot I'd like to add/change from that. It is in the "Magister Modmod thread in the Scenarios/maps/modmods sub-forum, but unfortunately (due to a hacker) you can no longer download it. Maybe I should repost the old version sometime?

I really won't have time for quite a while. I'm about a month behind on a group project due Friday (with other parts of the project due next month). I may not really have time to work on it until summer (and since I'm taking summer classes this year, not as much then), but I'll probably do some work event though it isn't wise.

I really shouldn't be taking the time to answer this.

The impression I got from reading some of the information interchange for release .31 was that there were several scenarios introduced at this time (of course, I could be wrong -- I usually am according to my family!!). However, when I look at the "Single", "Scenarios" form the scenarios listed appear to be those found in the standard game except for, I'm guessing, the "Earth_IceAge". Can someone tell me which, if more than "IceAge" are FfH scenarios?


The Scenarios have not been made yet, but the scenario screen has been added, giving some (very limited) info (mostly just the scenario names and the names of what part of Erebus they take place in) on the scenarios that Ice will add.
Thanks again Kael and all for allowing me to waste a significant portion of the day and my girlfriend's time. :D :D :D
A request for a tiny cosmetic change:

The "buttons" for Rebase and Aerial Recon "modern", i.e. binoculars and an airplane. Replace them with a hawk and a nest, or something else appropriate.
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