[MOD] Fall from Heaven II

is there any PRE MADE maps that is compatible to FFH2?

seems that all maps i played using this mod result in crash

I'm just stopping in to note a very minor peev concerning the Ancient Forest. In a nutshell, I think the AF's are over powered. I love that they add tile bonuses, which greatly help out non-elven races, but in conjunction with the elf races & Guardian of Nature they are too beneficial. In my last game as the Ljosalfar I had cities with 30+pop (I think) & no significant sickness - a feat relatively undoable for the other civs. It in effect make the elf races, with the right civics, cultural, scientific, production powerhouses popping out GL's left & right.

A suggestion to fix that would be to increase the rate at which forest become ancient forests; make em more rare - and if possible make AF's non existant until the civ has been FoL for 100 turns.

Cosmetically, I have a bone with AF's insofaras they don't look very ancient. They are actually a brighter green than regular forest, which to me suggests new growth - ancients should be pretty well established & as we see in people ancient doesn't mean healthy. My suggestion is to make them more "autumnal" in color or throw in some "dead wood". Also, is it possible to get some variety in their growth pattern? Maybe create two or three varieties of AF's - autumnal color scheme, original growth pattern & color, and a new pattern.

Just my thoughts on Ancient Forests - do with them what you like.

I believe this is the map Rex rgis is referring to, correct me if I'm wrong. ;)

I may have to try out a couple of these maps myself, though I've been having a lot of fun with the Creation mapscript. Oh, and obligatory :p kudos to cephalo, since it is excellent.
is there any PRE MADE maps that is compatible to FFH2?

seems that all maps i played using this mod result in crash

I may have to try out a couple of these maps myself, though I've been having a lot of fun with the Creation mapscript. Oh, and obligatory :p kudos to cephalo, since it is excellent.

I can second his opinion about the creation mapscript (found here], it´s very nice
I'm now into my second game at the release .31 level and I have noticed something extremely annoying and worrisome in the games...

Since I went down to playing "large" rather than "huge" maps I hadn't had many major system hangups (the system locks up and a high-pitched buzzing sound starts -- typically I need to shut the computer down and restart it when this happens since I can't even do a ctrl-alt-del to shut the game down when this happens). Typically I might have hit this once every two or three games.

In my first game (playing "lakes" that, for some reason, causes me more fits than maps with a lot of water -- any land map does the same) the system hangup must have occurred four or five times. In my current game, only up to about turn 260, it has happened twice.

This MIGHT be just a coincidence but... Is anyone else having a problem at the .31 level?
I'm now into my second game at the release .31 level and I have noticed something extremely annoying and worrisome in the games...

Since I went down to playing "large" rather than "huge" maps I hadn't had many major system hangups (the system locks up and a high-pitched buzzing sound starts -- typically I need to shut the computer down and restart it when this happens since I can't even do a ctrl-alt-del to shut the game down when this happens). Typically I might have hit this once every two or three games.

In my first game (playing "lakes" that, for some reason, causes me more fits than maps with a lot of water -- any land map does the same) the system hangup must have occurred four or five times. In my current game, only up to about turn 260, it has happened twice.

This MIGHT be just a coincidence but... Is anyone else having a problem at the .31 level?

This is probably a stupid question but you changed any other game settings such as screen resolution?
I have actually experienced my first three ever CTD's with FFH since going to .31 but I am willing to just live with random crash while the bugs are worked out. That's what autosave is for.

On the positive side, is the game running much quicker and smoother for anyone else since going to .31?
I have actually experienced my first three ever CTD's with FFH since going to .31 but I am willing to just live with random crash while the bugs are worked out. That's what autosave is for.

On the positive side, is the game running much quicker and smoother for anyone else since going to .31?
The game does seem to be going faster later in the game (when I'm not experiencing crashes). By the way, despite being a programmer I don't hav e a a clue what a "CTD" is...??? I just had to crash my computer hard; I'm a little afraid of really crashing it.
For the longest time I couldn't figure out when I got druids and when I didn't. Then I finally thought I saw a pattern... Good civs got paladins, bad civs got eidolons, and (again I thought!) neutral civs got druids (actually my favorite since druids could also create treants).

But either something has changed in the game or I was mistaken...

I'm currently playing the Grigori (with Cassiel) and, after getting "Commune with Nature", I eagerly went into my best city (one having a grove!) to schedule the druids. But, much to my surprise, no druids.

My question is whether or not something was changed in the game so that, perhaps, you must be "Way of the Leaf" to get druids? If that is the case, then is there a substitute for "neutral" civs (to replace paladins and eidolons)?

Patch "d" is linked int he first post. it won't break saves and it resolves the following issues:

1. Adepts only get free level 1 sphere ranks if you have 2 sources of that mana.
2. Mages get a free sphere 2 ranks if you have 3 of that mana.
3. Archmages get a free sphere 3 ranks if you have 4 of that mana.
4. Religion will be carried over when units upgrade.
5. Increased the duration of Entangle from 1 round to 2 rounds.
6. Angel's of Death lose the ability to perform spy missions (except investigate).
7. Shadows regain the ability to investigate.
8. Hunters/rangers Beastmasters lose the ability to build camps (was causing WoC's).
9. Fixed an error with the Dispel Magic spell.
10. Fixed an error in the Bandit Nietz event that would cause Nietz to be broken on creation.
11. Fixed an issue with the "Last Days" game option (formorlly it doubled the effect if the option wasn't selected).
Omegon3, the Lunnotar are a unique unit for the Druids. The Grigori gain access to them at Arcane Lore(?).
This is a change? Last time I played the Grigori the Lunnotar were a substitute for inquisitors and they were able to train three druids when they learned "Commune with Nature." If this is now the case, then the Grigori are still short on units since they wouldn't have any type of disciple units...
11. Fixed an issue with the "Last Days" game option (formorlly it doubled the effect if the option wasn't selected).

Whoa... How long has this been happening? Like, any game that I've played since the release of Shadow or just the last major patch?
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