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[MOD] Genetic Era for Warlords

I have downloaded the new version and the game loads but I get several error messages about tag files missing. The game loads but I have no interface to play with. I have ver .8 & .9 and they work fine. HELP
Sorry guys... I am really busy right now with school and things. Coalman...

coalman said:
I have downloaded the new version and the game loads but I get several error messages about tag files missing. The game loads but I have no interface to play with. I have ver .8 & .9 and they work fine. HELP

You need to download patch 2 and install over version .95. That should get it working.
Will there be a BtS version of this? And could you post it as a .zip format instead of .rar?
A BtS version is planned but right now life has got me pretty busy and CivIV is low on the priority list. I expect that it may be bumped up on the list around Christmas time but I have a lot to do in other parts of my life before then.

I will post a working current version (version 0.95 patch 2) in its entirety so that the patches don't have to be downloaded seperately (I don't think the full version entirely works without the patches).

I can post it in zip format unless there are any objections.

BTW... the task of converting would be less daunting if I had some help so if anyone is interested, I may be able to get the BtS version done sooner. I would still do the SDK work but there is a lot of XML convestion to be done as well.
I may get flamed for this question, but so be it, I relay would like to play this Mod. I have spent an hour looking for instructions on how to download it and install it correctly in my game.:rolleyes: I have downloaded it, placed it in the mod folder in civ IV but the game does not find it. :mad:So I am asking what I am doing incorrectly, please keep in mind you will be posting to a person who knows very little about computers.:sad:
I may get flamed for this question, but so be it, I relay would like to play this Mod. I have spent an hour looking for instructions on how to download it and install it correctly in my game.:rolleyes: I have downloaded it, placed it in the mod folder in civ IV but the game does not find it. :mad:So I am asking what I am doing incorrectly, please keep in mind you will be posting to a person who knows very little about computers.:sad:

This mod is for Warlords. Please make sure you installes it into the mods folder for warlords, not civ. and be sure to have the correct patch for warlords

Yours, Zoid
Done, and thanks. :thumbsup: It their a set of instructions for downloading modes somewhere, after I posted this I continued to search the FAQ but so far have been unable to find any? On a side note any chance you may in the future rework this to work with Beyond The Sword? Thanks again.:)
Not sure what is going on, Mod loads fine, Warrior moves correctly, however when I try to found my first city I am dropping to the desk top:blush:
Not sure what is going on, Mod loads fine, Warrior moves correctly, however when I try to found my first city I am dropping to the desk top:blush:

Don´t know. Have you installed path 2.13 or 2.08. If you have 2.08, then install Warlords patch 2.13. If you already have installed 2.13, I have no idea.

Stuff I've noticed:

I'm running Civ4 Gold on a Core 2 Duo T5300 with 2GB of RAM and an Intel GMA 950... so some bugs may be due to the fact that my graphics card is below minimum specs. But hear me out first.

(Possible) Bugs-I'm sure some of them have been mentioned, but hey:
Turns seem to be erratic in how long they take to finish. I think this is probably a function of how many units there are-I carpet nuked a civilization and turn times shortened again for a bit. :)

Combat resolution may be borked-I lost an attack drone to an Outlaw. Yes, it was in a city defending, but that was a level 2 Attack Drone, full health, with Combat I, fighting a level 2 Outlaw (City Garrison I and II) in a city with a 20% defense bonus. Getting damaged, I could expect, but dying? Whaaat? And no, this wasn't a one-time thing. I blasted the outlaw with a hover armor... only to lose it to a spearman.

On that note, it seems that Zepplins and Biplanes are too powerful. They were doing as much damage as my stealth fighters, drones, and stealth bombers. This may be related to the strange combat resolution that I've found.

A couple of description texts have very strange numbers.

Plains are showing the event "Lost in the Doldrums" with a percentage chance of "1000000-1" or something similar.

The Attack Drone says it has +1% city attack-I have no idea why.

Tomahawk Cruise Missiles don't seem to do anything.

The Stealth Fighter is ~20% cheaper than the Stealth Bomber but better in almost every way.

The combat odds do not show up for Attack Drones, Cyborgs, and Hover Armor.

The Orbital Bomber units can only be built in the city you have the Apollo Project in. No other cities can build this unit.

Underwater bases cannot build naval units, which really sucks.

Partisans (or whatever they were called) and Snipers have near-identical stats, except the first cost less and the second are a national unit.

Snipers and Commandos have near identical stats except the first is cheaper, more powerful, and has a higher cap.

Stuff that probably isn't bugged but I dislike:
Arcology is spelled "Arcology", not "Arkology". My internet connection at the dorm isn't working well right now, so I haven't looked into it in depth, but there's a couple of typos. The biggest offender is "Infantrie Mobile", which isn't in English. That would translate to... "Mobile Infantry", I think.

The model for the cyborg looks horrible, IMO. I don't know any alternatives, but there's got to be some other model you can use. Maybe one of the BtS variants.

Mechanized Infantry does not upgrade further.

All your units need tips. Even short ones would be nice.

The name "Airwolf" is silly. I think it should be something like "Advanced Attack Helicopter" instead.

Stuff that I really want:
Actual flavor text for every new unit. If you want, I can volunteer to write you the text itself. It shouldn't be that hard to stick it in, right? (not very fluent in Civ4 modding)

Proper non-placeholder models for all the units. This I can't help you with, sadly enough.

I want a spy plane or two, with little attack power but low cost to do aerial recon. This could start off as a propeller driven recon plane, upgrade into the Predator drone, and then into the CtP2 style spy plane we know and love.

A few more infantry units. An interim one between Mech. Infantry and Cyborgs would be great-like, say, Exoskeletons (read up on DARPA's plans to field powered armor for US infantry within a few decades), much like "Infantrie Mobile" is a interim between standard Infantry and Mech. Infantry. And allow Mech. Infantry to upgrade to Cyborgs.

Or, as a potential alternative-remove Cyborgs as a unit entirely, and instead add it as an advantage that Gunpowder units can acquire from being built in a city that has a Cyber Lab. In that case, you could have some crazy future infantry, like hover infantry or infantry drones.

Gun-Equipped bandits after the archer ones-if you've watched a single Western in your life, you know why you need these in the game. Call them... Vigilantes, maybe?

Bandit Horse Archers should upgrade into its own tree of special operations cavalry.

Cavalry should upgrade to armor, not helicopters. Seriously.

A giant fricking robot or two, just because, in the vein of the CtPII War Walker.

Another unit I want that probably won't make it in, but hey, while I'm at it: Stealth helicopters. The Comanche is awesome. Have Stealth Helo as an upgrade alternative to Airwolf/the "Advanced Attack Helicopter", with lower attack but faster movement and some invisibility, and then have it upgrade to a "Stealthed Attack Drone".

Cyborg Commandos after Commandos, Snipers, and Guerillas. Come on, we need another upgrade step in the special operations tree. They rapidly become very limited in usage when Mech. Infantry show up, as those have twice the movement ability, lots more strength, and the ability to shoot at aircraft. When Cyborgs and nastier things show up, they're near-obsolete.

A Future Spy unit.

Modern/Future defensive structures. The CtP2 forcefield would be real nice here.

I also want some additional unit abilities that are only unlocked in the future. Examples:

Point Defense: -25% damage from air strikes, -25% collateral damage. Probably unlocked by either Microprocessors or Robotics.

Nanorepair: Heals 15% additional (for that unit only)-unlocked by Nanites, obviously.

Camouflage: Whee, invisible mode!

Urban Warfare: +25% city attack and defense, available for infantry units only.

Some more Modern and Future Wonders. And some more Modern/Future facilities and tile improvements, too! Some Ideas I have:
Cornucopia Vats (facility): increase food gained from all tiles, especially tiles that normally don't generate food (yay nanotechnology!)
Blitzkrieg (national wonder): add City Raider I to all armor units built, obsoleted by Antigrav.
Nanoimmune System (national wonder): Adds +health and happiness to all cities
Sentient AI (world wonder): Some research bonus, give "Combat I" to all drone units.
Probability Twister (world wonder): Reduces the chance of negative events and increases the chance of positive ones
Wow that is a long list! I will address these as I have time. We are currently looking to port the mod to BTS and we hope to have it done by Christmas if I get the help I need. So far I have one volunteer. I have been taking a break from CivIV and currently have a pretty busy schedule but I miss playing so I will probably start it back up again soon.

1. Erratic turn times should be expected. There have been some extra steps added to moving units to keep track of which units are eligible for events. The more units that move, the longer the turn (naturally... but especially now). Also, some turns happen without events. Other trigger events and handling them takes a bit of processor time.

One last thing: Expect a long turn time when a player gets the satellites tech. Remember that the AI has to make all tiles visible to a player. This takes a few extra milliseconds now that I have put a "discovery" map into memory to help the AI make quicker decisions about where to explore.

2. I have noticed on occasion some very strange roles as well. They don't happen too often but... they are annoying when they do. I am not sure if this is dumb luck or a bug. But we have not changed (as far as I know) the way that combat works so it is either dumb luck or a little of bad balancing of some stats.

3. Strange numbers. I am not sure how to deal with this issue yet because Firaxis did not put in an easy way to handle keyboard and mouse message input. If you notice when you select a unit and right click on an area associated with a type of an event, it will tell you the odds. I could not do this without using a round about method involving python because Firaxis did not include a "message pump" (input handler) as part of the SDK. Only their python code is capable of handling the right click message. In effect the C++ code calls python and python calls C++ in return to store some important data.

If you see these numbers, it means that the a python variable for displaying the info has been set, but a unit has not been selected.

4. I agree about the tomahawk missles, but I did not add them. I am uncertain why they were added. That was Dub's addition.

5. The stealth fighter should behave like a fighter and bomber like a bomber but I will eventually look into it. In my opinion, this is the way that it should be except that the fighter should not be allowed to make "bombing runs." IMO ALL the fighters are more useful in CivIV. Maybe we should make them more expensive.

6. Hmmm... that is interesting about the hover items. I will have to check up on that eventually. It seems some code must be added when formatting information who's domain is domain "all"

more later
No man

if you are still having problems, save a game just before the crash and attach it to an email and send to geneticeramod@yahoo.com. I will see if I can help.
I was wondering if I could get some help, first while trying to load the mod, warlords always stops working at the same point. Also I downloaded the patch and I don't see where I am supposed to extract the files to. Thanks for any help, I really want to try out this mod.

P.S. I just downloaded the newest version and patch 2
Any news about BtS project? I would like to suggest to cut of many of features which are not 100% finished yet.
I mean I would like to play Genetic Era mod even without future techs, there are some fine modification before future tech too. For example my favorites were wonder +1 food on water and national wonder distribution network :D

anyway, are you going to release a BtS version of this mod?
If yes I would like to recommend a step by step mod releasing.
Write mod from the ancient era, no hurry, and give us step by step testing every new features. I also recommend to create new topic :) maybe a project subforum as I mentioned before :p

oh I just forget about one of the most important thing... implement multiplayer from the first version!
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