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[MOD] Sevo's CivFanatics Fusion 2.0

Ah, downloading the update was a bad idea. It really has had a few CTD errors. I'd suggest that most people refrain from using it with Sevo's Mod.

mrwhite89 said:

Just wanted to say I enjoy your mod very much. Unfortunately since I installed the new patch I have encountered some nasty problems (lack of interface the most glaring problem). So I'll simply wait......patiently......for the new versio...............AAAARRRRGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Please hurry! ;)

There is a way of turning interface on and off ingame can't remember how though you sure you can't just turn it back on?
Sevo said:
First, I'm going to lose my FREAKING MIND :wallbash: :suicide:

The "bad" news is that the SDK has been released...which means I can start messing with the AI and how they work...I want to see if I can create an AI that plays as well as a mid-grade human. But first things first. :)

I think I'm falling in love with you, sevo. J/K:lol: But, really, your work is something I think about even when I'm washing dishes sometimes. And you're an anesthesioligist, so obviously you're extremely intelligent. but yea..anyways thanks for getting around to answering me so quickly :)

Sobsob said:
There is a way of turning interface on and off ingame can't remember how though you sure you can't just turn it back on?

No, I tried that. There were other little bugs too. Like an error message while the game was loading, etc. I 'll just have to wait for Sevo to work his magic and come up with an update. I've gotten so used to playing the game with his mod, it's going to be wierd going back to vanilla for a while.:twitch:
The lack of interface may be the patch itself, not the patch in combination with Sevo's mod.
I had a problem where the interface was gone, as well as during loading, a blanck tech advisor screen would appear. Do you get that too?
If so, you need to rename your Custom Assets folder (try adding an "_Old" or similar). That immediately cleared up the problem, for me and for a few others too.
scienide09 said:
The lack of interface may be the patch itself, not the patch in combination with Sevo's mod.
I had a problem where the interface was gone, as well as during loading, a blanck tech advisor screen would appear. Do you get that too?
If so, you need to rename your Custom Assets folder (try adding an "_Old" or similar). That immediately cleared up the problem, for me and for a few others too.

The interface loss issue is a result of the GlobalDefines.xml file in the main mod directory listing the older version. For a quick-fix, just delete it and the mod should at least have text back.

Buuuuttt....I'll be releasing the Sevomod 3.0 tomorrow. If you want to wait for that. Just a thought. :D


I'm holding off on a couple of features in order to get a 1.61 compatible version out as quickly as possible, but they're pretty much appearance and interface issues, not gameplay stuff.

And you guys thought it would be released with Duke Nukem' Forever...
Shame that my Civ IV dictionary is nonexsistant (The one where I put mods in, yet I can still play Greek World and etc somehow)

Anyway, I can't wait. :)

Edit: Woohoo, I fixed my problem.
Sevo's 3.0 and Blue Marble Terrain 2.0 coming out on the same day? Happy Easter everyone!
Changelog for version 3.0, FYI

Version 2.4++
-Modified Existing Traits: Expansive: Changed half-price Harbor to Aqueduct; Organized changed hp Lighthouse to Market
-Created Nationalistic Trait: 10% combat in own territory ALL units, 5% city defense in own territory, half-cost walls, castle.
-Created Scientific Trait (Credits to Impaler[WrG] for concept): 15% increase in Scientific output, half price library, observatory
-Created Seafaring Trait (Navigation I, Combat I promos to all naval units, melee units get amphibious promo, half price harbor, lighthouse)
-Created Progressive Trait: Free Specialist in all cities of size 3 or greater. Half price monastaries
-Merged CivGold Civs; removed all previous new leaderheads except Solomon, Ostenaco and Hiram; Removed a few of the CivGold leaders.
-Assigned unique traits to all new leaderheads; no combination of traits is duplicated.
-New Unit: Military Freighter (late game transport) (Sharik's model)
-New Unit Mesh for F15 (American UU) (Rabbit,White's design)
-New Unit Mesh for Nuclear Submarine (C.Roland's design)
-Deleted gutenberg's print shop, Tsukiji fish market wonders.
-Hyapist changes: str dec to 4, +50% city defense
-Deleted Jet Bomber
-Gaelic Warrior changes: dropped Forest Promos; now +10% city attack, 25% w/drawl chance.
-Decreased strength of all wood ships (Ironclads should dominate wooden vessels, after all! And a frigate should never stand a chance against a modern destroyer.)
-Dropped sentry II from Aegis, increased tech requirement to composites
-Adjusted research/cash/culture sliders to 5% increments (thanks Pine)
-Settler Religion: Now only a 5% chance of religion spreading with new settler. It was too powerful and almost negated the need to spread your own religion from city to city, but the historical idea is still interesting, so I'm keeping it, just in a very weakened form.
-Fixed unit group sizes, melee/ranged wave sizes. (Hopefully this will stop the strange times combat ends with a unit still standing on one side or the other...)
-Rearranged upgrade paths for all gunpowder infantry units to correct odd upgrade options.
-Modified and balanced bonuses/strength of bazooka, SAM, Navy Seals, Mobile Inf., Mechanized Inf.
-Created nice new RealFort / Fort Promotion Icons. Modified the Fort1 - Fort3 bonuses.
-Rearranged Leaderheads/Civs so they appear in alpha order on menus.
-Decreased shock3 promotion to 35% (was 50%)
-Reworked TechConquest: Tech points granted now take into account: Game speed (longer games require more points but this was not factored in), population of defeated city, and how advanced the conquering civ is compared to the technology being learned. Primitive technologies are learned more easily, more advanced technologies will garner smaller gains.
-Incorporated TheLopez's Specialist Stacker Mod
-Incorporated Zuul's nifty Exotic Animals mod, with several changes.
-Added the TechWindow ModComp by SirRethcir
-Added the KillList mod by Roger Bacon, made modifications to allow killLists to carry across unit upgrades without needing random naming to keep them. Also records creation date, unit promotions, and upgrades.
-Updated and improved many of the unit/civ buttons
-Decreased the base cost for spies to sabotage improvements
-Increased animal and barbarian xp limits to 10 and 17 respectively.
-Increased max experience after upgrade to 17
-Increased unit damage, pop loss, building loss, and fallout from nukes. Nuclear war should be devastating, damnit.
-Decreased Nuke interception of SDI from 75% to 50%, 'cause come on, that thing is never going to work! Ha-ha!
-Increased all of the spaceship components' costs by 50%-100%. Achieving a spaceship victory should be much more difficult, especially with the longer tech in the late eras.
-Changed ancient temples: decreased commerce bonus from 5 to 3. Lasts for 5 turns then grants 1 time coin bonus like goody hut, then disappears.
-Corrected Cure for Cancer to be a world wonder (thanks PINE)
-Implemented "Jungle Burn": Any city founded WITHIN THE FIRST TEN turns of a game will have all jungle in the nine-square city border "burned" (removed). This is basically to allow fair starts in MP games for the unlucky civs that find themselves buried in the middle of the Amazon and stand no chance.
-Created Real Slavery: Adopting the slavery civic grants a 25% chance to enslave defeated land units as workers. Changing from the slavery civic frees the slaves and they are lost.
-Created Slave unit: single worker with 50% efficiency
-Incorporated TheLopez's Great People Combo Mod: Statesmen and Soldiers. (Doctors dropped); heavy customization done with graphics, attributes.
-New Building: Infrastructure -- created by great statesmen and provide multiple city bonuses.
-New Building: Military Academy -- +3 xp to all units created in this city. Built by Great Generals.
-11 New Techs, all in the industrial and modern eras. These were placed to help slow progression of the late game eras.
-Six new wonder buildings: Statue of Zeus, Art of Artillery, Fairchild Corp, Raytheon Corp, Lockheed Corp, MIL corp
-Six new wonder-based units: Medieval Infantry, Bronze Cannon, A-10 Thunderbolt, Mobile Sam, F117 Stealth, Mi26 Halo
-Incorporated appropriate changes from 1.61 Game patch, specifically with civic upkeep levels, Expansive civs.
if it was 1st of april I'd think you're joking :) 1.61patch is just a few days old and you already made the new mod compatibel!!! :) you're awesome :) Firaxis should make you get some of their profit since I have some friends who bought civ4 just because they knew of your mod :) they saw at my comp the standard gameplay and weren't really impressed, then they saw the modding you(and your contributors) have done and they said:"ow, i need that game" :)
Sevo, I really appreciate all the work you're doing, and you take time to post in this forum to keep us up to date, but maybe a mailing list would be nice?

this forum sometimes doesn't send me all the messages, but I like to recieve anything that is said here by you..comments, advise, info about upcomming changes in your mod, etc etc..maybe you keep all of those who are interested in your mod"i assume there are many" in a mailing list so we just get a mail from you..so we don't need to check the website here all the time..instead we just get an email which informs us? :)

of course, I understand you have alot of other work to do..and im not sure how much work a mailing list would be..but if it's not to much work, or you planned such a list anyway..add me! :)
I have some friends who bought civ4 just because they knew of your mod :) they saw at my comp the standard gameplay and weren't really impressed, then they saw the modding you(and your contributors) have done and they said:"ow, i need that game" :)
That is prehaps the best thing a modder can hear of. People buying a game based on soley on their mod.
Jeppson said:
Is the 3.0 realesed or not? if so where can I download it?
Jeppson..when you look at the date that Sevo post that message, it was 16 april, he said "tomorrow" that means +1..16+1=??? do the math! :) next question: "what day is it today?" :)

give the man a brake!! :) im sure he'll do anything as fast as he can..the guy has a family too!! :))
I just got an idea, probally too late to implement if you like it, but maybe for 3.1 (assuming there will be a 3.1)
Anyway, CIV has always aggrevated me in how inconsequential your navy is. My idea is stolen from Rome: Total War. I'd like to see the blockade system from that game somehow added to civ. In rome a ship could blockade a port city and severely cut down its commerece, so much so that unless you broke the blockade soon the city would quickly becaome a huge drain on your rescources.
For civ a ship could be next to a port and have a 'blockade port button' which would work like fortify, and for as long as the city was blockaded it would get no commerece from trade routes and have its base commerece cut by X%
First of all this is an amazing mod:goodjob:
just one complaint, whenever I go into the city sceen the score list stays on covering the specialist side
anyway, great mod non the less
Good Sauce said:
I just got an idea, probally too late to implement if you like it, but maybe for 3.1 (assuming there will be a 3.1)
Anyway, CIV has always aggrevated me in how inconsequential your navy is. My idea is stolen from Rome: Total War. I'd like to see the blockade system from that game somehow added to civ. In rome a ship could blockade a port city and severely cut down its commerece, so much so that unless you broke the blockade soon the city would quickly becaome a huge drain on your rescources.
For civ a ship could be next to a port and have a 'blockade port button' which would work like fortify, and for as long as the city was blockaded it would get no commerece from trade routes and have its base commerece cut by X%

That's a good idea. My only suggestion is to only have sea-based trade with foreign cities be cut off. Overland trade should not be effected. :goodjob:
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