Modern Warfare 2 - discussion and recruitment

CS itself had the better gameplay, but right now CS:Source is the best I'd say yes. Clan and mix wars are just the best gaming experience and cant be beaten by MW2 or any other game. The good thing about CS is that you have a lot of options to track down, detect and perma-ban cheaters.
It's not cheating, it's skill. It's not like IW hasn't been working to fix those problems. Lightweight was nerfed by a lot so its almost a useless perk nowadays, same with the 1887 and the care package glitch.

And, I love getting nukes. I'm about to hit my 5th prestige on the ps3.

Edit: AK-47 + Silencer with SOH pro, cold blooded pro and ninja pro with ump + tactical knife as secondary.

Edit2: I hate the ACR. I love how it has no recoil whatsoever, but I hate how weak it is in close combat even with stopping power. TAR's eat up ACR players for lunch...
Are you kidding? How is glitching skill, at all? I don't think Marathon-Lightweight-Commando with tac knife is a glitch, and I do think it takes skill (give up your gun and see how hard it is). But the actual glitches are not skillful.
Are you kidding? How is glitching skill, at all? I don't think Marathon-Lightweight-Commando with tac knife is a glitch, and I do think it takes skill (give up your gun and see how hard it is). But the actual glitches are not skillful.

I wouldnt call it cheating, but I certainly wouldnt call it skill. It is exploiting the program.

However, its also exploiting the program to use methods to get easy kills. Case in point, although the game contains grenade launchers (noobtubes), and perks like last (final) stand or marty, using those in game doesnt really take any skill to implement - it takes skill to avoid them. Anyone can rush into a group of enemy, die and kill a few to a marty, just like anyone can launch a noobtube for cheap kills. Not everyone can fire accurately while maneuvering or display the same situational awareness.

Taking advantages of such glitches is bad, but imho pretty much on the same level as using cheese to make up for lack of skill.
Marathon-Lightweight-Commando with tac knife is not a glitch, my 12 kill kill streak was done sans bullets.

Hmmmm, how do you fellas feel about riot shields?
It is when you combine it with the care package glitch.
It is when you combine it with the care package glitch.

Okay yeah, that is bull

Not having the game I have no idea what the care package does. What does it do?

When you earn 4 kills in a row, if one of your kill streak rewards is a care package, you throw a signal flare that has red smoke, about 10 seconds later a helicopter comes by and drops a crate.

They give you different random things - radar - anti radar - attack helicopter to support you, bomber support etc

Anyway, when you hold the flare and prepare to throw it your avatar bends at the waste, imagine 1/3rd down to tie your shoes, at a 60 (???I am not good with angles) degree angle. I imagine this is to make you harder to hit as you prepare to throw it.

Anyway, you can hold the flare in your hand and not throw it, on top of crouching and not being easy to hit, you run a good (guesstamating here) 35% faster. It makes your jumps faster and you can use it to jump left or right without looking to the left or right. (keeping your eyes on the target)

This makes it hard to shoot someone who is doing that.

Not to mention, they get close to you and switch to tactical knife and that makes it impossible to knife them before they knife you.

It is's really cheap.

I am looking forward to unlocking the ranger shotgun and going akimbo (holding one in each hand). When ever someone tries that bull on my sister she just switchs to them and blast in their general direction, you really can't miss at that range.
I don't think Marathon-Lightweight-Commando with tac knife is a glitch, and I do think it takes skill (give up your gun and see how hard it is). But the actual glitches are not skillful.

its really easy actually. honestly, getting a positive kd using the knife isn't too hard.

i used to knife only on WaW... now that was hard. the only advantage you could get was a bayonet. these days you can get lightweight and commando (aka glitch forward ten feet), it really isn't hard.
Yeah knifing was actually the first thing I did. My first class was lightweight-marathon-commando with a UMP and USP. I basically ran around never stopping and knifed people. I'd use a magazine on each kill, so I would get 3 kills tops with the UMP per killstreak and the rest with the knife. Its pretty easy to get a lot of kills with the knife and commando, but the care package thing jsut breaks it. I do love killing those really fast feckers though.
I hope your right.


I'll be sending you a friend request later tonight :)
Yeah, I think the next game, you should be able to get Model 1858 muskets and run around with them, akimbo, and have that to be the best freakin' weapon in the game. Modern Warfare 3, we can call it, but make the best gun in the game more than 100 years old. Great idea, right?
I am, sadly, totally addicted to this game. My obsessive compulsive side has made me a slave to my win/loss and K/D ratios, but I still manage to have fun somehow.

I agree with alot of whats being said in here, good and bad. First, a word about the spawn system: I designed a lot of homemade levels for COD4 MW1 with Radiant (crossroads, desert glory, & ruins, all still being played on some Mod servers) and have to say that a lot of the spawning issues are inherent in the way you have to design these levels. These maps were designed to not have very many "safe" zones to keep the flow playable between a very different variety of game-types, from simple deathmatch to King of the Hill style to CTF style. So there are not very many safe "spawn areas" like other FPS games used to have, (or still do, I don't play many other these days). Considering this, I think the spawning system is pretty good and it is more difficult to spawn camp in this game than in others, because spawn locations change.

Basically, each mode has different spawns, and within each mode there are different "game start" spawns and mid-game spawns. E.g. at the beginning of the game each team spawns in a predetermined place; but during the game the spawns change depending on where the enemies are or, in domination, what flags you hold.

Players will generally not spawn when an enemy is near them, and will instead begin spawning elsewhere where there are less enemies. BUT, you will occasionally be forced to spawn near an enemy since the game has to make a decision when the enemies are spread throughout the entire map, or your team holds all or none of the flags. When that occurs the spawning is more "random." But that is rare. (Which is also why it is a good strategy to generally NOT capture all the flags in domination; you can keep the other team cooped up in one flag area. If you hold all the flags the other team spawns randomly and will likely take another flag or two.)

So, the best the map designer can really do is place a whole bunch of generic spawns all over the place, in as "safe" a spot as the map designer can make. But the nature of the game is such that spawn locations often shift very quickly, and in some cases another team can still camp a spawn location if they stay away from the actual area itself and simply hang out at choke points. This is more noticeable on domination maps when one team only holds one flag.

With that said, I think the map designers in general did an excellent job with all of these maps, as they did with the last game. When you sit down and make one of these things you realize how hard it is to do well. For one, there are not very many places you can safely camp forever without anyone being able to get to you. Two, they generally adhere to the old FPS level design principle of having three routes to get from one end of the map to the other, with the ability to switch between these three routes as you take them. Three, all the maps function very well for a huge variety of game modes; they can be played on multiple different game modes ranging from CTF to sabotage and in each they play differently but still are very enjoyable.

End of that rant. Anyway, onto my complaints:

Totally agree with JohnRM that the majority (or at least the loudest portion) of the COD community online totally suck. Glitchers, complainers, nuke boosters, and people that don't go for the objectives in objective based games... they are all very annoying.

The care package glitch/tactical knife is really annoying, but by far the WORST thing now is the emergency air drop glitch; people have figured out a way to get unlimited EADs during a map. Ruins the game, and I will call out people on my own team for doing it too.

I know it's not a glitch, but the commando knifing is also throw-my-controller-against-the-wall annoying.

The lack of any user made maps or mods goes without saying. Awful, as I really enjoyed making maps for the last game. Also most of the new features were ripped from user mods, such as the tac nuke and tactical insertion.

And Activision sucks and would probably murder my children if they thought it could make them rich.

Favorite load outs

As far as my favorite load-outs, I change them all the time. Generally though I like Scavenger, Stopping Power/Cold Blooded, and Steady Aim. I have lately become addicted to silenced weapons. I have one runner class that uses a silenced SMG and lightweight and marathon for CTF and the first 30 seconds of Domination, when I like to run and grab B first thing. For CTF I can usually sneak around, surprise one or two people, and cap the flag and then run like hell.

Favorite guns in no particular order are FAMAS, M16, the ACR, AUG, TAR-21, SCAR-H, Barret, MP5K,& Uzi (it is a beast even without stopping power, which is why I like it). I pretty much always carry a Stinger as I cannot stand it when the enemy has a killstreak in the air. Nothing better than taking out the Chopper Gunner before they get one shot off! (Although the AC 130 requires teamwork, or dying and getting a third shot).

My favorite killstreak setup is either 3,4,5 for when I am doing poorly or use hardline, or 5,7,11 (chopper gunner) when I am doing better. UAV really helps out the team and I find I win more when I use it, as I will get it frequently throughout the match. I have yet to get a nuke and don't really care to waste a killstreak spot on it. I prefer chopper gunner right now as most people (other than me) don't really try and shoot it down and it's easier to get kills with it.

Now lets discuss MAP TACTICS!:

Domination: I always choose my runner class for the first death, as I will always try and run out and grab B first thing. I find on almost every map, holding B is crucial (except on Terminal; C is the crucial flag and B is usually not important or easy to hold). I will try and let the other team hold one flag while we hold B and either A or C, that way we know where they are spawning and can more easily defend our two. The exception is when we are losing and need to cap all three, or just totally dominating and it doesn't matter. On some maps it can be better to hold A or C plus B; for instance on Sub-base, I think it is easier to defend B from A's side. On Derail, I think it's easier to hold A and C as well as you can spawn camp C from the center building.

Demolition: Generally I find that the key to winning when you're planting is getting both bombs planted at the same time. I like to plant, stick around til there are 7 or 8 seconds or so, and go try and plant the other one if my teammates aren't really helping. If they are I will plant and then ditch it, running to the next bomb site, and hope they defend it. If you end up with one, the other team can hunker down and camp in one spot the whole time and it becomes very difficult unless you have a few very skilled players or your team really works together.

For defending, this really depends on the map and your teammates.

CTF: I usually am the runner here and just do my best to sneak behind enemy lines with a silenced SMG, grab it, and run like hell. I have found that its best to not even bother turning around when getting shot at as with lightweight and marathon I can outrun anyone. I love it when I get to overtime as I am always the first one to the flag.

HQ: I can't decide if its better to hold the "target" area and wait for it to become capturable, or hold the area immediately surrounding the target area, kill the enemy as they try to get to it, and then go in once it becomes capturable. This game mode seems really hit and miss as far as teammates.

Sabotage: I try and get the bomb first thing. You'd be surprised how many games you can win by just running out and grabbing it and beelining for their bomb site.

When that doesn't work I prefer being stealthy in this game mode. Anti-UAV actually is useful in this mode when you have the bomb, since it sucks to run around with a giant red KILL sign over your head!

I don't play the other game modes as much yet. I have tried S&D a few times and while fun I end up going back to one of the others. In this mode it's a huge advantage to be silenced, I think. I'm not a huge fan of Team Deathmatch.

Well that's my rant for this game.
I am, sadly, totally addicted to this game. My obsessive compulsive side has made me a slave to my win/loss and K/D ratios, but I still manage to have fun somehow.

Dear god, I thought I was the only one

I had one "guy" one playstation online account up yo lord knows how many kills and level 50 something. I was at .80 kills to death ratio and needed 1400 kills to make it even, I was pissed, but the fact of the matter is, it is the highest among 23 friends!!!!!! Most people are in the mid 60s.

There are just a few groups of guys out there owning everyone in sight ........

So because I've improved so much (but can't make up 1400, that will take an eternity) I started a back up, I know he will be at over 1, ..... I am only using him on free for all.

I hate to sound like a nerd, but I suck at FPS, when I get a 1 to 1 kill death ratio, that's when I say "I won". Don't get me wrong, I went 30 and 4 in a free for all match just this morning, and always come out top 3 now ........ But the ratio is haunting me.

Anyway, I've been doing some research on accuracy %s. Seeing as how I am only top 3 million in kills (out of 7 million PS3 players), but I am top 250K in accuracy and the best out of my friends, I decided to look into it.

Here is what I found.

85% accuracy puts you in the top 10K players.
25% in the top 100K
23% in top 250K
21 in top 800K
15% in top 3.5 million
12 in top 7 million (the bottom in reality)

I thought the gaps would be less drastic, but at least I know, I am a good shot *shrug* Yes I now using Shotgun only close up means high accuracy, but that's not what I do.

I think I would be much higher if it said "Accuracy with Assault Rifles"

Yeah, I think the next game, you should be able to get Model 1858 muskets and run around with them, akimbo, and have that to be the best freakin' weapon in the game. Modern Warfare 3, we can call it, but make the best gun in the game more than 100 years old. Great idea, right?


I am howling in laughter omg.
I know they're a lot of haters of it, but I still think CS Source is the best online shooter ever. Probably just nostalgia for some of the great LAN games I've had talking.

Don't let the 1.6ers hear you say that, they'll crucify you.

However, I agree, and so does my 2000+ hours of CS:S.
I only play hardcore - so that eliminates a lot of the complaints.

I will play sabotage every once in a while to try and work up to a nuke.

And when im bored, I go FFA with marathon pro, lightweight, and ninja to knife people. Because while it pisses you off to get by this guy - it's fun to be this guy.

And I see a lot of those glitches seem to be on console - not PC. So please stop playing so the console crap will crash and PC games will get some more attention.
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