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MP Game - RewriteHistory - 18civ EARTH map historical start position

I paused it with 4 hours on the clock.

Zeitkugel and Gitbliss still need to play.
Civstats shows some strange stuff, two new turns under 7 hours? Bug?

EDIT: Nvm. Because of reload, apparently...
My ISP is spotty today....they don't know why....

Just keep trying I guess.

Sorry :(
I don't exactly know what is going on....networking is not my area of expertise. :(

I can't get either of my computers to successfully "ping" anyone through Hamachi. I can see that certain people are online, but when I try to send a ping it times out. Any help would be appreciated.

Also, if there is a network person that could help me set up my wireless connection to work properly WITHOUT using Hamachi, I would be open to that option as well.

EDIT: I somehow just got way more educated on networking than I thought possible. I believe I have a non-hamachi connection figured out. I am sending PM's to the players I know are still active. IF I MISS SOMEONE, please PM me for connection details.
No good on the PM. A 192.168.x.x address is for private internal networks only.

Go to http://www.canyouseeme.org/
It shows your outside world IP. Put the game port in (2056). Hit check. If the server is running and everything is forwarded correctly, you should see

Success: I can see your service on on port (2056)
Your ISP is not blocking port 2056

Give us the IP shown instead of my fake one.
Ronnie, you seem to have paused the game. I was in the middle of my turn and still am.

I unpaused.
Just trying to give everyone time to get in....

I sent NEW PM's to everyone with NEW CONNECTION DATA!
That is one good site. What does it mean that I am getting a time out message when I type in the port for 2056.

I am having no problems connectiing via the Hamachi client, so does that mean you will be closing it down?

Blast the game is paused and I cannot play.
That is one good site. What does it mean that I am getting a time out message when I type in the port for 2056.

You'd have to be running a server on that port for it to work. The client just makes outbound connections on 2056, it doesn't receive them. Also handy for things like checking if your Bittorrent client (which is also a server) is forwarded correctly.
Hamachi is still running....it just wasn't working properly yesterday, so I finally figured out a direct connect option with help from Elkad! Thanks Elkad!

Let someone know when you want to play so it can get unpaused, there are only a couple hours on the timer and I was trying to avoid a reload.

Should not need a port #???
Starting When????
I will pull the game down until I here back from Indiansmoke, unless there are major objections from other players, in which case some sort of negotiated settlement must be reached.
Game is reloaded...and on we go!
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