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Multipolarity III - Game Thread

Tani Coyote

Son of Huehuecoyotl
May 28, 2007

By this point you know the rules, but let me recap in case anyone's new:

-Multipolarity is a franchise based on soft power, and it is not uncommon for there to be tensions! However, be courteous to other players. Disputes should remain in character and never be personal.
-When submitting orders, please send all in one PM and/or post. I will only count whichever one has the most detail in it.
-The GM is supreme, and may alter the map, rules and anything else at his whim.
-Please follow the IOT Forum Rules.
-In line with the above, the GM may issue penalties and bans with moderator consent.
-While you are free to use any information from chatrooms in your gameplay decisions, please do not post them in the thread, the social group, or any public place. It creates more tension and drama than it is worth.
-OOC insults are strictly forbidden. They will be treated as IC belligerence, which carries penalties. Do not do it.

World Map

Crash Course in MP3 History

Starting Out:

Choose 10 territories and a color. Then answer this template below; be as vague or as specific as you want:

Government: Scores brownie points with NPCs if you line up.
Currency: NPCs like to decide which currency to use based on your economic strength and alliances, bestowing benefits on you.

Economic Policy: 0-10, where 0 is zero regulations, and 10 is completely state-owned.
Social Policy: 0-10, where 0 is full libertarianism, whereas 10 is totalitaranism.

Failure to fill any of these will let the GM decide via his best judgement. You are free to clarify your positions on any stat.


Spoiler :
Order your armies to attack a territory. That is all.

You must border it, however. You can claim overseas but must settle the coastline first, and must have one ship per overseas claim.


Spoiler :
Roleplay helps keep the game from being a mechanical, dull nightmare. You will be rewarded for roleplay, as well, so if you have some spare time, don't hesitate to do some!

When at war, RPing your war plans will help your chances of victory. The more detailed, the better.

RP will sometimes have negative effects, but very rarely. Going around calling the world's nations names and having nothing to show for it but being embargoed will not bode well with your populace. OOC bickering will be treated as this, so don't do it.


Spoiler :
GDP * Tax Rate = Domestic Income
Domestic Income + Trade Revenue + Misc. Income = Total Income
Total Income + Vault = Spendable Income

Your Industry is a measure of your overall industrialisation. You can increase it by 1 for 25 gold.

You can adjust your tax rate, but doing so has consequences. Your nation's people get restless with higher taxes, especially if it is not re-invested in your economy. As a contrast, they get very happy with lower taxes, and while this will attract people and money from wealthier states, it starves your government of revenue.

To avoid giving you a migraine, the process of supply and demand is very streamlined.

There are two resources: energy and raw materials. Each occupied province randomly generates one of them per turn. Resources are first consumed by the nations they are in, and excesses are sold to international markets at varying prices.

Your Industry converts 1 energy and 2 raw materials into 1 good. Goods are automatically sold for 50 gold a pop at game start, but this amount increases over time (based on your industrial development), and your tax rate determines how much of that profit is sent to the government.

You can buy more resources off the international market, however, they will not arrive until the following turn.

However, your resources have other uses. 1 raw materials unit is consumed to build an army or navy unit. 1 energy must be spent each turn per 10 units to keep your armies and navies from becoming locked in place. To translate: you are self-sufficient at the beginning with 3 energy and 7 raw materials. You must begin the process of expansion to begin population and economic growth.

Your population is primarily used for army size, but it does grow over time; every 100 people will result in 1 extra gold per turn.

Energy CAN be spent in fractions! Raw materials cannot.

Unspent resources not specified to be kept in reserve will be used by your industry.


Spoiler :
Money doesn't just sit in a vault gathering dust. As soon as it's off the printing presses there's no shortage of what your state can spend it on.

You start with 100 in each technological field. Technology can at maximum double each turn.

-Trade tech. Improving your infrastructure for overseas trade is great if you intend to be a peaceful power. Every gold into trade = 1 point of trade.

-Armies. 5 gold, 1 raw materials and 1 manpower yields 1 army. Armies are necessary to expand into territory and hold what you have. Armies must be given missions each turn: Attack or defend.
-Navies. 10 gold, 1 raw materials and 0.2 manpower yields 1 navy. Navies control the seas and can block off areas for you. They also can shell inland. They have the following missions: Attack, Defend, Transport, Bombard. They can destroy trade shipping at a rate of 10 trade per navy (they must eliminate the target's navy first).

-Influence. 1 gold = 1 influence. Influence is basically a cumulative measure your PR machine, the use of your language, the prevalence of your culture, and the like. It accumulates naturally with roleplay and diplomacy, and helps NPCs determine their relationship with you. It also influences the chances of random countries liking or hating you.

-Army tech. Effectiveness of armies.

-Navy tech. Effectiveness of navies.

-Espionage tech. Determines how many spies you have and how effective they are.

There is a national debt meter, which is a measure of how much money you owe to all creditors, public and private. You may repay this at your leisure, but keep in mind the effects of a credit downgrade are devastating.

Money that is not taxed goes into your banks, which you can borrow from.

Money taken out as loans incurs an interest rate, at first a generous 5% but this quickly adds up as your debt accumulates. The total amount owed is seen in your debt column.

If you do not make regular payments, your credit will end up downgraded. Banks will charge higher rates, or may even deny you loans.

Debt up to 100% of GDP - AAA; loans at 10%
Debt up to 150% of GDP - AA; loans at 15%
Debt up to 175% of GDP - A; loans at 20%; 5% chance of denial on each unit of gold
Debt up to 200% of GDP - B; loans at 30% interest; 10% chance of denial on each unit

There is a stimulus that keeps anyone from falling too far behind. However, it will be impossible to be fully competent in a category without constant investment.


Spoiler :
There are a variety of ways to conduct diplomacy around the world.

Client states are the epicenter of MP’s diplomacy; a client is a minor country that is in your “camp” and supports your foreign policies.

Minor nations can be cliented for 50% (100% if already cliented) of their income. All values are rounded up.

In MP3, you receive a client bonus akin to about 10% of client net income. You will also get first priority on buying their resources, and may deny them to others.

Clients have four grades of loyalty:

-Tributary. Created through threat of force. They resent you and will break off if you ever get into a large war. Can be bought off at the normal price of 25%.

-Ally. Purchased, they are friendly but break off if they reach 50% of your GDP. May send troops. Can be bought off. 50% loyalty bonus.

-Coup. Imposed through a coup, they break off if they reach 75% of your GDP. Always send troops. Can be bought off. 75% loyalty bonus.

-Revolution. Due to your benevolence, rebels have taken this country. They will never abandon you. Eager to repay the favor, they always assist you with all they can spare. Revolutionary governments also form from extensive generosity. Immune to purchase.

-Puppet. A state conquered by your forces and released. Cannot be purchased, but is more unstable than a revolutionary state due to some discontent locals. Still not as bad as an occupation zone, however.

Embargoes cut trade between your nations and cause a hit based on your trade status by removing the participants from eachother's markets. Blockades go the direct route and kill trade entirely; however they are effectively an act of war.

You can send and receive aid to other nations; financial assistance can only amount to 10% of your finance. You may gift as much technology as you wish to one nation per turn; it is thus possible to tech trade. Tech sales, to prevent the formation of cartels, are prohibited.

Armies can move one province per turn through wild lands. They can move limitlessly through settled territory, but require a military access treaty.


Spoiler :
When all else fails, sometimes conflict is the only way to settle a dispute. Once you have your units set to their various missions, conflict will ensue wherever you give the order. As you battle for victory, maintaining a fleet is a must; whoever controls the trade routes has a much greater chance of victory.

Standard bonuses:

Defender always has 20% chance of victory.

Amphibious assault gives +10% to defender.

Your ability to raise troops is determined by your manpower. By default, only 1% of your citizenry signs up each turn. When at war, that increases to 2%. You can institute a draft and raise that to 3% per turn, but people grow increasingly dissatisfied when you send their sons and daughters off to what should be a quick affair.

Killed units raise revolt risk. As casualties mount, dissatisfaction will grow over the lost blood and treasure. Enough discontent will actually result in a forced peace treaty to stave off a revolution.

In combat, your technology determines victory, and your numbers how many losses are inflicted.

If a navy bombards the opponent, they have a 10%+your percent above the great power average of killing 5 population and damaging factories.

Captured territories will see their factories destroyed and/or damaged, as well as periodic partisan uprisings, so the economic benefit of territory gain is minimal. It is a better idea to conquer territory and declare it a puppet state to avoid protracted occupation.

You must have one army to defend each province, or they shall be occupied as part of an overrun, unless armies are coming through a chokepoint. Casualties are inflicted based on number and your margin of success in battle. Occupied territories lose 5% of their population and 75% of their Industry; the amount may be more or less depending on roleplay. Each occupied territory adds +2% to the occupied zone’s revolt risk, so large occupied zones require large armies to keep.

Occupied territory has a % chance of assimilation each turn, ranging from 5-10% depending on your Influence.

WMD and their usage:

Spoiler :
There is one type of WMD: the eco-friendly kind. Incredibly devestating, but also perfectly green.

Thanks to advances such as Chaos Fusion, WMD technology is so rapid there are no ballistics necessary to fire it, and there are no defense mechanisms capable of intercepting it. It is up to you what your WMD is, though.

You require 1 factory per WMD you produce. T1 WMD are 25 gold a piece, T2 are 50.

To develop WMD, invest money. That money out of 500 determines your chance of researching it. So 10 invested is 2% chance of developing, 50 is 10%, etc.

WMD can only be used tactically barring extraordinary circumstances, as determined by the GM.

When used against provinces, the damage WMD does is (Tier – 1)^2 + 1.


Spoiler :
You start with 5 spies, who do not die. You may allocate them to attack/defend as you wish (you have a limit of three offensive missions per turn). You will have 1 more spy for every 20 tech you reach; 100 is 5 spies, 120 is 6, etc. To determine success/failure, the average of three rolls is taken; offenders have an automatic 10% chance of victory and defenders have 30%.

Missions that can be performed are as follows:

-Stage coup (minor powers only). Replaces the government with one loyal to you. Does not work on rebels.
-Disrupt financial system. Causes a 5% hit to their Industry. May spread to other countries.
-Steal technology. Naming a specific non-espionage tech, success will give you 1/4 of the difference between you with the rest RNG'd.
-Incite rebellion. Triggers the revolt risk and its associated penalties.
-Sow discontent. 10% revolt risk added.
-Suitcase. Detonates a nuclear weapon in the enemy territory. Only T1s can be used for such.
-Search for bases. Finds any NGO bases in your territory; you must move to terminate the bases.


Spoiler :
Due to poor wars, irresponsible spending, and other factors, your people can grow dissatisfied. The results are as follows:

1-25%: Forced tax cut
26-50%: Protests cut into income.
51-75%: Armed uprisings attempt to overthrow your government. Armed uprisings can be disbursed by agreeing to their grievances.
75+: Coup. Your government will be placed under GM control for a turn. The coup will address whatever has had your people been so mad to begin with.

Fortunately you have a revolt risk meter to assist you in gauging your people's approval or lack thereof.

For minor nations, there’s always a 5 or 10% chance of revolt. The result can manifest as a civil war, a coup or tax cuts at random.

NPCs and their anatomy:

Spoiler :
There are two kinds of NPCs – major and minor.

A major NPC has more prominence than a minor and will pursue a more active, fleshed out foreign policy. At game start there are only five – the mercantile empires. When a player drops from the game, they may request their state become a major NPC; otherwise it shall be dissolved into minor NPCs.

Minor NPCs are the weak nations of the world, too small and/or poor to make a large mark outside their region. They mostly focus solely on expansion and internal development, but sometimes aggressive leaders take hold of them and they will attempt to glorify their banana republic. NPCs keep their spies for themselves at all times.

The most notable feature of NPCs besides their various rankings is their DEFCON meter. Unlike the actual DEFCON meter, it runs from 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest. This represents how much of their budget will be going towards defense purposes.

NPCs have the following levels of authority; you may exercise authority or not:


Things such as troop grants, etc. will be on a case by case basis.


Players may join the game as NGOs, organisations that are not tied to a piece of land. They operate out of one NPC (and may pick up others as time goes on) and control that NPC’s policies. They cannot mingle the finances between the two, but collect hefty tribute from the NPCs they rule over.

NGOs build bases in minor countries for 10 gold a piece, and wield as many agents as they have bases. Like government agents, they do not die.

NGOS may build bases in major countries for 10% of the local GDP, but receive 2% of the GDP after that per turn. Assistance from the harboring country is recommended.
Embargoee - Embargoed By

Aden (NPC) –HITSGDP, Guinea
Byzantium – HITSGDP, Guinea
Costa Rica (NPC) – Papal States, Poland
Granada (NPC) –
Hyontou -
Indonesia (NPC) - Aden, Sinai, Papacy, Poland, Byzantium
Japan – Aden, Sinai, Papacy, Poland, Byzantium
Malay (NPC) –
Manx – Costa Rica, HITSGDP
Namibia –
New Zealand
Papal States –Russia, HITSGDP, Costa Rica, Guinea
Poland –Russia, HITSGDP, Costa Rica, Guinea
Guinea – Papacy, Poland, Byzantium, Aden
Russia –Papacy, Poland
Solitude - Aden, Sinai, Papacy, Poland, Byzantium
Spammers – Aden, Sinai, Papacy, Poland, Byzantium
Tropico –
United Kingdom –
Why is the map blank? :p
The Holy See would wish to ensure the continued temporal unity of christian states, by establishing a "Catholic League" within which Catholic Nations may by concordat and by consent associate together to discuss common interests in the face of the perseverance of reactionary idealism in the form of nations such as Solitude amongst others, and the influence of arbitrary autocratism that limits the conception of international society to mere association, without obligation to pursue the just cause of peace and security amongst nations.

This "Catholic League" would have at this present time no obligations on the part of any member state, being not as such a treaty or an alliance, but rather a forum for civilised and christian discussion and to ensure a united front against the errors aforementioned. For a state to enter into this forum it must be officially Catholic, and it must voluntarily request admission. Should any mutually binding agreement separate from this league be accepted amongst all its members, a johnny come lately to use the Scottish term may be requested to sign into any treaties accepted amongst the members.

It is our hope that such a league, established upon the principle of mutual respect and dialogue, and solely for the purposes of promoting peace, shall serve as a just cause for peace and civilisation in this world, which as we know full well has often fallen into periods of absolute darkness.


Pope Pius XXV, Bishop of Rome, Sovereign of the Papal States, etc etc
...I can't promise you many things...

...but I will promise you one thing...



Guess It's more appropriate to post 'congratulations tropico' here than in the sign-up thread.

Edit: Conveiniently placed first page post? Hijacking it for nation and links! :p

United Kingdom of New Zealand

Government: Constitutional Monarchy / Westminster Style Liberal Democracy
Currency: New Zealand Pound (NZ£)
Language: Pacific Commonwealth Standard (Colloquially: 'New Australian', effectively English)
Capital: Wellington
Religion: Technically Anglican Christian, although Freedom of Religion effectively exists

Economic Policy: 6
Social Policy: 4

Prime Minister: Fruity McKiwi
Monarch: Edward X
Foreign Minister: Blunder McGaffe
Head of the Admiralty: Wobbly McSeasick

Bio: As the disasters of the 2100's progressed, the British Commonwealth Collapsed. Only a handful of the smaller members were able to hold themselves together, the largest of which was New Zealand. The Monarchy was eventually forced to relocate there, to one of the few remaining areas that still accepted their soverignty. Now faced with this new factor, the New Zealand political scene underwent a dramtic shake-up. Although in the end Parliment still reigned supreme, by the time of the second Anomaly the Monarchy had managed to recover some power, being capable of acting as a second counterbalance to the power of the reformed parliment.

2499 saw the abdication of the Queen Elizabeth IV, and the Coronation of King Edward X. The very next year in 2500, Prime Minister Fruity McKiwi was elected on a platform of expanding the countries influence, particularly across the Southern Pacific. This goal has been endorsed happily by the King, who has noted the historic affilation of many South Pacific Islands too the Royal Family of which he is a descendant.



Naval Spending
A Royal Announcment


No Surrender
Parliment's Reaction, with Intrepido McSeeker


Musings of a Monarch
Prince Edward
Introducing: Captain McTavish!
Parliment and Princesses

Not once school lets out and I have nothing to do -but- RP as NPCs.
Turn I (2500)




The world's nations have just elected the first non-mercantile General Secretary of the Union. The Big Five continue to hold great sway, but their clout and influence has sharply declined in the last few decades; they are now a member of a group of major powers, and not THE major powers.

While there has been some rancor over the Papacy's loss to Tropico, the world overall remains peaceful and devoid of serious tension. Will that change?


None on first turn. Events are influenced by world developments.


None on first turn.


No bonuses will be given on the first turn; winning a category normally bestows +10 Influence (will be adjusted as the game goes on).

Largest territory - N/A
Largest population - N/A

Largest economy - N/A
Largest manufacturing base - N/A

Largest diplomatic clout - N/A
Largest trade fleet - Romney

Largest army - N/A
Largest navy - N/A

Best-trained army - Shimazu
Best-trained navy - Shimazu

Most powerful army - Shimazu
Most powerful navy - Shimazu

Union of Nations

UN Building

For 2500-2504, the General Secretary is Tropico.

The two Deputies for 2500 are the Papacy and Solitude.
The Shimazu clan has annexed lands of the Hatakeyama. An attack by the Takeda, who seeked to annex some land, has been answered and thus in retaliation their territory south of the Hatakeyama lands has been annexed as well without major losses.

The Shimazu clan has also secured its trading routes with Korea and China with the occupation of the island of Jeju.
The Imperium of Man wishes to by willing request of His Imperial Majesty, Gilmore Flanagon, that we set out our plans for colonial expantion for the upcoming year.

Claims 1 of 3.png
Claims 2 of 3.png
Claims 3 of 3.png

As you may note we wish to complete the claiment of all western England for the security of the Irish Sea and to ensure a buffer for Wales.

The Manx Oil and Gas Allaince, a collective of Manx oil and gas companies, strives for the resources on Newfoundlands and with imperial blessing we claim this.

The Falklands are desired for serving as a trade post and resources present.

Ponta Delgada will serve as a trade point for our vessels.

Finally, landing at at the settlement of Busselton, our settlers will begin our plans to colonise Australia.

These plans will set forth durning the year, hopefully with Papal blessings.

Speaking of the Papal States we accept the Pope's suggestion of a Catholic League. May we defend Christaindom from those who envy our piety and seek to spread chaos.

On clienting:

I edited this earlier, so just in case no one looked yet, the price for clients has altered a bit to be based on GDP -or- income, whichever is higher. Also, the price always rounds up when fractional. Just like your income.

These changes are to prevent a gigantic octopus from swallowing half the NPCs in one turn.

On claiming:

Your navies cannot claim by themselves. They need an army to do such.
The Great leader, President and Father of our Nation Hifikepunye Ahmet Volhan William Pohamba:

Lets all hear our National Anthem, the Anthem of our proud nation!

We are Communists and Namibians!!

''All hail the Father of our nation!
All hail the President of our Republic
Long live our President and our
Republic!! Lenin, Stalin
and Marx shall protect our

Our Armies shall march
to Africa, Europe and Asia
and shall free the workers
and expand Communism!!

Lalalalalalalalalala, we are
Lalalalalalalalalala, we are

We are Socialists and we
are proud of it! Long live
the Nation! Long live Namibia!!!!!

We are Socialists and we
are proud of it! Long live
the Nation! Long live Namibia!!!!!

Long live the Nation!
Long live Namibia!!!!!
Long live the Nation!
Long live Namibia!!!!!!!!!!!!!''

Budget of Namibia:
50% into ''Workers of the World Unite''.
25% into Military.
25% into Industry and Welfare of citizens.

Speech of our Great Leader, Father and President:

''Preople of Namibia!! My children!!!! Fellow Communists!! Today is an very importand year. This year we shall expand our Industry and army to begin the expansion of Communism. Our new Industries, will hire many people who will now be able to have a second job and be paid far more money. For this new Industry, a new Worker's Council will be created to oversee the operations.''

Namibian TV:

Welcome to the Namibia TV News with:

Jim (J):

Nganobi (N):

J: Workers of Namibia, welcome to our socialist news. Our Great Father, Leader and President Hifikepunye Ahmet Volhan William Pohamba made a speech today. Nganobi, can you tell us more?

N: Our Great Father, Leader and President Hifikepunye Ahmet Volhan William Pohamba in his speech mainly talked about the creation of new Factories. As usual, a new Factory needs a Worker's Council to oversee the opeartions, so some of the most hardworking citizens of our Great Republic shall become members of the new council.

J: And with that our News end. Soon you shall see the documentary ''Stalin defeats Hitler and frees the Workers of Eastern Europe''. This 4 hours documentary must be seen by everyone. Goodby and have a good day.
Abdelaziz Bouteflika checked his watch as the meeting came to a close. His economic advisers were good men to help him draft the New Complementary Plan for Economic Growth Support, but working late into the night was something he could do without.

So far, the NCPEGS, or "Nopegs" as his opponents have started calling it, aimed to spend tens of billions of dollars over the next five years to create public housing, increase employment, and increase privatization of existing public-owned facilities. There is debate within his circle as to whether the dinar should be strengthened or weakened. Again, too late in the evening for the argument. It can wait in the morning.

"Gentlemen, I am calling it a night. We've done good work today. We can tackle that in the morning, alright? Get some sleep all of you." The economic circle relaxed, replacing professional scowls with friendly smiles and smirks.

"Yes, Mr. President." A few said as they left the office. The president's official in the capitol building of Algiers was empty.

New Complementary Plan for Economic Growth Support


The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria exists in interesting times. After centuries of confusion, new countries are rising from the ashes. Again. In any case, Algeria sees a golden opportunity for economic prosperity. The process will be tough, playing against the backdrop of liberating parts of Algeria occupied by warlords.

Territory held by the People's National Army in Dark Green
Algerian Territory held by warlords in Light Green

Algeria currently places reclamation at the top of its current list of priorities, with Nopegs slightly below in importance. This plan will also include a general outline of the military economics.


The Economic Council recommends a 20% increase in the size of the People's National Army every two years for six years.

Spoiler :

-1 Army (1 Raw Material, .1 Energy, $5)
-5 Armies Maintain (.5 Energy)
-2 Navies Maintain (.2 Energy)
-Overall (1 Raw Material, .8 Energy)
6 Raw Material, 2.2 Energy remaining


Raw Material is cheap and plentiful, making energy the more important resource at the moment. Algeria is thankfully an oil-producing country. Nopegs does not call for industrial expansion this year due to costs. However, a tax increase and massive infrastructure will need to be created to support our goal of increasing exports of goods.

Spoiler :
Raise taxes to 30%
1 Factory produces 10 Goods ($15 in revenue for next year, -1 Energy, -2 Raw Material)
$25 into Trade Technology
4 Raw Material, 1.2 Energy Remaining


  • Historic Algeria.png
    Historic Algeria.png
    24.6 KB · Views: 923
After much consideration, Parliment and the King have determined to bring the anarchy of the surrounding areas to an end, by inducting them into the UKNZ. We now release to the world the areas in which our intial actions shall take place:

(OOC Edit: In case you can't see it, that little island south of NZ is one of those places)


Credit to Sonereal for this idea.

Economics Expansion (added to rules)

Money that is not taxed goes into your banks, which you can borrow from.

Money taken out as loans incurs an interest rate, at first a generous 5% but this quickly adds up as your debt accumulates. The total amount owed is seen in your debt column.

If you do not make regular payments, your credit will end up downgraded. Banks will charge higher rates, or may even deny you loans.

Debt up to 100% of GDP - AAA; loans at 5%
Debt up to 150% of GDP - AA; loans at 10%
Debt up to 175% of GDP - A; loans at 15%; 5% chance of denial on each unit of gold
Debt up to 200% of GDP - B; loans at 20% interest; 10% chance of denial on each unit

Resource Transfers

You can sell your resources if you wish at the usual market value, or to a specific country for any rate. You may also trade the resources between you.
My mistake.
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