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Multipolarity III - Game Thread

Cathisis: Although Nambia has had a horrible time in the past few years, a massacare or two does not forgive what they did to international peace. However, the Nambinese war has been a long and bloody one and if it ended the world would be a much better place. Therefore, we would help you declare peace if one thing happens: The current government of Nambia steps down and a regime dedicated to peace steps in. Once that happens we will ensure that the region of Nambia becomes peaceful.

@Sinai: Please denounce Matthew II and restore the rightful government of Matthew I. Unlike many other nations, we do not view our clients as mere chess pieces, we view them as allies we must protect. The couping of Matthew I could be seen as a declaration of war, however, we do not want to start another war unless absolutely necessary. Unless you denounce Matthew II and help us restore the rightful government of Byzantium, you will start a perilous road that will lead to embargoes, blockades and then war. This is your only warning.

@The Blood Empire: Please end this bloody war. If Nambia does not accept our reasonable peace deal, then you may feel free to change the government of Nambia, as that is the only way that we feel that this bloody war will end. However, right now you seem to be doing this war only for your twisted amusement, please find an acceptable way to peace.

@HITSGDP: Myself and my clients (if that is alright with them) request to join the HITSGDP. We will gladly embargo everyone on the list, including the Blood Empire if they do not change their current policies. Although the Spammer's may have been viewed as an agent of world instability at one stage, we hope that we have sufficiently repented to be allowed into this glorious organisation which will have a real impact on the world, unlike the UN, which has failed us time and again.
It sounds to me you do not understand how heredity rule works. In order for Matthew II to legally succeed the throne, Matthew I has to be dead. That's how succession works. Matthew I cannot simply come back to power.

OOC: Also, they're the same person.
It sounds to me you do not understand how heredity rule works. In order for Matthew II to legally succeed the throne, Matthew I has to be dead. That's how succession works. Matthew I cannot simply come back to power.

OOC: Also, they're the same person.


IC: Cathisis: Yes, Matthew I is dead. However, you have still participated in an act that could be construed as an act of war. We demand that you hand over Matthew II to be tried in a Spammer court and that you help us reinstall a government that is loyal to the Spammers immediately.
Come on guys. Are you really serious? You are a bunch of hypocrites. We were allies. We gave them military techs. Then they betrayed us, sided with our worst enemies and backstabbed us, and WE are the aggressor?!

To Namibia:

The Namibian government is confusing the Mozambique people with its government. The government betrayed you, yes, but that does not give you the right to conquer them. You specifically announced your intention to annex Mozambique; you also opportunistically occupied Romnesian land when the chance to arose. Ergo, the HITSGDP has no choice but to view Namibia as just as bad as the NSRA.

@HITSGDP: Myself and my clients (if that is alright with them) request to join the HITSGDP. We will gladly embargo everyone on the list, including the Blood Empire if they do not change their current policies. Although the Spammer's may have been viewed as an agent of world instability at one stage, we hope that we have sufficiently repented to be allowed into this glorious organisation which will have a real impact on the world, unlike the UN, which has failed us time and again.


The HITSGDP membership has deliberated and reached a decision: the Spammers and their allies are welcome to join our organisation for the non-violent means of punishing aggressors.

It sounds to me you do not understand how heredity rule works. In order for Matthew II to legally succeed the throne, Matthew I has to be dead. That's how succession works. Matthew I cannot simply come back to power.

OOC: Also, they're the same person.

Matthew I can always come back from the dead. :mischief:
Matthew I can always come back from the dead. :mischief:

OCC: That's what I was thinking, when Matthew II gets sent over to Spamalta, he gets "assassinated" and Matthew I comes out of "hiding" within Spamalta. That is if Tyo chooses the sensible route and does what we demand. :)
The NSRA. The NSRA is a genocidal, bloody regime that is clearly a threat to world peace and individual freedom. They make Romnesia look reasonable by comparison.

Gaydolf Hitler: Vaaht? VAT IS ZEES? HANS, GET HERE *NOW*!

Hans Westmar: You called, mein Fuhrer.

Gaydolf Hitler: Hans, zees accusations, they are false. We only just got into power, no?

Hans Westmar: Yes sir, we only just made it.


Hans Westmar: I do not know, mein fuhrer. We did not take power fast enough to stop the invasion and blockade, but perhaps we can show the world we are different than that "Romney" fellow.

Gaydolf Hitler: Ja, das ist gut. Hmmsies. Hans, get zee radio.

Hans Westmar plugs in the broadcaster and flips it on. The red "active" light turns on, and he slides the microphone towards the Fuhrer.

Gaydolf Hitler [Radio]: Attention! Zis is ze fuhrer speaking, ja? I have a message for the 'HITSGDP'. I, Gaydolf Hitler, am not zees 'Romney' fellow. He left as I took over, ja? Vell then, WHY AM I BEING TREATED like I am him?

The sound of a hand slamming onto a desk is heard over the radio.

Gaydolf continues: Zis is absurd. Troops and naval movements were already submitted and in action as I took zee 'throne'. If I could have stopped ze evil Romney from causing death, I would have. I am also proud to announce zat the new regime, the NSRA, will be tolerant and peaceful. To show my goodwill, I wish to open der diplomatic relations with Namibia. I vish them out of my country, but I am willing to discuss reparations and peace, das geht ja?

Anyvay, zat is all. Also, ich habe ein present for you, HITSGDP. It is picture of me!

The radio broadcast ceases, and the following picture is broadcoast to all televisions in the NSRA.

RP Time.

"I assume that my story, or at least the story of how and why, is as important as the story of Poland. I was born Kopak Czerwinski, the son of the last President of the Third Polish Union. By the time the Russkies were closing in on our capital, the city was almost in anarchy. My father had taken control of the nation following the failed war declaration, and yet he had lost everything. He was a brave man: he stood his ground alongside the last of the Polish Army, and my last vision of him was on the front lines, protecting the city. That was when he sent me, two of his advisors, and a few of his personal bodyguards away, as a chance for Poland to live on. Little did he know that we would be chased throughout unoccupied Poland by Russians, until now, when we finally have reached friendly land in Germany, where I have taken my new name.
The Russians are cowards and eunuchs, and I, Adrian Czerwinski IV, heir to the Partitionanian Empire and the Third Polish Union, have stripped them of their 'conquerings,' and restored true Polish rule.
Dla chwały Polsce!"

The HITSGDP's membership have deliberated; the embargo on the NSRA shall be lifted pending peace talks with Namibia. It is important we see evidence of peaceful intent before revoking the embargo; going by blind faith alone would enrich a possible invasion.
Gaydolf Hitler:

Namibia, we have a proposition. 30 15 income to you, and you give up all your territories around the NSRA and secede, willingly, the ones we have occupied.
Said territories produce about 10 gold between them so it is up to Namibia if a temporary boost of 3 turn's income is worth it or not.

/economic analysis
==Punitive Expedition to Chad==

Uganda dispatches 12 armies to Chad, which defends with 13.


Uganda takes 9 territories and annexes 5 of them. 8 Chad armies perish, as do 4 Ugandan.

Uganda establishes the Technocratic Republic of Chad underneath Snively; it is a puppet to Uganda.


It seems I forgot the land war in Guinea.


-NSRA conquers most of the Namib territories
-NSRA kills Papal colonists
-Sahara invades from the flank
Republic of Poland
To: The Papal States

In the wake of the government's collapse, the new Polish government petitions the Papal States to extend its hand of assistance to the devoutly Catholic Poles.

Poland offers a carbon copy of the treaty with Manx to the Papacy:

-Poland shall use half of its influence for Papal purposes
-Poland shall pay a 10% annual tithe
-Poland shall vest the Pope with control of its foreign policy and military
-The Papacy, in exchange for these great gifts, shall protect Poland from aggression


The Holy See accepts the Polish Proposal in the interest of ensuring peace can reign in Eastern Europe once again, despite Russia's repeat of Romnesian duplicity against the Polish people.


We note to Russia that any attack on the Poland henceforth from their vassalisation to us will amount to a declaration of war against the Holy See and invoke our defensive pacts. We also would note that should Russia insist upon such a war over the Polish Question it will lose, the Holy See's economic strength, diplomatic strength and naval might outmatch Russia's substantially, and your army, although powerful would ultimately be whittled away as your economy falls to pieces. Might at arms alone does not win wars, money does.

That said we do not want war, we indeed wish only for cordial relations with Russia as the Tsar himself stated to us during our negotiations over the Polish Question, but we will not shirk from conflict if it comes upon us and we would sternly remind the Tsar that he does not want us as his enemy. However we are obliged to Embargo Russia for the time being, Russia betrayed the principles of peace with its "Romnesian" sense of what constitutes a peace treaty, and we cannot let that betrayal of peace go un-addressed. Show that Russia is a peaceful nation and the embargo will be lifted. You can be content with what you have taken, we will not contest with you over that, and once Russia has shown its desire for peace we will not trouble you any further.
Although Nambia has had a horrible time in the past few years, a massacare or two does not forgive what they did to international peace. However, the Nambinese war has been a long and bloody one and if it ended the world would be a much better place. Therefore, we would help you declare peace if one thing happens: The current government of Nambia steps down and a regime dedicated to peace steps in. Once that happens we will ensure that the region of Nambia becomes peaceful.

Namibia, we have a proposition. 15 income to you, and you give up all your territories around the NSRA and secede, willingly, the ones we have occupied.

No, no and again no. I will make no peace. You betrayed us and broke the last peace treaty. Why should we trust you?

No. We shall fight to the end. And if we lose our entire territory, we shall fight guerrila warfare. There is no way you will ever have peace. Peace will only be made if the Blood Empire is kicked out of Africa and all of Romnesia and Mozambique is annexed into Namibia.

You broke the peace treaty. Now you will never have peace. If you have kept your peace treaty, then we would have peace. But you betrayed us.
No, no and again no. I will make no peace. You betrayed us and broke the last peace treaty. Why should we trust you?

No. We shall fight to the end. And if we lose our entire territory, we shall fight guerrila warfare. There is no way you will ever have peace. Peace will only be made if the Blood Empire is kicked out of Africa and all of Romnesia and Mozambique is annexed into Namibia.

You broke the peace treaty. Now you will never have peace. If you have kept your peace treaty, then we would have peace. But you betrayed us.

On this note, we ask that the HITSGDP lift the embargo on the Blood Empire, as they are doing us a international service by getting rid of a government that simply cannot accept peace.
The Holy See dissagrees with the assesment of the Spammers Crusade. Namibia's behaviour does not suddenly wash clean the sins of the Blood Empire and jusify turning a blind eye towards them.
To keep industry useful, it now generates 2 income per turn per unit. Since Industry grows at 20% per turn, this is a slight incentive to invest in industry even without resources to power it.

There are now six markets you can direct your clients to sell to. If you are the leader of the market, you can also set buy/sell prices, and blacklist people from your market.

Turn VII (2506)




Russia, much like its Romnesian allies, has broken its peace accord with Poland and overrun much of the country. In the chaos the old Polish government collapsed and has since been replaced with a more radical, if more pragmatic one. The Poles, surrounded by enemies in Germany and Finland, have groveled to the Pope for protection; this protection has been granted at the cost of Poland giving an annual tithe and control of its state affairs to Rome.

Speaking of Romnesia, the Romney administration has collapsed into one run by Gaydolf Hitler. It was off to a bloody start, with massacres of Catholics and non-Guineans widespread, but Hitler promises that this shall not be the new government’s policy. Meanwhile he’s posting pictures of his pecs all over the world.

Namibia has been stabbed harshly in the back due to a coup in Mozambique, now sandwiched between ruthless Sanguine and Satanic forces. Similarly, Namibia has convinced Arivaica of the Sahara Republic to abandon the NSRA; the NSRA is now split in two due to the hyena’s greed.

Japan and New Zealand have averted war through a lucrative trade agreement; though the Kiwis seemed ready for more aggressive action if necessary, they have peacefully claimed the southern Pacific. Japan continues to enjoy hegemony over the world’s seas regardless, having smashed the Romnesian fleet and paving the way for a persisting blockade of the NSRA.

With Aden’s seizure of Somalia and Malay’s annexation of the Vietnamese nation, concerned governments displeased with the UN’s lack of usefulness on the subject have formed the Humane Initiative for Territorial Sovereignty and the Global Defense of Peace, or HITSGDP, to place massive economic pressure on aggressive nations. Six nations have found themselves on the blacklist, with Tokyo and Spamingrad voicing their support and joining the organisation’s cause. The only state thus far opposed is the United Kingdom of the Netherlands and Britain; Namibia continues to argue that it is innocent, but the international community’s patience for African war has run out.

Even as resources tighten, the world is caught in both widespread war and tension, and cooperation and peaceful resolution. Which shall prevail?


Winning a category bestows +25 Influence (will be adjusted as the game goes on).

Largest territory – Russia
Largest population – Russia

Largest economy – Indonesia
Largest energy production – Russia
Largest raw material production – Russia
Largest trade fleet – N/A
Largest manufacturing base – Indonesia
Largest diplomatic clout – NSRA
Largest economic clout - Papacy

Largest army – Russia
Largest navy - Japan
Best-trained army - Russia
Best-trained navy – N/A
Most powerful army - Russia
Most powerful navy – N/A

First World Status – 294+ GNP
Second World Status – 148-294 GNP
Third World Status – 1-147 GNP

Border Disputes

New Zealand-Papacy: 2


A lack of a decisive stand on the Sakhalin Dispute has resulted in Hyontou losing its grip on the island.

Assimilation! One Namib province embraces the Blood Empire.

Assimilation! One Vietnamese province embraces the pan-Southeast Asian cause.

Assimilation! One Namib province declares allegiance to the NSRA.

Assimilation! Four Polish provinces assimilate into Russia.

Assimilation! One NSRA province declares allegiance to the Sahara.

Assimilation! One Namib province defects to Mozambique.

Global recession! With the collapse of the Bank of Algeria, a shocking 200 gold has been lost to the global economy; the fall of the wealthy Algerian state as well has also had effects. This shock has been felt around the globe, with every industrial economy losing 3% of its income so as to prop up ailing industries.

Foreign investment! Solitude, due to its lack of possible conflicts, security, neutrality, and low taxes, has received a boon of foreign investment.

While refugees flee war zones, of particular import are refugees in Namibia, Catholics in the NSRA, and Poles in Russia. Namibian refugees flee from Mozambique and the Blood Empire’s cruel rule, and many thousands die in the process. Catholics fare no better, but flee by the tens of thousands into neighboring countries. As Russia’s eager to pacify the Polish territories, many refugees are able to flee without hindrance; let Poland deal with the destitute!

Technology leak! A defector, disgusted at Russia’s butchering of the Polish people, has given some knowledge on Russian training and technology to Poland (+10 army tech).

Rising prominence! Indonesia has gained +20 Influence due to its chair status of HITSGDP. Japan and the Spammers have gained +10 Influence due to enormously increasing the organisation’s pull.

Seeing poor prospects, trade fleets have been defecting from Russian and NSRA forces to others more capable of serving their interests. NSRA merchants are partial to Tropico and Costa Rica; most Russians are above defecting to Poland (most), and as such the bulk have defected to the United Kingdom of Britain and the Netherlands.

The might of the Russian military has caused concerned Kazakhstan to see a flood of recruits. With no allies, and all of Russia’s other avenues of overland expansion in the Papal or Japanese spheres, it is presumed Russia may turn to Kazakhstan next and press irredentist claims.

New Zealand’s national pride finds itself damaged on having to capitulate to Japan by signing a deal over the islands that were rightfully theirs. As such, to compete with Japanese naval superiority, citizens have begun enlistment in the navy.

The NSRA and Namibia have seen a slight increase in recruits; the populations are increasingly apathetic about a war that is going nowhere. Poland has seen a much sharper spike due to rancor over Russian betrayal.

All of Europe has put itself on high alert due to fear that Russia may push westward with the fall of Germany.


As usual, the Pirates have taken a vacation to Port Royale and gotten stinking drunk.

The Pirate Confederacy offers a deal to the nations of the world: they may pay an amount equal to 10% of their trade vulnerability to guarantee no attacks, or they may alternatively pay the ships (at a rate of 1 gold per vessel) to attack enemies.

The Pirates also announce they are willing to engage navies for a price. They can outfit some of their vessels and send them on assault missions, as was done to the Manx recently.

Union of Nations

UN Building

2504 saw an initiative on piracy that flopped due to human rights violations.

For 2505-2509, the General Secretary is the Papacy.

Being elected as general Secretary grants 100 influence points. Deputies earn 10 points per term.


2505: Solitude / Costa Rica
2506: Aden / Japan
2507: Solitude / Romnesia
2508: Aden / Sinai
2509: Solitude / Hyontou
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