N3S I: Empires Ablaze

DON'T POST. Top of page reserved for update.

Blah blah blah will be finished tomorrow morning. I just found out that I do have extra time then. So I will do it then. Mainly because I'm dead tired. It will be out before 3 PM my time, however.
Bad news, folks. I'm leaving for Colorado earlier than expected. However... I will probably have access to a computer there, and I think I can handwrite the update on the trip down, then type it up when I get there. Are there any objections (beyond the, oh, curse you NK for not updating last night)?

And you can post, since I "cleverly" reserved the top two posts on this page. *:rolleyes: at self*
Player: Justokre
Economy: 1
Size: 1
Military: 1,000 men (Terrible (1)), 10 ships (Terrible (1)), Upkeep: 0
Education: Terrible (0)
Infrastructure: Terrible (0)
Quality of Life: Terrible (0)
Technology: (I will fill this out, depending on conditions in your nation)
Government: Despotism
Religion: Zalmoxisism (worship of Zalmoxis as the only true god)
Culture: (I will fill this out. Not you. But you can write stories about it, to tell me what your culture is like.)
Projects: None yet.

I'd like to start as far northwest as Dacian limits would allow. :D
I unfortunately feel that I'll have to withdraw from this NES. I'm just not feeling the Fresh Start groove right now, and Carthage just isn't holding my interest enough to try and get out of the tricky spot it's in now.

Maybe when things are further along then they are, I'll be back. My deepest apologies, NK, and good luck.
I sent comparatively good orders this time, NK! Why do you always doom your NESes? WHYYYY? ;)

The above is entirely hyperbole.
hyperbole (n.) A figure of speech in which the expression is an evident exaggeration of the meaning intended to be conveyed, or by which things are represented as much greater or less, better or worse, than they really are; a statement exaggerated fancifully, through excitement, or for effect.
erez87 said:
I'm not. NK do not kill another one.

I know. The nerve of me, not updating during a vacation! What a jerk I am, for sight seeing around some of the most beautiful natural sites in the world instead of writing my update! I should be punished dearly, shouldn't I? I mean, goodness gracious knows that a mod should never take time off for a trip where he's been in the car for a thousand miles. He shouldn't let such a silly thing as sleeping in a different bed four nights in a row with no computer access for three of those nights stop him from typing up an update! Shame on me!

My God, erez. You've managed to kill my interest in updating entirely.

To all: I do not know when the update will be. My spare moments are very sporadic, so it's rather hard to write.
The sarcasm is so palpable you could cut it with a knife. Just go on vacation, NK, and as long as we get an update sometime in the next two weeks I don't care when we get it.

andis: do you know what "palpable" means? ;)
yay ^-^ I managed? Good. I didn't understodd your in vacation you said you will update on sunday, I thought it was sunday half a week ago.

Sorry for that.. but you have to understand... This NES could be killed by you any second just cause you want it. It will be very annoying.
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