Name your stupid AI moments.

I was playing a culture pressure game with Pericles, and two of my neighbors are America and India, who also border each other. I have put one American city under heavy culture pressure, but it has a stack of about 8 units in it that prevents it from revolting.

To stir things up a bit, I bribe America to attack India, and most of the stack leaves the city to attack and capture a nearby Indian city. Within a few turns, the American city revolts and culture flips to me. I start rushing culture in the newly flipped city, and that contributes to the former Indian, now American city with not much culture production, flipping to me a short while later.
I have a more extreme version of the ai deserting a city to kill a weak unit...

I had one warrior and one axe on separate squares adjacent to Washington. AI's only archer goes off and kills the warrior. My axe waltzes into unguarded Washington, I win game in BC, before I'd even researched pottery!
building 50 something ships in an ice trap city
Im kicking russian *ss and since russia has a huge empire (15+ cities) it takes a while. russia and the french are the last two remaining civs on the continent: the french are in the southeast, engulfed by my empire, the russians in the nortwest. french have open border treaty with me.

suddenly the french declare war on russia and one MASSIVE SoD (50+ units) enters the battlefied as russia has 3 cities left. i totally missed it marching through my empire :crazyeye:

i realize that the french border is mostly undefended and quikly send my newly build troops (at this point i have 25+ cities so thats a lot of troops constantly being build) to the french border for a small invasion force.
the french and i take out cathy alltogether and suddenly there we are.
my massive army staring his massive army in the face, 2000 miles from the french border. i quikly declared war and finished his army in a massive battle.

france was crippled and couldnt rebuild units fast enough to stop my crusade towards paris.

Why did france wanted those 3 cities 2000 miles from home anyway? and what the hell was he doing sending 90% of his troops 2000 miles from home and parking them next to my rampaging and experienced army?

AI brainbubble :)
Their insane love of dozens of caravels on a pangea map. They even do it when they're getting slaughtered by destroyers.
Their insane love of dozens of caravels on a pangea map. They even do it when they're getting slaughtered by destroyers.

I hear you...current game Hitler (don't ask it's a mod;)) is on his own on an isolated continent. He has Rifles and is close to the railway, but for some strange reason only known to himself, hasn't even bothered with Astronomy. I sent a stack of 6 Privateers to his coast, and found (absolutely honestly) 57 galleys and 32 caravels in Hamburg!!(marathon /huge)....As of typing, careful deployment of The 6 Privateers, has yielded over 200 GG points...the top Privateer has over 50 xp:lol::crazyeye:

Why an ai thinks it needs to keep over 50 galleys when it has a whole continent to itself, and no where for them to go, is bewildering. It absolutely kills itself in upkeep in the long run.....
Two of my favorite dumb AI trade messages
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

lol i get alot of those.... Talking about trade, this happened to me yesterday. Louis XIV is Pleased towards me.... He pops up and wants horseriding for 50 gold, saying "Hello, we're in a bit of trouble, care to help a friend indeed?" I agree, then several turns later he declares war on me saying "Soon my numberless minions shall destroy you all!!!" And guess what- his first attack is a stack of horsearchers....
I hear you...current game Hitler (don't ask it's a mod;)) is on his own on an isolated continent. He has Rifles and is close to the railway, but for some strange reason only known to himself, hasn't even bothered with Astronomy. I sent a stack of 6 Privateers to his coast, and found (absolutely honestly) 57 galleys and 32 caravels in Hamburg!!(marathon /huge)....As of typing, careful deployment of The 6 Privateers, has yielded over 200 GG points...the top Privateer has over 50 xp:lol::crazyeye:

Why an ai thinks it needs to keep over 50 galleys when it has a whole continent to itself, and no where for them to go, is bewildering. It absolutely kills itself in upkeep in the long run.....

I have noticed that the AI only select the "suggested" technologies at the top of their select research menu and neglect the cheaper ones... P.S. As former football player, what is your opinion on the Bears' QB issues?
I have noticed that the AI only select the "suggested" technologies at the top of their select research menu and neglect the cheaper ones... P.S. As former football player, what is your opinion on the Bears' QB issues?
Well imho, even though The Bears picked up a couple of rookie QB's, they will probably end up Going with Rex yes they still have issues;)
this is the stupidest thing i've ever seen lol
he was right his units were numberless


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Had Montezuma attack one of my French Cities with nothing but 8 Catapults and a lone Jaguar unit. Three souped-up knight units finished the lot off in one go care of the flank attack.
Lol, what I found really really awkward is that one time I was playing Monarch level. I was Zara Yaqob of Ethiopa and Suravarmen attacked me. I was ready for him but nevertheless, he surprised me with a huge stack of units.(10 catapaults, 8 Balista Elephants, 10 Swordsman, 5 Axemen, 2 Chariots, and 4 Spearmen. I had in my city 7 archers, all promoted with the first city defence promotion, 3 spearman and 1 axemen. My defences were reduced to zero and he could've taken my city next turn. Instead, he retreated! about 7 turns later, he returns with a bigger stack, but by that time, I was ready to kill them off. (Which I did and made Suryavarmen my vassel later on as I conquered most of him.) =)
In a fight with monty I stole a worker and left it next to one of his cities in a forest. One of the defenders with CG2 popped out and killed the worker letting me take the city.

The old 'bikini babe' gambit still works? You'd think they'd have fixed it by now. :old:
One of the things that really puzzles me is why is the AI so stupid? Nearly every game i play i see examples of the AI being stupid. A brain dead dodo is smarter that the average AI.

In my last game, Monty and Ghandi was on a continent together, no prizes for guessing what happened. Monty declares war on Ghandi and invades, next turn Ghandi is Monty's vassal. Why? Monty could have crushed ghandi with little effort. Then Ghandi wins a cultural victory, all because of that stupid AI Monty.

Why are all the AI's brain dead? They can't even invade other continents.
What's your best moment of the AI being stupid?

In my experience aggressive A.I.s are an early danger, but weaken as they fall behind in techs. They become the greatest menace of all when they vassalize Ghandi on another continent. With Ghandi teching and the aggressive
A.I. building units, the continent becomes unpenetrable. Monty goes for domination and conquest. Without technical assistance he fizzles. Vassalizing G wasn't stupid. Leaving him with too many of his core cities was.
So with the new "No Siege attacks from boats" rule, I had Shaka DoW out of the blue, and he was targeting a high production, yet isolated city, a great choice of targets.

What's his plan of attack?

1. Unload all his cats and trebs next to my city
2. Proceed to unleash his ENTIRE ground force from his boats. :mischief:

After slaughtering his invasion force before they could so much as get their boots damp, my navy proceeded to drain every ship in his stack as they desperately raced for home.

Then my city defenders lavishly enjoyed the experience and GG granting siege weapons.

All from my latest game :-
1. I am on the point of wiping out Brennus on my eastern flank. Julius, on my western border, takes Brennus as his vassal and declares war on me, but his knights are no match for the tanks I already have in place on his border. Goodbye, Brennus and Julius.
2. Toku starts to build a theatre in his last city, which is on a one-tile island. Mind you, it will be a full two turns before my invasion force arrives.
3. Huayna bankrupts himself converting his forty-odd caravels to frigates for my battleships to eat.
4. Pacal will finish researching Flight in two turns: he has two oil resources but isn't building Wells. Nor has he researched Rifling, so he has no real defence against my Stealth Bombers and Modern Armour. Oh, and he too has filled his coastal waters with Frigates.

This will leave just Cyrus, who I can (and shall) attack from three sides on land and also from the sea. I feel fairly confident of winning, although he does have lots of Cavalry, a few Infantry, and 37 catapults, the latter all in one city.
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