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NDNESV: Another God One

I like the map. It's sexy.

To Elain
From Xatuar

Oh I would so love to have a new toy to play with. I wonder what abomination shall I turn you into? A beast with no eyes, ears or mouth. Blind deaf and dumb. Blind deaf and dumb.
To Elain
From Seret

You can come into my realm at anytime, I have a feeling we could come up with some real fun.
From: Nerothil the Illuminator
To: Elain

While I would offer you hospice from the monster they call Xatuar, I fear that would not be conducive to either of us.
Sorry that I misspelled your name during the whole update man :p If you guys see any other mistakes, please tell me so I don't end up making them again.

You should periodically scramble my name on the map and in the update. It seems fitting.
Wait, I am still not sure, there are mortals already? (Number one: That was fast),
Are we going to get an idea of how many there are, and how many are following us?
To: Altru
From: Xelo

Father, it seems like our lands are both islands. We would both benifiet if we made giant ships to trade with each other.

To: World
From: Xelo

My tiny island on the bottom of the earth is /neutral/. I wish to play no part in your stupid religious wars. Lave my island alone.

To: Camen
From: Xelo

We disagree who is the "true" ice god, but does it matter that there is two? Can't accept we got the same realm, and just agree to disagree?
Wait, I am still not sure, there are mortals already? (Number one: That was fast),
Are we going to get an idea of how many there are, and how many are following us?

They are very thinly spread right now, with only a few areas densely populated. High concentrations are near rivers and other places that would attract large amounts of mortals.
I also would like to know, can we speak to the mortals living in our land? Frighten them out of their wits/attempt to aid them, what have you?
To: Sy, Clianus, Athu
From: Altru, god of Kindness

I wish to send out missionaries to your lands to learn from your great wisdom so I may help my people. My missionaries will gladly help you in return through labor or any other form of repayment.
The Codex of Allas

At the very peak of the Akrelian Keep, a great window of translucent diamond looks down upon the First City, Illias. A tall being in the form of a man stands there, dressed in silver armor. Over the surface of his armor, glowing runes swarm like silverfish. A four-pointed star is etched on his forehead.

He stands there motionless, and then dissolves in a cloud of silver mist, reappearing at a shimmering silver pillar in the center of the room, created from some metallic alloy pulled up from the fiery depths in the moment that the world was born, but somehow never losing its heat. The room at the peak of the Akrelian Keep has no visible ceiling. Above the god is a reproduction of the dome of the sky, the sun shining by day, the stars turning by night. But everything is made of metal and gears, a vast clockwork animated by divine energy, synchronized with the passage of this world through the universe.

Allas Athaniel was pleased. The mortals had already begun to come to the city, as he had known that they would. Mortals were drawn to places that best fit their nature, Athaniel believed. But all mortals, tall or small, great or weak, believed that there was fairness to the world. And so in time, all would come to worship Justice. Already, Order was finding a place in the world, and it was good. But the Akrelian Keep and the city of Illias would not be enough. It would be necessary to spread his creed all across the world, in places he himself could not be.

And so, on that day, Allas began to write on the silver pillar. On it he etched the Great Runes, copies of the holy marks that flowed across his own body, creating an alphabet for the mortals to use. And he imbued the marks with magic and power, so that mortals favored of Allas Athaniel could hold them in their mind to channel the power of their god's justice. For eleven days, he worked runes into the pillar, until an endless chain of marks covered its every surface. A code of law, a system of magic, and a holy scripture in one, the Silver Pillar encompassed everything that Allas was, the written expression of his being. Finally, he pressed the four-pointed star on his forehead to the one he had carved in the very center of the pillar.

Both stars glowed, and the glyphs on the pillar began to move, faster and faster. Touching his hands to the pillar, he spoke, and all the mortals in the Keep and the city heard his voice. "This is the Codex of Allas, the perfect law. Go throughout the world, raising pillars in my name. Carve the sacred star, and the code will come alive, a small node of my power. Wherever you raise a pillar to me, there also shall my power be."

Allas Athaniel closed his eyes. And the glyphs began to spread. They overflowed from the pillar, flowing across the floor and up the walls. They seeped through the floor and floated through the air.

Within the Akrelian Keep, the most powerful fortress in existence, the God of Justice would be everywhere at once. The walls pulsated with his heartbeat, a low thrum that spoke of equality and righteousness, of just retribution, punishment and reward. On the walls, as anywhere in the Akrelian Keep, glyphs of justice fortitude, protection, and others far more complex now flickered and moved like running water. Though the mighty fortress was made of earthly materials, it was now bound together by the living code that is Allas Athaniel's blood.

Across the city of Illias, white pillars rose from the ground, smaller versions of the great silver pillar, all covered in the flowing, swirling codex of runes. Astonished mortals walked up to the pillars. The first of them, a bent old man, pressed his hands against the pillar. The world disappeared, and he was floating through an endless silver sea. Glowing symbols surrounded him, promising peace, justice, and goodness. Golden and silver, they twisted off into infinity, like an endless chain of silver stars.

Suddenly, the world reappeared. He had removed his hands.

"I could see...everything." And he wept.

From: Allas Athaniel, Guardian of Justice
To: Xatuar the Abomination

When you came into existence, I heard a shriek, as the universe itself cried out in pain. You are a festering sore on the face of the world, a twisted construct given over to every vice imaginable. Know this. The day will come when I see you chained in my dungeons, suffering every crime which you have inflicted upon the mortals. And then, when your debt has been repaid, I will throw you into the Void, from which there will be no escape.
A quick question, are we able to mold living things with our current amount of power and if so what is the extent of our ability to change them?
To: Elain
From: Argonet

You may enter my lands, but only to travel through. You may not stop, nor tarry. do not interfere with the people who enjoy the protection of time itself... and know that nothing you can do to these lands be permanent... for time erases all, and heals all wounds

Beginning Time
Start of the Next Update
End Time:
The End of Next Update
Winoceros's house by the Great Vineyard
I want to have a big party to celebrate the beginning of all that which exists. Everyone is invited. It's not BYOB or BYOW unless you want to bring something special that I don't have. I plan on getting at least 12 kegs though. If you don't have a DD you can crash here. I have eight extra beds at the house. There will be cornhole, a winepong tournament and live music. No smoking in the house unless it's in the basement. Other than that...Happy Drinking!

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