Needed Things

I was just thinking that. If it doesn't end up being an official team (or something else takes its place), the thread can always be unstickied later. ;)
When might we see private forums?
Perhaps the old Member-Groups should be delete.
That's a good point. It gets a bit confusing if new players are trying to join the team group when there's dozens and dozens with very similar names.

Team forum request submitted.
Excellent. I look forward to seeing them soon. :)
Please delete this thread (I forgot the poll). ;)

Moderator Action: Done - Dave
Please sticky this thread and this thread.

We already asked, and I wouldn't have asked again, except that Sirius already got their threads stickied...:) It's just discrimination at this point, really:p

EDIT: Oh maybe because DaveShack is ON Sirius, so he has access to their forum... OK oops sorry then DaveShack:blush:

Moderator Action: Fortunately there are mods around that don't play ;) - Stuck, Rik
Please sticky this thread.
Moderator Action: Stuck before I even saw the request - Dave
I have heard nothing that should say against sticking this
Moderator Action: Stuck - Rik
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