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Nerf the Aztecs please.


May 4, 2013
The little Aztec Warrior rush is too powerful. Please nerf it. There's just little to no way to defend against it in the early game. You can have walls, a bunch of archers and still struggle against this tactic.

Nerf the Aztecs please.
Get 1-2 spearman that act as blockers and you'll be fine.
Yeah, Aztecs are super strong, and if you don't stop the early rush they'll likely be ahead of you all game. As I just discovered, even Zulu spearmen with buffalo promotions backed up with Composite Bowmen can barely defeat them sometimes (but will defeat them - the Jaguar isn't all-powerful or anything.)

First off, not that you can do a ton to really determine this, particularly in the early game, but obviously if your cities are in the jungle, that's a big advantage for Monty. If you're in non-JUngle hills, advantage is probably yours. I guess, if you know early on that you're near Monty (and you should if you're falling to this rush) then don't settle a second city in the jungle - it's usually a bad idea anyway for a second city and he'll eat it right up given half a chance.

Secondly, bee-line construction so that you can get Composite Bowmen defending you. This should be viable by the time he's geared up for a rush, and probably won't take you far off whatever path you're on anyway.

Don't build improvements you don't need until you've dealt with him pretty thoroughly, as those improvements are just going to be pillage-targets for an already vampiric army.

Use your city defenses and CBs (particularly your Garrisons) to focus on individual Jags (after catapults, of course, if he has those along for the ride.) Spearmen (or better yet, depending on the terrain, horsemen) are good for running around cleaning up. But the point is to minimize the utility of the health that Jags can gain. Half-health Jags will murder and pillage back to full strength. Full-strength Jags are likely to run themselves into your walls , from which point you can destroy them in the next turn.

Hope this helps.
You must be doing something wrong. For one, getting all archers. You need at least three to five melee units to provide backup for archers while they get in position. Just fortify in front of your city with a few spearmen, and whittle them down from the back with archers.
Just because you neglect melee units to act as blockers for your archers doesn't mean jaguars is OP. Screenshot of your actions on maps will help us to help you alot.
I used to loose cities to early zergers too, i tried building more units and less wonders, but then i couldn't pay the upkeep :-(

So, i learned to place my cities in more defensible locations, which made it possible to hold them off with a smaller force. Of course a smaller army won't deter them from attacking in the first place, but these defensive wars are a lot of fun. Especially once you end up with a couple of range-promoted range units with cover and march , and decide to take the fight to him. The tricky bit is working out how many of his cities to take without becoming a warmonger yourself. OTOH if you are too lenient he'll be back for more soon. Ideally weaken him enough so his other enemies destroy him for you.

Defensible cities 101 -

Can an archer garrisoned in the city hit all tiles around the city to two hexes?

Forest/Jungle block line of sight to the tiles behind, unless the city is on higher ground than the tress. If in doubt, chop them!

Hills block line of sight to tiles behind unless the city itself is on a hill

Rivers put a 33% penalty on attacks across one. Together with food yields from farms with access to fresh water, water mills, gardens and hydro plants, river cities are great.

Mountains are impassible and so reduce the number of axes the enemy can attack from.

Finally, distance. I am reluctant to settle more than 6 tiles away because connecting the city with a road becomes expensive and without that, it takes too long to bring reinforcements if attacked. Also, if you're settling that far from your own cap, the chances are you're forward settling another civ, even if you haven't met them yet. And that makes them mad!

If you have a defensible location, you can beat any attack with two units. Do the opposite, and put a city on flat plains surrounded by hills because this spot brings the highest number of luxes/specials within 3 hexes, and you'll need a serious military presence to hold it. Garrisons within the city wont be able to hit enemy units because their line of sight is blocked, which means you need ranged units on the surrounding hills, which are outside the city and going to take subtantial damage - so you need melee units to protect them, and spares.
If you have trouble with the Aztecs, you'll never be able to handle the Zulus.
I love Monty. He always gets into some protracted fight that means he's still using jags when everyone else has muskets. If you can fend him off for the first couple eras, he becomes a non-contender in my experience.

Unless he manages to eat Venice.
Post a game, and stop posting this drivel, CivAddict. You've already been told this multiple times, over and over again.

They don't need to be nerfed, you need to learn how to play.
Guys, you can stop posting. He's not gonna post a screenshot or a game save, all this guy cares about is trolling and then not listening to any suggestions, it's been proven time and time again.
I love Monty. He always gets into some protracted fight that means he's still using jags when everyone else has muskets. If you can fend him off for the first couple eras, he becomes a non-contender in my experience.

Unless he manages to eat Venice.

Monty is great!

In my last game he was my only friend in a world that hated me. Its so weird being good friends with Monty mind! He was on another continent and our interests didn't conflict at all so that probably helped.
An AI Monty is already nerfed as he always DOWs his neighbor and keeps on going until either he is eliminated or they are eliminated resulting permanent hate with all civs he's met.
Try bee-lining Currency as well so you can have markets up fairly quickly, this will allow you to field more units than normal. Try and meet every civ asap so you can trade your duplicate luxuries away, when you you have a high enough gpt you can bribe Monty to DOW someone else.
Next should be civil Service for pike-men. Pike-men are extremely hardy and a fortified pike-man on a hill is going to take some shifting.
Ally militaristic CS as early as possible by clearing out barb camps they request you to do, freeing any captured workers is an investment here.
Take the war to Monty before he takes it to you. I find that Monty along with some other civs respect a bit of aggressiveness early on, just don't take any cities. Send a few warriors and steal his workers.
Lol no, I love monty. He sends wave after wave after wave of Jaguars for me to crush and gain XP. They are seriously easy to beat, I don't get how you could have trouble with them.
I have to eat crow here: right after I posted about just fending off Monty, I started a deity game as Shaka (!!!) because I'm trying to win my first game on that setting. In any event, I moved my settler to a great spot and got started with a good military build order (scout, barracks, archer) and then realized that I totally forward settled my capital on...

...you guessed it! Monty!

Turn 52: Went from DoF to war.

I realize many of you can handle a war and continue to grow your empire, but I am just stuck. I got him to settle for ten turns while I defended another civ's attack (Theodora of all people), and then raced back just in time for his second Dow. Wow. This game is just going to hurt. Props to you folks who make deity look easy. I'm just holding on with my +3 gpt and praying for impi to fall from the sky.

I really need to go back to Chieftan where I belong.
Well you dont say, Deity is supposed to be mega hard.
I watch these Lets Plays and get all cocky. "Well that just looks easy..." It's like watching the Winter Olympics and then skiing off the roof of your house.

I wish that was just an analogy, but I was ten after all. I didn't win the gold. I won a cast.
You're probably playing at the most difficult levels.... the aztecs have rushed me before but I have been able to stop their rush....however, most ais in Deity do rush though and defending yourself can be difficult. ..
We're starting to drift off-topic, but I didn't expect non-warlike civs to be of concern. Then the Byzantines Dow. Should I treat every civ on deity like a warmonger?
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