NESLife VIII: The Next Generation

Is it morally inadmissible for me to convince my girlfriend to make a CFC account so I can post a second evolution? :p

On a more serious note, it would be a cool bonus for the era 'winner' to let them contribute a second evolution. Or, to let someone contribute to gene bonus organisms in addition. I often find myself lagging behind what I believe the natural next development of the era "should" be in certain areas because I'm not able to contribute to as many branches as I feel need updating based on the status of the biosphere. For example, I had Frescatail and Flestuary planned out at the same time as divergences from Flentatail into different niches. Of course your workload has to be considered as well, Daft. :) You could consider capping the era's evolutions at a certain number to prevent all the players from spamming out two evolutions per turn and making it un-updateable.

Well, so long as everyone doesn't have their girlfriends/partners add an extra evolution each turn :) I'm happy for more input! But yes, workload is a consideration. I think the number of evolutions has to stay pretty small or the updates will never get finished. And/or I will just not be able to mentally process everything. If we start multiplying the current number per turn then it will be a problem.

I have thought about a system where people can submit a main species and optionally, another potential/secondary one. I would add a few of the secondary ones per turn, but not all of them - I'd prioritise the ones that fill out empty niches or add branches to thin parts of the 'tree of life'.
I have thought about a system where people can submit a main species and optionally, another potential/secondary one. I would add a few of the secondary ones per turn, but not all of them - I'd prioritise the ones that fill out empty niches or add branches to thin parts of the 'tree of life'.

I think this is a good idea not only since it puts no obligation on you to accept anyone's secondary submission (as you say you can pick a couple of ones you really like each turn or even none at all if you lack the time and will) but since it allows people to propose things they'd really want to develop but feel they can't due to investments elsewhere (Thlayli with the zords for instance). Along these lines and in relation to the goal of prioritizing neglected fields I think if you adopt this you should require that any persons secondary submission cannot be from the same phylum as their primary submission.


also amended the Galgaphage to evolve from the Falgophage rather than the Xerophage. That way they get eggs as an extra trait while retaining those traits they would have had anyway.
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I am always a fan of creating new branches, but I understand how many are aiming at a certain creature many updates away, so if we have the option of creating a second it would be nice to be able to do so.
Another way to keep evolution world wide cohesive and progressing but not have too many species in each update is to do regional updates. Update different regions and every some time when regions collide you can have a big update. That way different regions ai evolve at the same time but less trouble for you in each update.
Toureg - Aiken Drumn

Evolved from: Mandreg

Genes: 1x Burrowing, 1x Scavenging, 1x Colonial Growth, 1x Cold Resistance, 1 x Water Retention, 1 x Swimming

Description: Touregs are wiggly little things, often found washed up in the detritus of a tideline. Away from predation in the sea, and with the ability to burrow in the sand as needed they can wait out the returning tide to avoid desiccation.
literally everyone is going for the beaches while i'm just sitting around being lorg
I have thought about a system where people can submit a main species and optionally, another potential/secondary one. I would add a few of the secondary ones per turn, but not all of them - I'd prioritise the ones that fill out empty niches or add branches to thin parts of the 'tree of life'.

Along these lines, Daft, I have a second species for consideration. The concept hit me after I had already posted the Frescatail, and they occupy very different niches. If you like, I'm willing to retract the Frescatail to use it next update or have it be considered 'secondary', since while I'm passionate about flentae evolutions, that one is slightly more incremental than the major new niche-occupying change suggested here. Feel free to do with it what you will. This one could also be considered as secondary because it has a higher likelihood of failure due to the novel breeding mechanism. You are also welcome to only use your favorite and keep the other on standby to be used for the subsequent update.

Evolved From:
Genes Added: 1x Vapor Absorption, 1x 'Marsupialization'
Genes Removed: 1x Barbs (I am keeping 'aquatic spores' as a gene, however the spore stage is gestated within an aqueous sac within the parent organism)
Genes: 2x Tentacles, 2x Water Retention, 1x Vapor Absorption, 1x Eyes, 1x External Digestion, 1x Stomach, 1x Aquatic Spores, 1x Marsupialization

Two innovations allowed the first tiny animal species to cut the cord to a standing water source, and begin crawling into the far interior. Descendants of the Zoupa with thickening sheath-skins began to curl up in a ball to endure the heat of day, protecting their tentacles and core moisture. They unrolled at night to creep around, dissolving young plants and drinking dew from moist, cool air while lying on their backs facing the sky.

The breeding cycle was liberated from an aquatic stage by creating an aqueous pouch for the spore stage to begin metamorphosis within the mother organism. The juveniles are released incomplete, barely the size of marbles, but capable of slowly creeping around and growing on their own. Revolvas still cluster in highly moist areas, but no longer need to live near a daily tide pool and can survive outside of water. Their breeding cycle and 'sleep' cycle would make them highly vulnerable, but they are among the only animals in their habitat.

It is believed Revolvas would sometimes 'roll' while curled up in a ball, but this may have been accidental rather than an intentional form of movement, as most Revolva fossils were found where they had accidentally rolled into crevasses or tarpits and gotten stuck.

Edit: Pending discussion of several attributes I’ve decided to change the additional water retention to freshwater tolerance to better reflect the dew-drinking aspect.

Secondary Edit: Pending further discussion I've decided 'vapor absorption' to be a better gene than 'freshwater tolerance' to avoid unnecessary complications with other organisms using that gene to inhabit freshwater environments, as this is a land organism that can drink water vapor and absorb oxygen through its skin. It also better accounts for the dual function of gas exchange and dew-drinking.
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@Thlayli - The Revolva concept sounds cool, however its respiratory functions seem deficient for fully land-based life and it lacks freshwater tolerance which makes me think its a little early to claim it "no longer need to live anywhere near the ocean" presuming you either switch to that over the Flentae evolution you've already flagged or Daft allows it as a secondary submission

(secondary suggestion previously noted in a spoiler here is deleted, alternate secondary suggestion submitted via pm)
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@Thlayli - The Revolva concept sounds cool, however its respiratory functions seem deficient for fully land-based life and it lacks freshwater tolerance which makes me think its a little early to claim it "no longer need to live anywhere near the ocean" presuming you either switch to that over the Flentae evolution you've already flagged or Daft allows it as a secondary submission (speaking of which, an idea I had when he mentioned that possibility is spoilered below).

Since I stated that these organisms are both quite small and slow, I don't think they need a dedicated respiratory organ and can do gas exchange directly. I'm aware of the lack of lungs as a limitation, but I'm sure you know insects and some amphibians also don't have lungs or complex gas exchange and can 'breathe' directly through their skin. (An amphibian metaphor is similar to what I'm going for here, although different in some respects). The ideal habitats are wetlands, river valleys, and 'jungles' (insofar as any of those exist, I'm not sure if plant biomass is high enough yet.) Coasts are an option of course, just not the only one.

As for the lack of freshwater tolerance, I sort of have an issue with using that gene for a small land animal which has no intention of getting anywhere near fresh water as a habitat. In my view, adding another water retention gene is a better expression of how it carries out its dew/mist drinking function, whereby vapor simply diffuses into it, but you could just as easily have 2x water retention and 1x freshwater tolerance, I just view it as a less appropriate description.

It's also semi-problematic that most organisms are assumed to have a saltwater tolerance gene, but that's a separate can of worms...
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Your elaboration certainly makes your reasoning clearer and I agree that you needn't acquire lungs to move to a terrestrial biome. My main concern however is the osmoregulation process.

As we begin with salt-water as a default habitat medium my presumption is that to adapt to a less salty environment (where the animal is not constantly pumping salt out of its body) you would need to take freshwater tolerance. This trait would indicate salt-retention capacities that facilitate osmoregulation in a less saline environment even if the creature is not primarily aquatic (it really ought to just be a salt-retention trait, but I suppose the traits concept extends beyond that).

In terms of simply becoming becoming terrestrial I think it should be fine if you have high water retention and abide by the sea. The niche of terrestrial coast-dweller is available. However I think if you want to extend into the interior and break free of the oceans shackles while retaining cutaneous respiration (which requires the animal be kept moist - noting here that insects use tracheal respiration which is different and worthy of being its own trait) as the primarily means of gas exchange, the problem of osmoregulation ought to be addressed directly. Otherwise just as a frog finding itself in contact with salt dies due to dehydration, the creature adapted to saltwater will find the salt leeched out of its body by the surrounding environment and perish.
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I'm semi-busy with work this week, haven't fully caught up on the convo but just wanted to comment on this;

As for the lack of freshwater tolerance, I sort of have an issue with using that gene for a small land animal which has no intention of getting anywhere near fresh water as a habitat. In my view, adding another water retention gene is a better expression of how it carries out its dew/mist drinking function, whereby vapor simply diffuses into it, but you could just as easily have 2x water retention and 1x freshwater tolerance, I just view it as a less appropriate description.

It's also semi-problematic that most organisms are assumed to have a saltwater tolerance gene, but that's a separate can of worms...

What I felt from previous NESLife games is it's been a little too easy to go from sea to land. I'm not a biologist, but being able to tolerate fresh water as input does seem to be a significant step [which is why we don't just have freshwater squid and octopii everywhere]. I also like the idea of freshwater rivers/lakes having a barrier to entry, meaning they are not just inland versions of the oceans.

Therefore, Revolva would be in a strange place as it's getting on for desert-level water retention, but can only replenish from seawater. Perhaps it would inhabit tidal areas near the equator, which dry out more rapidly at high tide. To absorb dew as you suggest, I'd still require it to have some level of freshwater tolerance, perferably more than one.

As life began in the ocean then yes, everything is assumed to start with saltwater tolerance, but in my mind a creature that has freshwater tolerance at level x2 or more is not going to be very fond of drinking seawater anymore. Bizarely, if we had whales and dolphins in this game they might have kept 'freshwater tolerance' and 'water retention' from their land-dwelling past, as I understand they basically get their water through their food and the metabolic breakdown of fat. As they breathe air directly, they don't need specialised gills either. This means they can freely go through any kind of water.
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I’m happy to change the additional water retention gene to freshwater tolerance if that’s the case then, since dew-drinking/vapor diffusion through skin is important to their behavior, and they’re still meant to live in very moist areas, so 2x retention should suffice. Equally so, the rolling up in a ball to survive drying out in the day behavior can be explained as an emergent property of “freshwater tolerance,” although I find that a bit odd.

Intuitively I still think these organisms should have an additional level of water retention, but it’s important to take them away from the tide pool ecosystem that Fjordzords and Zoupas are in as a transitional phase towards ‘full’ land dwelling. Keeping them with this level of water retention probably means they do still partially dwell in/around water sources, but that’s fine.

While having less water retention diminishes the utility of live birth slightly, I will probably keep it the way that it is for now, since not being forced to give birth in water is still fairly useful especially for avoiding predation of juveniles by all the sea and tidal organisms.
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Evolved From: Xerophage
Genes Added: 1x Plant Eating, 1x Swimming, 1x Gills
Genes Removed: none

The Phytophage is the product of tens of millions of years of natural selection acting on Xerophages in a world that has steadily grown more competitive, and more dangerous. The Phytophage's speed and maneuverability has been greatly enhanced with the development of six flexible, paddle-like fins (three pairs of two along the length of the body). Thanks to the development of these fins, the Phytophage is much more quick and nimble than its ancestors, but this pep comes at a price. It consumes oxygen at a measurably greater rate to support its activity. Normally, this would mean that they could be swift only in short bursts, before becoming exhausted, but the Phytophage augments its speed with a pair of metabolic adaptations. The simple gas exchange surfaces in its skin and mouth are no longer sufficient to support its active lifestyle, so it has developed an organ inside its mouth, filled with many deep folds, wrinkles and invaginations to greatly increase its surface area, allowing for a much greater rate of gas exchange. To provide power and nutrition for its newly-intensified demands, the Phytophage's whole digestive system, from its cutting, shearing jaws, to its muscular, grinding stomach, to its dizzyingly branching absorption labyrinth, has been developed to extract many more nutrients from its herbivorous diet. This elabourate digestive apparatus makes the Phytophage one of the most effective grazers of its time.

It is worthy of note that in spite of its most obvious external physical feature, its six swimming fins, this organism was not named 'Remex' or Oarsman, but instead 'Phytophage', for its highly effective herbivorous characteristics.

...alternatively, if you think it's a cooler name, I'm totally cool with you calling this animal the REMEX. Probably better to name it after its flashy new fins rather than some boring ol' digestive stuff.
Departing from the drama of the coasts, we find ourselves immersed in the colorful world of the Tallubester reefs. Here amidst the stony formations and murmuring waves a shoal of Phytophages, fins undulating hypnotically in the clear tropical water, seek out algal growths, or perhaps even a mature Longaetron to devour. These graceful herbivores play a key part in maintaining the thriving reef ecosystem, for without their constant grazing Longaetron spores would proliferate, boring through the Tallubesters calcium carbonate exoskeletons and harming the organisms ensconced within. Unchecked they would eventually smother the tallubesters under the shadow of their fronds, killing them and reducing the reef to a dead outcropping of stone thereby depriving the thriving community of Swimsters, Thoraxenia and others that rely upon them of crucial shelter and resources.

Indeed some of these creatures, once ubiquitous in past epochs of Fanatica's history can now no longer be found anywhere else. The tiny transparent Swimsters which flit in and out of outcroppings and small crevices below the Phytophage shoal with the classical "flicking" movement of the Kolympia have elsewhere in the vast tropical oceans long been driven to extinction by the emergence of powerful predators and the competitive pressures posed by the migratory Chillster swarms that seasonally emerge from their temperate strongholds to partake of planktonic blooms brought on by dust deposited from the continental interior upon the tropical sea. But here where they are protected from predation by the hulking Tallubesters and where the bulky and slow-moving Chillsters cannot compete under predation pressures from newly evovlved tropical predators, they have gained in concert with the decline of the Amorphes genera, a second wind.

In an instant the Phytophage shoal scatters with a start as a dark shape slices through the water like an arrow. A Mouther, armed with gnashing jaws and vicious dagger like teeth has emerged from its hiding place in a submarine alcove to ambush the unwary herbivores. Alas for this super predator, the swift speed and superior stamina of the Phytophages has enabled them to elude it for now, but there is always next time. Despite its failure on this occasion, the Mouther represents a group that is a keystone genus in Fanatica's tropical oceans. For it is the emergence of the Mouther that has rung the death-knell for the the surviving species of the Bigster lineage who once dominated the pelagic seas. More importantly for the maintenance of the reef, these predators control the Phytophage population ensuring overgrazing does not denude the reef of the key source of nutrients represented by tronic growths, thus preserving a delicate balance. Some variants of the Mouther serve other key functions as well, and it can be observed that specialist species feast on Tallubesters and Tubesters, a behaviour that functions to control growth and promote species diversity amongst the reef building genera, whilst also providing openings for Longaetron spores to become established.

Yet with the sunset a new bevy of species comes to the fore as the swimsters retreat into their redoubts. As the pall of night descends, vicious nocturnal Mouthers arise from their dens flicking boldly across the face of the reef under the light of the moon, ready to display a burst of speed towards any unfortunate creature caught out in the open. These audacious Kolympia however keep well clear of the whispering Slinkyurt covens whose barbed tentacles slither from orifices in the reef in dense thickets, fulfiling the function once performed in previous epochs by the Treesters. These relatives of the zords which dominate the shoreline filter the water of plankton and microscopic debris, keeping the water clear of sediment and debris and ensuring optimal conditions for photosynthesizing organisms. Unlike the serene Treesters however these filter feeders are not content with microscopic morsels and grasp eagerly towards any movement detected by their vibration sense, snatching any unwary victim that comes too close. Not even a Mouther will risk becoming ensnared in such a thorny nest of writhing appendages if it can help it.

Far out of the danger zone, amidst the outcroppings where distance from the currents deters filter feeding Slinkyurts from becoming established, a furtive Flentatail carefully tests orifices in the rock with its tentacles. These stately predators whilst lacking the gnashing teeth of the Mouthers nonetheless compensate through pure stamina, their flentae enabling them to pursue their prey in earnest where the Mouther is limited to bursts of speed. The Flentatail is observed to twitch before darting into a crevice. It emerges from the cloud of white sand expelled from the burrow it has uncovered in its flailing with a desperate Vorzord twitching in its grasp. Chuffed with its prize it decamps, spoils in tentacle, towards a more secure place where it may feast upon the unfortunate scavenger in peace. A wise move, come sunrise it would bode ill to be found out at dinner when the Mouthers return from their nightly foray above the reef to their repose in the ravines that criss-cross the stony formations. The shoal would surely savour zordic flesh if the opportunity availed, and it is a regular sight to see the Mouther swarm flitting frantically in a mad feeding frenzy to tear the flesh of some unfortunate creature to pieces, their ravening jaws leaving nothing behind to bear testament to its passing.

- another excerpt from The Waters of Fanatica
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Surfster - Terrance888
Evolved From: Driftster (Era 3 -> Era 7)
New Genes
: 2x Buoyancy, 1x Aerial Filter Feeding
Removed Genes: 1x Filter Feeding
Genes: 2x Filter Feeding, 3x Buoyancy, 1x Scent Detection, 1x Sail, 1x Aerial Filter Feeding
Description: Usually spending their time riding the tips of waves, Surfsters have many scent-detecting membranes along both the top and bottom of their bodies, as well as lining their filter tubes, which help them detect both danger and opportunity. Their advanced buoyancy control allows them both to quickly dip below the waves, or to raise their sails and catch the winds necessary to harvest blooms of Aeroplankton. Additionally, the skies often prove a safe haven from predators. The size limitations of surfing and their still archiac reproduction systems meant that they needed to simplify some of their naval filter feeding mechanisms so they can reach their full surfing potentials ooner.
A wonderful except, thank you Jehoshua! Thoroughly enjoyed reading. I should start linking these on the first page (which I kinda forgot about!).

Thanks again also for the evolutions. I'll see if I can get an update out this weekend.

So I decided as an experiment, I am also officially opening for 'secondary evolutions'. Basically, you can suggest ONE idea per turn for a NPC evolution -> preferably a branch of an older species or an under-developed branch on the tree of life.

I'd prefer if people didn't spend too much time or go into too much detail with these, as:

* Players won't be credited with these in the stats
* They are likely to be mashed together with my own ideas or those of other players
* They may never appear at all, or my appear turns later

But I thought the world could use a few more NPC evolutions, and this could be a fun way to have more player input.

If ideas for these could be sent to me via PM, either here or in Discord, I think that will be best as it will remove any confusion with the main evolutions, and also add an air of mystery!
Update 7 - The Touregian Epoch

This epoch is named after the Toureg, or rather the fossil traces of its tidal burrows, which are very common in the geological record and appear rather abruptly at the start of this era. A general increase in jumbled ‘hard’ fossils is also notable at this time - in the form of shell fragments, and pieces of barbs, spikes, harpoons, jaws and teeth, telling the tale of an increasing arms race, at least amongst the shallow seas.

By all indications, the climate remained very stable, with cold-to-temperate conditions at the poles, varying by season, and warm wet conditions closer to the equator. Although huge carbon sinks were forming on land, where plants were growing undisturbed, this seems to have been balanced by volcanic activity all across the tropics, diffused through many small volcanic islands. At the same time, ever-increasing plant life - now over land, sea and air - also raised oxygen levels throughout this era, ending at a new high level in the planet’s history. Though the oceans initially lagged behind the atmosphere, eventually they too began to absorb the increased oxygen, all of which allowed certain species of animals to grow significantly larger than before (specimens from this era of Flentatail, Flestuary, Frescatail, Seepazo and Phytophage have all been found measuring over one metre long).

In contrast, the aforementioned Toureg was from an ancient line of humble scavenging worm-like creatures, only distantly related to other animals and forming a distinct branch on the tree of life. They had long established themselves as burrowing scavengers amongst the shallow seafloor sediment. With adaptations to survive being out of water for short periods, and with an ability to actively swim against the tide, the Toureg was suddenly able to colonise the vast tidal flats that surrounded the land masses of this planet - or at least the warmer areas. As a burrowing scavenger in this niche it had little competition, with predators rarely able to detect them or dig them out of their sandy burrows. All of their digging also helped to free up more nutrients, which aided the growth of plant life in the tidal biomes.

The Toureg perhaps had a role to play in the appearance of the Terrotron, notable for its polygonal and geometric arrangement of its pseudo-leaves, which on rare occasions were fossilised in exquisite detail. The fossils were initially a difficult puzzle to interpret. It is now understood that Terrotron emerged as a branch of the Xerotron, an already-ancient form of spiralform marine algae, that seems to have gone through a rapid series of changes at this time to emerge as a functional semi-aquatic plant - with roots to bind it to the surface, and an ability to tolerate being doused in rainfall or brackish water.

However, compared to the Tronic plants that had already colonised the land, Terrorton was primitive in many ways - it was relatively inefficient at photosynthesis, and could only spread itself by directly budding or branching out, lacking any form of airborne spores. It did however have certain key advantages inherited from the Xerotron - first the ability to form a mucus layer that both insulated the plant against environmental extremes in the short term, and discouraged harassment from animals such as the Zoupa, or from parasites like the Kafkasus; and secondly, the ability to partially desiccate and hibernate through spells of extreme weather. Thus, although not dominant on land, the Terrotron slowly spread across several land masses during this era, and was able to colonise certain biomes near the equator - such as the rain-shadows of mountain ranges - that had thus far proved too dry for the Tronic plants.

At the same time however, the Tronic plants were quite literally taking to the skies. The Jagatron genus was a descendent of the Igatrone that had developed its airborne spore-structures to the point that they could grow into small masses with an internal hydrogen bubble, capable of surviving for extended periods in the atmosphere - by directly absorbing moisture from clouds, and slowly capturing particles of dust to obtain minerals and nutrients. Eventually, the airborne phases evolved to reproduce directly when conditions allowed, completely bypassing the need for settling on the surface and growing into a land plant. However, though the fossil evidence is very sparse, it is believed that the real picture was more complex, and that most Jagatron species retained the ability to grow as surface plants on occasion - albeit now lacking the ability to grow roots, they were sometimes able to grow as bryophytes upon jagged rock surfaces and cliff ledges - and perhaps upon rafts of floating plant matter out on the oceans - which would in turn release more spores back into the atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Surfster was the first animal capable of taking to the skies, at least for brief moments. It was an evolution of the Driftster, serene filter-feeders that had been cruising along the surface of the sea for millions of years, using primitive ‘sails’ to harness the power of the wind. Being helpless against predation, combined with the danger of being swept up by storms, had meant their numbers had fallen perilously low, but the relative simplicity of the creature and its low metabolic needs meant it was able to cling on amidst the vast expanses of open ocean, where predators were far less common.

Surfster now emerged from a branch of Drifster that developed its internal buoyancy to the point it was able to cruise with its body mass largely out of the water, and could even haul up its filter-feeding organs in response to being nibbled on by predators. At the same time, it had evolved feathery branches able to feed from aeroplankton - now including Jagatron spores - that might be floating above the sea on calm days. This led to Surfsters sometimes being seen in swarms, numbers that their ancestors had not reached for millions of years. It was still a precarious existence however, as they were now even more vulnerable to being swept up in powerful winds, and either blown onto land or high up into the sky, where they would rapidly dry out and suffocate if they did not soon fall back to the moisture of the waves. For now at least, these creatures were still tied to seawater for survival, with occasional windfalls of dead Surfsters arriving on land for scavengers to eat.

Indeed, life on land remained relatively calm and peaceful, with no animals yet able to exploit the plant life and growing deep inland. In some places, layer upon layer of Halgatrone and Igatrone essentially grew ontop of each other continually for millions of years, with the dead growths only partly broken down by bacteria of the time, eventually forming thick coal-like deposits. Zoupa and Fjordzord were able to graze on plant life where it occured close to the sea shore, and may have competed with each other for control of small islands, but both of these groups remained tied to saltwater.

It was a different story in the shallow sea biomes. Traditional pseudo-reef-builders like the Tubster and Treester were in sharp decline, but there emerged a new kind of mutualism between the Tallubester and the Longaetron. The latter was a new branch of marine algae that evolved acidic roots, capable of leaching useful minerals from either seafloor rocks, or preferably from the shells of Tallubsters. This, combined with the development of vascular tissue within the main stem of the Longatetron, and the minor defence provided by their acidic nature, allowed them to grow to significantly larger sizes than other marine algae, forming what could either be called reefs or underwater forests. The leaching of minerals was rarely fatal for the Tallubester however, rather it simply slowed their growth, while debris and detritus from the Langaetron also encouraged the growth of plankton on which the Tallubster fed, not to mention the animals taking shelter among the tangled roots of the Longaetron.

This increasing complexity, combined with rising oxygen levels, seems to have spurred the evolution of several new shallow-water species, including some ferocious new predators. However, most noticeable in the fossil record however is the Phytophage, emerging from the now-ancient Xerophage lineage of free-swimming, largely herbivorous animals. Unlike their Falgophage cousins that still swarmed the oceans in huge numbers, the Phytophage was in some ways primitive - it could not tolerate cooler water temperatures, and could not reproduce efficiently by laying eggs under cover of sediment and debris, as had been the key to the Falgophage’s long success. However, the Phytophage did have certain key advantages - with the appearance of three pairs of paddle-like fins along its body, it was a more powerful and agile swimmer, better able to evade attacks by predators, as much as it’s primitive senses would allow. It also developed a true circulation system based around internal gill structures, and its digestive organs are also believed to be more sophisticated, all of which allowed these creatures to be larger and more active. This seems to have been key to their overtaking the Falgophage in the tropical shallows of this era.

The constant nibbling of animals like the Phytophage made sure the Longeatrons did not completely overgrow their Tallubester roots, nor could other types of algae completely smother the seabed. Of course, these grazers were in turn kept in check by a new generation of predators; the Mouther was one such creature - evolved from the Scraper, it was now little more than a set of ferocious flesh-eating teeth mounted on a muscular tail. Some of the teeth had mutated into articulated pseudo-jawbones, allowing a functional biting action, which combined with its fearsome fangs and increased speed to create a very dangerous weapon, expanding its range of prey well beyond the poisonous Bigsters - it was now capable of chomping through Tubesters and the light exoskeletons of some of the Clinger family. It’s likely that even Cavaliers and Tallubsters were not immune to a determined Mouther. It’s main prey however is likely to have been other soft-bodied animals; though it lacked any true gills or circulation system, meaning it was smaller than some competitors and only capable of short bursts of activity. It’s other limiting factor would’ve been its primitive eyesight, making it hard to chase fast-moving prey like the Phyotophage, and difficult to avoid encounters with other, larger predators; still, it would have been able to bite off tentacles and perhaps perform hit-and-run attacks against such opponents.

The Seeapazo meanwhile was an evolution of the harpoon-armed Harpazo, and a relative of the Mouther. With increasing agility of its prey, it evolved superior eyesight in order to coordinate the use of its harpoon weapon, and perhaps avoid entanglement with other predators - its vision still based around multiple simple eyes and eye-spots, but it is thought that it was now able to track movement and form basic images of its surroundings. It is also believed that the Seeapazo harpoon was tipped with venomous substance for immobilising its prey - this would make sense as the creature otherwise had no teeth or jaws; its favourite prey was likely to be the young of various different species, which could now be paralised and swallowed whole without injury. It’s likely the venom could also have been used defensively, to temporarily paralyse or perhaps even kill a larger opponent, allowing escape.

Also entering the fray was the Frescatail, which in one sense was essentially a more powerful and faster relative of the Flentatail (which it almost, but not compltely replaced). Like the Mouther, the Frescatail had the speed to match the Phytophage, which was likely it’s favourite prey - as unlike the Mouther, the Frescatail would’ve had much more stamina for a chase, thanks to its tentacle-gills and circulation system. Although, like the Mouther, it’s basic eyesight was likely now the limiting factor in such hunts. Still, it’s barbed tentacles offered flexibility in rooting out, and grappling with various prey amidst the Tallubsters and various algae growths of the seabed.

Engimata is a strange new creature that appears at this time in the tropical shallows. so-named because it was initially quite a puzzle to place on the evolutionary tree, seemingly appearing from nowhere. It is now understood to be part of the Grabber-Clinger lineage, having evolved a more mobile lifestyle and a segmented body plan based on what was originally a conjoined sequence of cloned individuals; at this point it is believed the segments were still only loosely connected, and were each able of feeding and sustaining themselves independently. With primitive ‘legs’ it was able to move around the seafloor, perhaps migrating between high points where it could filter-feed under cover of night, before returning to the shelter of algae or debris during the day. Although armoured with an exoskeleton, it also developed sharp spikes along its body, seemingly a testament to the dangerous waters in which it now lived.

Meanwhile, Alamantuzorg was the latest iteration of the Crawlzorg lineage, now-distant cousins of the Flentatail and Frescatail. Alamantuzorg evolved powerful jaws - believed to have a more powerful crushing force than the Mouther - and sophisticated stomach for the time, making it an effective omnivore. However, like its cousins, Alamantuzorg had only the most very basic senses - and was basically blind, apart from being able to tell night from day. This alone made it vulnerable to harassment from its cousins, which were now larger and more energetic. It’s poison defence was also not effective against the Mouthers, which could easily deliver devastating bites to the Admantuzrog before retreating. Indeed, predation by Mouthers is believed to have driven Admantuzrog and its cousins into functional extinction amongst the warm-water biomes by the end of this era, or at least reduced them to being active only at night. Cooler waters near the poles is where the Alamantuzorg lineage found its main refuge, where they were able to compete far more effectively for the seafloor omnivore role - moving around in small groups relatively undisturbed, feeding on whatever they stumbled into.

Various species of Frescatail and Seeapazo also began to appear in polar waters towards the end of this era, perhaps driven by the competition in warmer waters. At the poles they found abundant prey in the form of the Chillster and the Falgophage, which were relatively easy for them to catch, but retained their numbers despite the new predators, and formed a healthy ecosystem built around abundant plankton and vast growths of Falgatron that still had no real competition as a cold-water coastal algae.

Indeed, during this epoch, one branch of Falgophage evolved first to tolerate freshwater and then to thrive in it almost exclusively - the Galgophage. Effectively isolated by their runaway adaption to fresh water, they were now unable to cross the oceans to colonise other continents, and remained confined to several land-masses near the north pole of the planet. Here at least they had unlimited access to riversides and lakes full of Galgatron growths, being the first animals to colonise these reaches, with no predation other than from their own kind. In the most extreme north however, though the waters rarely froze in winter, the long winter nights either severely stunted plant growth or killed it off completely, forming a zone where there were only seasonal migrations of Galgophage in the summer months.

The Seeapazo meanwhile is also notable for its presence throughout the oceans. The other new predators had sacrificed buoyancy for streamlining and speed, meaning they had to actively swim to maintain their depth. Seeapazo was slower, but still able to float in a more energy-efficient manner, making it able to lurk in the oceans indefinitely, and follow the migrations of Xerophage back and forth throughout the year.


*Species List + Stats*



After all the talk of more NPC evos… I only added the one planned NPC species, as I basically ran out of time and wanted to get the update posted today. Also, I think it’s only fair I give advanced warning of upcoming NPC evolutions, so people can adapt / plan around it if needed. SO, very soon I am planning to post two or three NPC species for the next update (hopefully later today).

@Angst, for the Longaetron, I changed one level of photosynthesis to ‘vascular tissue’ as this seemed to better fit the idea of it being a ‘long’ plant - otherwise, nutrients/minerals wouldn’t be able to flow far from the roots. I hope that’s OK.

@Jehoshua, under what I had in mind, 2x freshwater tolerance basically makes it difficult to live in salt water anymore, thus meaning the Galgophage can’t cross oceans to colonise other waterways. Sorry if that seems harsh... A future evolution could lose 1x level and re-evolve a more tidal zone lifestyle, where it’s not unfeasible for it to cross oceans. Or there could be another gene like ‘salt tolerance’ to enable it to cross oceans. I need to speak to Iggy more about Salmon and how they do it :D but I think he said it’s not a trivial adaptation to be able to survive in both...
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Evolved From: Alamantuzorg
Genes Added: 1x Scent Detection, 1x Electro-reception
Genes Removed: none
Description: The Alamandra, pushed by predatory pressure, develops a wide arsenal to figure out what's around it. This allows it to avoid larger beasties, but also to act as a more effective predator. It is not uncommon for "packs" of Alamandra to operate together and predate on larger beasties. (Interpreting the Social Behavior)
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