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New CIV4 video telling you how you can beat CIV4 on Deity


If you want anything from I please ask in German
Sep 6, 2011

I need to raise some attention for this project, because most of the readers of this site seem to be unaware of whats happening currently, which is, that I currently produce a video that is no easy form of Let's Play in order to show my greatness, but that's a very difficult and ultimately hard project I set for myself, which is to leave a legacy of my CIV gaming towards you, the readers of this site, so I quit playing Civilization IV, and of course there is no need for me to do this, but I wished to enable others to beat Civilziation IV on Deity, meaning, I am working to improve your gaming skills as I believe in the course of the good, and new players learning to beat Deity is something good, because it'll "refresh the players pool" and make this site more alive again.

You either understand this correctly, or you can laugh about my stupidity for trying to do something good, I don't care.

What this means however, is, that there's a thread in the HoF Forums currently that most of you momentarily are missing: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=520151

So it's up to you to decide, whether you want to help me with my aim, whether you simply want to enjoy the usual party that goes along with the "Replay-series" , whether you want to learn something that will make you a better player, or whether you simply continue your lives as usual.

Thanks dude, i didn't know about this topic. Unfortunately i didnt have time to watch your videos yet :/ but i subscribed to your channel and i'll definitely follow with interest !
And hopefully lead some new recruits over to HOF
I just started watching these. They look good so far.

I will comment more after viewing them all.

Thanks for putting them together.

Awesome video for those of you who can't seem to win Deity games. Great refresher course for those experienced Deity players too; you'll probably learn something new as well.

Thanks for putting this notice up for Strategy and Tips players!

Sun Tzu Wu
I watched the both videos almsot immediately after you uploaded them.
They are great. And the last one is perfect for me. So...just waiting for the next episode of the serial (yes, it's because of the end of the video :thumbsup: ). I have no idea what else can be improved, you already do many thing at the top level (and which you didn't, you already improved). Everybody can see that there a lot of work in the videos.

If my post would hurry the video I would most as many as I can:crazyeye:
How else can we help you with the videos?...
Just hope that you will finish the Work before Elder Scrolls Online will be released.:nuke:
Thx for all of your posts, but plz try to move the discussion over to the linked thread in the HoF forums.

What stands here can work well as a sort of promotion, but I'm gonna push this thread every once a new episode comes out (just like it happened in this moment for example ^^) , but it'd be nice to have all posts concerning the video in 1 big thread.

I'll ask a Mod to move these posts.

Have fun watching :)
Only watched the first part so far, but looking good! Much looking forward to the later parts as that's where I think I have the most to learn.
I forgot!

In order to be able to watch the episodes in maximum quality (1080p) you unfortunately still have to wait a little, youtube always needs something like an hour before they unlock all video resolutions.
Aha! Maybe that's why I had problems with the first video way back. I changed directly to 1080, and it spent an aaaaaaaage trying to do that (the little wheel-thingy turning), but nothing actually happened. So I gave up and changed to 720 instead, which worked well enough. The 2nd video worked like a charm though.

Btw, why not have the 'active' thread here instead of in the HoF forum? I'm sure much more people frequent this place, which would perhaps lead to more people going to the videos themselves too. Just to take my example, I've never checked the HoF forum before, not even once, prior to this video series.

Just got home now, so look forward to watching the video :) (hope the no music version is up already :))
I'm a very stubborn person, and I've set myself the goal to make the people visit the HoF forums :) .

I do that, by simply offering them something which they don't want to miss out on, and by that I drag new players towards playing for the HoF :) .

In all honesty, but why should I publish my video-series in a forum where the thread gets spammed away in no time, while I also can choose a really nice place, that's cozy and allows you to meet a lot of very good players, while it also offers the chance to really experience something new?

HoF forums have very good competition, they have many Writeups that are definately superior to what can be found in this forum, and the only way you can make me move, is by moving yourself, and I'm already moving with producing this series. :coffee:
HoF forums have very good competition,

You should try some xOTM then. There, I have found hardcore players difficult to overwhelm and sometimes, they aren't even deity players. Jovan_Kukik, evil_spock, etc. to name few. We never hear of them, but hell they are hard to take out. In fact, the "deity" factor is actually irrelevant because true competition can be met outside deity without problem if the skilled players are found. Heck, evil_spock seems to barely know how the game works in its core, but was like twice as good as me in warfare. So good...I occasionally felt he cheated, but that was probably jealousy. :lol:

And in all honestly, I had more difficulty to break through there than HoF because there is no born-to-be-dumped tactic. It's one try and one has to do its best. I would certainly continue there if I wasn't a bit tired to see the same vanilla BTS (I am born March 2010, but played way before 2010). Same tech tree, same strategies, etc.

Why not joining the Nobles' Clubs, Imm University, etc. In that place worth of a roman forum (i.e. crossroads of all players), you'll find a real public! There, you would meet people like Izuul, Grashopa, Cseanny the weirdo and a ton of players. Most likely, when CFC Civ4 will lose its last sparkles, it will end there and mods sections.

All in all, Seraiel, you shouldn't desesperate entirely. You know this is the ending spectrum of Civ4 lifetime. Unluckily, you started (just as I do) Civ4 way too late (not an accusation, but bad timing; this is fate). If you had started in its beginning days, I assure you, you may have become TMIT by now.
I never wrote, that I'd depart completely. Civfanatics.com is and was the best community I ever met, if it weren't, I wouldn't leave that legacy, so I plan on returning for maybe CIV6, or whichever CIV will be good once TESO doesn't fascinate me anymore.

GOTM I never found to be really interesting, except for the few Deity-GOTMs that there were, and in those, I simply wasn't ready and tried to enforce a win that would have devestated the whole croud if I had come through with it, I basically tried to be as good as in HoF, but on a map that's a lot worse.

Also, unfortunately, Real Life + TESO are enough to take up 100% of my time, so really no chance for me to continue on CIV.
Just watched part 3.
Thank you very much, Seraiel!
Waiting for the next parts where you will go to the winning position.
It was very interesting to hear why you did this or that desicion, and the timing was also very good, and the position became stronger. However AI's are full of power. So, we are waiting with the interest for the next parts.:thumbsup:

Also just wondering how many percent of random-standard (like 7 radnom AIs, fractal, first given map, barbs and so on) Deity games you could win. It's another story, but with your understanding of the game and with your carefull and concentrated playing this percent should be rather highr, I think.
was wondering any more ideas about continuing this series? Its a very valuable resource for players like me who don't play on deity :)
I have given up on making youtube videos and writeups in the style of my previous ones. Say thanks to MegaLurker and Tatran for that.
I'm sorry to hear that, Seraiel.

I for one really enjoyed reading your thoughts!
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