New DLC: Polynesia

All civ introductions close with: "Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time". I take that as the criteria.

Ones that did not stand the test of time (correct me if I am wrong):
Babylon - well known for their code of laws and mathematics but other civs developed these concurrently and independently. I don't see anything about them that is unique and still affecting us today. To me, they do not stand the test of time.
Egypt - well known for their religious culture but the nation-state Egypt today speaks Arabic and practices Islam. I don't see traces of ancient Egyptian culture existing in an Egyptian's daily life distinct from the rest of the Middle East. Buildings and artifacts in museums tell us what they once were, but again, did not stand the test of time.
Inca - after the Spanish occupation, the ethnic peoples that were once Incans are in scattered villages and their old culture is lost. Even the Mayans are distinct and still have resistance movements for independence, unaware of anything similar for Incans. I am actually undecided for this one.

With Polynesia, I put it in category 2). Clearly deserving a place: that little triangle diagram missed Taiwan and Okinawa.

Unique units should be judged by how well they did against other civs. I am not aware that the Maori were very successful against the English, even relative to other "indigenous" populations, but I could be wrong.

Also, I think a category 2) Central Asian culture is missing. Not the nomadic ones covered by Mongolia, but around Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia. I am not sure what the country or leader will be though.

i don't need to touch on arabia or china again, so i just left that stuff out.
the babylonians had a base 60 number system, which we use for our time. check.
egypt, well, i guess i can agree with you on that one, but they were the world's first superpower, so they should be in anyway. then again, we could both be wrong.
inca, they have pretty much the same influence on modern peru as aztecs have on modern mexico, maybe more. check.
i don't think there are any category 2 central asian nations.
That's only a case of scaled up science, not better science; They have more money being poured into it, at the cost of their people.

Eventually, yes, it will put them ahead of us unless something changes (Damn politicians need to start investing MORE into space! Only government program to have ever paid for itself in spinoffs, several times over!), but as of now, they are still imitating the work of others.

Not just the USA btw; Japan and Europe as well. IIRC their older fighters were based on Russian designs.

I'm pretty sure that they used a different method, but I don't remember.
(Also I have given up on the Federal Government as far as space travel is concerned I'm placing my bet's on private industry)
I'm pretty sure that they used a different method, but I don't remember.
(Also I have given up on the Federal Government as far as space travel is concerned I'm placing my bet's on private industry)

Same here, actually, since NASA is always the first thing to be cut.

One of my pet peeves is people saying "Oh, we should invest in other countries before investing in space!" Really? Space has paid for itself several times over, creating MORE money that could be used to help others; It has led to many advancements that are invaluable in that same aid; And it has the potential for limitless (nearly free) energy. If there is ANYTHING that would remove the gap between First and Third World nations, that's it.
Same here, actually, since NASA is always the first thing to be cut.

One of my pet peeves is people saying "Oh, we should invest in other countries before investing in space!" Really? Space has paid for itself several times over, creating MORE money that could be used to help others; It has led to many advancements that are invaluable in that same aid; And it has the potential for limitless (nearly free) energy. If there is ANYTHING that would remove the gap between First and Third World nations, that's it.

This has to be one of the most free-ranging threads I have ever seen.
Same here, actually, since NASA is always the first thing to be cut.

One of my pet peeves is people saying "Oh, we should invest in other countries before investing in space!" Really? Space has paid for itself several times over, creating MORE money that could be used to help others; It has led to many advancements that are invaluable in that same aid; And it has the potential for limitless (nearly free) energy. If there is ANYTHING that would remove the gap between First and Third World nations, that's it.

Agreed, 99.5%... have fun reading this!

Back on Topic;

I'm not gonna try classifying past, present and future "Nations" of the world - too many variables such as population, territory and living conditions.

If available resources (Strategic anyone?) is the key factor though, i'm inclined to hand over the lead to Canada or maybe Russia - no contest there.
You may be small or numerous, the fact remains that a Civilization worth the name marks an indelible presence on humanity's historical timeline.
Americans went to the Moon while Antarctica is still a disputed region.

But if Military might is involved, it's more like Nuke or don't nuke until the threats are over.
Really we oughta just divide the Moon and/or Mars up now, because we all know how long the Space treaty will last when Moon and Mars bases become viable. "Hmm... we could share the metals, or alternately we could take them all for ourselves. Hmm what to do what to do?" What do you think China or Russia would choose? It's not like there is anything anyone could do about it.
in a hundred years, perhaps.

meanwhile, children are starving.

"Let them eat cake", unless of course, "the cake is a lie". Seriously if starving people are your concern, rampant capitalism is your problem, and no amount of space will fix it.
What is Polynesia's UU, UA, and UB or whatever it gets? It must be in this thread somewhere, but not on the first page, and I don't feel like searching through 17 pages off all the arguements and crap I can imagine its filled with. :)

I can't manage to read the picture on source article either..
in a hundred years, perhaps.

meanwhile, children are starving.

And without space, we will all eventually starve. The planet cannot support our numbers. Flat out.

I think it better to pursue a future in which noone has to starve, in which Humanity safeguards itself against catastrophe by spreading across the stars, than to provide for the welfare of everyone in the short term and doom the race long term.

But that's just me. ;)
What is Polynesia's UU, UA, and UB or whatever it gets? It must be in this thread somewhere, but not on the first page, and I don't feel like searching through 17 pages off all the arguements and crap I can imagine its filled with. :)

I can't manage to read the picture on source article either..

UU: Maori Warrior (Looks pretty kickass)
UI: Moai (Like Incan Terrace Farm, Unique Improvement)
UA: Appears to be early ocean embarktion
how are the celts, that spanned a number of civs from France to Ireland and Spain, any different than the polynesians?

west-centric much?
Sure they celts were split up into many different tribes, but the amount of influence they have is more than that of the Polynesians. Most northern european cultures have some Celtic reference. Also the celts kind of played a role in world history. I do think that one day the polynesians should of made their way into Civ, but not before more influential or powerful civs.
And without space, we will all eventually starve. The planet cannot support our numbers. Flat out.

I think it better to pursue a future in which noone has to starve, in which Humanity safeguards itself against catastrophe by spreading across the stars, than to provide for the welfare of everyone in the short term and doom the race long term.

But that's just me. ;)

true, but you can understand why I'm not getting giddy and excited about moonrocks.

and we have plenty of food now, just not where's it's needed.
Also the celts kind of played a role in world history.

I'd say settling every island in the Pacific ocean is part of world history. Unless you mean played a role in European history, in which case the role was very minimal.
I'd say settling every island in the Pacific ocean is part of world history. Unless you mean played a role in European history, in which case the role was very minimal.

yah, people seem to think that if it hasn't affected their part of the world, it's insignificant
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