New Mongolia UA proposal ; Vox Populi , 3rd and 4th UC; Is this doable, balanced?


Jun 10, 2023

leader: Genghis Khan

Unique abiliy:

Afer completing the Authority policy tree spawn a Great Khan, from then on can no longer generate Great generals.
A great Khan earns the same experience from combat as the stacked unit on that tile and benefits from unique promotions. It provides the same combat bonus as GG
in addition to 1 MP to stacked unit. Khan 5 MP
If Great Khan is lost before securing succession, owned units rebel (amount based on happiness percentage), civil unreast increased
A new Khan can be chosen from -1 citizens to cities with a Ger.(Active player choice cbp events) Must have at least 1 city with Ger;the more cities exist with Ger the longer untill new Khan is chosen)
If no new Khan is Chosen mongolia generates Great generals as before, civil unrest returns to normal and plains gain +1 food. (once succession line broken no new Khan will be born)

(Khan promotions: blessed leader I,II,III, and IV- Deal 5 damage to adjacent enemy units, restore 5 health to friendly units; increased to 10 II, 15 III, 20 IV
nomad warlord I, II, III ; A level I creates an Ordo upon expending(same yields as other version)+ 1 food; level II + 1 food, 1 production;
level III Spawns a unique luxury resource of Kumis( 2 culture, 1 gold)
After finnishing one of either promotion paths can choose to establish succession (promotion IV, V or VIII) grants the birth of a new Khan (other Khan dies at the end of 10 turns)
Abilities of new unexperienced Khan stack with older Khan, offensively effective to reach 25,30 damage and health for a couple of turns.

Unique Unit: Black Thug, remains the same
Unique unit: (instead of Khan) Keshik
Unique Building: Ger, remains the same
Unique building: Yassa court, remains the same

Ps.: It is the first time I am posting on here, this Idea just came to me and wanted to share it and hopefully get it modded into a playable UA.
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