New Version - May 23rd (5-23)

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Since this is the most recent update I thought maybe I'd use this thread to ask something.

Is there any ETA when development will start tapering off and reach a stage of "completeness", as well as incorporating in JFD's mods as I have read will happen? I'm in no hurry, so if that's in a few months or few years I'm cool with that either way. I can play Civ IV until the mod is fairly done, no sweat. :)
Since this is the most recent update I thought maybe I'd use this thread to ask something.

Is there any ETA when development will start tapering off and reach a stage of "completeness", as well as incorporating in JFD's mods as I have read will happen? I'm in no hurry, so if that's in a few months or few years I'm cool with that either way. I can play Civ IV until the mod is fairly done, no sweat. :)

JFDs mods aren't going to be incorporated. They're compatible, so why would I add them in by force?

Also, stopping by to ask 'are you done yet? I'm not going to help make the project better, I just want a complete project' is a little unfair to the rest of the users who use and support the project with their opinions and suggestions.

JFDs mods aren't going to be incorporated. They're compatible, so why would I add them in by force?

Also, stopping by to ask 'are you done yet? I'm not going to help make the project better, I just want a complete project' is a little unfair to the rest of the users who use and support the project with their opinions and suggestions.


1. I thought I'd read that Piety & Prestige and Exploration Expanded aren't yet compatible, along with maybe some others of his. Has this been amended in the past month?

2. I'd be willing to help if I thought my contributions were going to be smart and useful. I'm barely good at Civ as is, I'm simply a casual player who likes to experiment. Any suggestions or criticism provided by me will probably make no sense. If input from a newbie/casual player is just as valuable to you, however, then sure I could start giving my best.
1. I thought I'd read that Piety & Prestige and Exploration Expanded aren't yet compatible, along with maybe some others of his. Has this been amended in the past month?

2. I'd be willing to help if I thought my contributions were going to be smart and useful. I'm barely good at Civ as is, I'm simply a casual player who likes to experiment. Any suggestions or criticism provided by me will probably make no sense. If input from a newbie/casual player is just as valuable to you, however, then sure I could start giving my best.

Everyone is welcome on this project. There is no level of expertise required - I mean, you are already a savvy enough gamer to realize that civ is a great game series, so how much more do you need? :)

P&P and ExCE are compatible, so far as JFD has mentioned lately.

Wait, P&P is compatible? I know CulDiv and ExCE are, but I thought that one wouldn't be made compatible with the CBP until later?
Both ExCE and CulDiv are compatible now (within the last few months, yes), and Piety will be compatible in the next update (which won't be too far off). Although I've not noticed much incompatibility - just a few things (e.g. new Priesthood tech) need hooking up to the CBP mechanics and the Top Panel needs merging, which will be easy enough for me to do. Most of my civs should be compatible, but some tweaking needs to be done by me to have them balanced according to CBP's changes. I'll get through these in time - there are 40+ to get through :p
I'd just like to express my love for pioneers and Japan's UA. Welcome to the fold 102930 island nations who subsist entirely on fish and atolls.
Hey wanted to drop my thoughts to help with the mod. First of all, it's fantastic! It's completely reawakened my interest in CiV. I'd really only played the expansions and the Comunitas Mod until a few months ago when I got bored with the game and stopped playing. So overall, I love this mod!

My only suggestion is that the AI tweaks don't seem to be working. Here's what I mean: In Comunitas I play King and I have to try to win. Here, I played two King games without a plan just kind of experimenting and each time I was the runaway civilization.

I think the AI isn't being very aggressive or researching techs properly. I don't know what causes that or how I could help with specifics, but I'm wondering if you could use the AI behavior tweaks from the Communitas mod?

Thanks for a very fun Mod so far.
Same with me and I play on Deity. When it comes to warfare, they basically don't do anything. My only challange comes from trying to manage my happiness.
My only suggestion is that the AI tweaks don't seem to be working. Here's what I mean: In Comunitas I play King and I have to try to win. Here, I played two King games without a plan just kind of experimenting and each time I was the runaway civilization.
I suggest you might want to start a new game at Immortal. You'll love it! AIs no longer receive free techs so you will find it somehow easier to deal with them.
After a few more games, the new farm system has really started to grow on me. I'd be in favor of it from now on.
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