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New Version - October 28th (10/28)

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Lord of the Community Patch
Sep 26, 2010
Little Rock
Hey all,

New extra-spooky version inbound. Smaller changes and bugfixes, as well as a few minor balance tweaks. Honing in on that target.

== CP ==
  • Bugfixes for stuck units
  • Fixes for empty renewal deals and for occassional 'Impossible' trade deals
  • Fixes for some failed overseas attacks
  • Adjusted settling/defensive AI moves
  • Adjusted AI unit/building production priorities
  • Incorporated API elements from Iamblichos
  • Other small bugfixes (github issues)
== CBO ==

= General =
  • New artwork for armored car by Gazebo (now called a Light tank) - unit model borrowed from Smitty and modified/reskinned by Gazebo
= Balance =
  • Buildings:
    • Aqueduct/Harappan Reservoir (India): +2 Food from Lakes and Oases (also buffed Reservoir to do +2 Food from Farms as well)
    • Garden: +2 Gold from Oases
  • Units:
    • Fighters and Heavy Bombers no longer obsolete
  • Policies:
    • Reworked Imperialism slightly:
      • Military Tradition now Regimental System (name change)
      • Naval Tradition now Miltitary Tradition - removed Fishing boat bonus, added +4 Gold to Citadels and Forts
    • Progress: Reduced Worker speed back to 25% for Liberty, but added 25% production boost to production of workers

Not savegame compatible with saves from prior versions. Online as of 7:30pm EST.

Link here: https://mega.nz/#!vANzRL6B!F2yDSQv5XAQR91LdfAMs9LV9OxF84E7-V0kkX5p-OJ8

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Ooh just in time when I was about to start a game. Guess I'll do my promise of every update a custom civilization!
I knew it when you close many issues on github, there's a neat surprise in the forums :D, anyway, thanks and happy trick or treating :)

Now I have to choose between giving up my current fun crowded game or this one, so hard to choose :(
for me easy choice. i have actually a headache by mayans having annoying and OP ritual.
Hey all,

New extra-spooky version inbound. Smaller changes and bugfixes, as well as a few minor balance tweaks. Honing in on that target.

Not savegame compatible with saves from prior versions. Online as of 7:30pm EST.

Link here: https://mega.nz/#!vANzRL6B!F2yDSQv5XAQR91LdfAMs9LV9OxF84E7-V0kkX5p-OJ8


Nice release, liking almost everything. Especially the settling changes, deals. That's going to make the game much more enjoyable.

I'm slightly disappointed about seeing the Fishing Boats bonus go though. I thought it'd remain on top of the citadel stuff. Sure, it wasn't something to lose your head over (or even noticeable at that point, let's be honest) but it had Culture on it and the new bonus doesn't. I guess I will play Rome even more now than I already do though, those crazies can seriously get 1 citadel per city regardless of wideness (...doubly so if fighting a civ with Diligence. Especially if they're Monty. The units keep coming and they don't stop coming).
I think I've found an exploit. When vassaling a Civ, my next move is always trading embassies and selling my Luxury resources to them since I could enjoy the extra buck but I have noticed, for a while now, that I can sell duplicate luxury resources to them.
For example my last game I made France my vassal, they had the monopoly of citrus so I puppeted and annexed some of their cities (including the capital), after the peace treaty I sold them not 1 but 3 copies of citrus. The same happened with Montezuma, I vassaled them and then sold 2 copies of their own Luxury (that I just "stole"). I don't know if it happens with all luxuries but I think it only "bugs" with the luxury they just "had".

Thanks for the great Mod by the way, it's the only one that makes me enjoy the game, with the "smart AI" I don't feel like i'm exploiting the game in any way! Like it doesn't have an obvious exact way to beat the game, if you know what I mean. Good work.
Sorry for not adding it in GitHub... I know it's better for you but I don't have an account and don't really have much time right now :(
Disagree with the change to Liberty. I think it makes it too situational. I'm more of a tall player so I guess wide players might disagree, but I build very very few workers (and some or most of them before I could get to Liberty). I don't think their production deserves its own policy.

I also didn't find that 50% reduction in tile improvements, which usually only amounted to a couple turns, excessively powerful.
to addition, who seriously bother with training a worker late game? i usually buy them since renaisance if i need few. this policy is rather empty slot after medieval for me. but just my opinion.
This suggestion isn't related this version's change, though, I realized that there is no longer increasing 50% yields of NW although all of them has even numbers. So I suggest making 'One with Natural Wonder' pantheon belief increase +2 faith and 50% yields of NW rather than present's one. Is it too OP?
Thanks for the update!

Edit: first issue found: mods menu lists version as 24-10 ;-)
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I'm gonna play this version SPECIFICALLY for the new armored car model.

Edit: And I'm gonna make sure I survive till that era.
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By the way, I think Amber (and any other +2 Science per tile monopolies) should go back to giving 3 Science per tile.
I know I'm the one who brought attention to the monopoly breaking the game with 3 about a year ago (if not more), but it was when there was about half as much Science available as there is now so it barely counts. IIRC there wasn't even Council then, and Barracks either gave no Science or 1.
Fantastic. I've burned myself out on Civ6 until some UI tweaks/mods and patches come out; there's a terrific Civ game in there somewhere, just needs a little more work. Vox Populi already is that game, so a new version is perfectly timed. Thanks, G!
Hi, has there been a change to how (un)happiness works? It's turn 57, I have three cities and 4 unhappiness due to crime and 4 due to illiteracy (see screenshot). I don't recall that happening so soon before. I've done the full install by clearing cache etc. Thnx!


  • Screenshot 2016-10-29 17.50.54.png
    Screenshot 2016-10-29 17.50.54.png
    1.9 MB · Views: 186
Hi, has there been a change to how (un)happiness works? It's turn 57, I have three cities and 4 unhappiness due to crime and 4 due to illiteracy (see screenshot). I don't recall that happening so soon before. I've done the full install by clearing cache etc. Thnx!

Nope – your city is just unhappy.
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