No Treasure for Pirates

Conferencing with His Majesté's favourite over croissants and coffee, Monsieur Dutronc is convinced zat condominia are ineffective arrangements and zat an alternative would be sought. Ze point about settling ze Orinoco basin and ze heartlands of Louisiana should stand for now.

Also, it must be stressed zat any support for ze illicit settlers on Normandie and Bretagne arriving from ze Low Countries vill be considered most objectionable and responded to in ze strongest terms possible.
Dear Loui,
our opinion on these matters:
  1. Mapaca: we think that Mad Jack and his boys have conducted themselves more or less without blame so far, they may be a bit "rough", but so far they did not touch any ships or settlements of any European nation. And as long as you do not attack them, I will give you my guarantee that they will continue to keep their hands off French settlements and trade lines.
  2. Especially now in times, where we are at war with Portugal ourselves, the help of the Peglegs is very welcome to the English Crown. We have a powerful fleet down there in that region, thanks to the fact that recently Admiral Lindsay was able to complete his mission at Cutthroat Island, but we have no ground forces there to speak off. Therefore we promised Mad Jack and his men, that they may keep any Portuguese settlement they are able to capture. And we have no objection, if France makes a similar agreement with the Swashbucklers. In fact we think that it will do both our countries good, if we can establish two powerful "auxiliary armies" in the overseas regions, which can be a great help to the rather small French and English regular colonial armies.
  3. Portugal and the Low Countries: You certainly have a free hand to take from Portugal and the Netherlands, whatever you may wish. But you better hurry up: we are pretty sure that the Peglegs, as soon as they are finished sun-bathing, will march on to the next town... If your current forces in that region are not yet strong enough to conquer any Portuguese territory, we could make the following offer to you: The Peglegs could capture Boa Vista for you, if the French task force at Cutthroat Island provides some supportive artillery power for them.
Best Regards from the Lord Protector of England,
Yours Oli
Taking into consideration such affairs, ve propose an alliance strategique viz les Anglais. Ze Orinoco basin is of course more zan enough to content His Majesté's temper and, of course, after the loss of Calais l'Angleterre has not further interests in l'Europe continentale, n'est ce pas? Ze Portuguese will be properly chastised as is only proper and suitable compensation extracted from zem, lest zey become too arrogant or zeir former overlords in l'Espagne decide to make ze domains of the House of Bragança revert to ze Hapsburgs - ze advance from ze Hollandais, one hopes, is not sponsored by either half of zat noble house.
We are glad to receive a token payment from les Anglais for a measure of 34 gold.

Also, ve are mandated to announce zat a formal state of war exists between les Pays Bas and la France.
Bombardment of ze Dutch fleet anchored at zis so-called Nouvelle Amsterdam have commenced. Zis vill probably take some time, unfortunatement. Ze Dutch interlopements are most importune and vill cost us otherwise unnecessary expenditure.

Our Admiral down by ze Cuththroat Island has acknowledged our orders to advance towards l'Amerique Portuguese.
Speaking of ze Portuguese, zeir troops are currently face-to-face viz ours, but no state of war has been declared. Ve will proceed as planned with ze occupation of ze Orinoco basin as agreed, as soon as our fleet returns to l'Amerique from Cutthroat Island.
T022, Nov. 1657:

Not much too report this month, except that the English fleet under Admiral Lindsay tried to bombard Belem and did not score a single hit. Lord Lindsay is not amused, especialy as he was quite proud of his boys after they showed such a fine performance at Cutthroat Island. :( He calls all hands on deck for an extra round of practise at operating the guns.

The French offer of an alliance stategique sounds very tempting to us. What points exactly would it encompass?
Most importantly military cooperation like against the Undead and now against Portugal?

We can confirm that we have no interest in continental European territory. However, we need to announce that the English Homefleet has currently started preparations for a punitive strike at the Portuguese heartland. Not sure though, what we will do in the case that the invasion indeed succeeds. Perhaps declare it an open city or sell it to any interested continental European power?

Another point: would you be interested in obtaining Naval Tactics for a small fee?

GPS to Jarovid/Spain
T022, Nov. 1657:

Not much too report this month, except that the English fleet under Admiral Lindsay tried to bombard Belem and did not score a single hit. Lord Lindsay is not amused, especialy as he was quite proud of his boys after they showed such a fine performance at Cutthroat Island. :( He calls all hands on deck for an extra round of practise at operating the guns.

The French offer of an alliance stategique sounds very tempting to us. What points exactly would it encompass?
Most importantly military cooperation like against the Undead and now against Portugal?

We can confirm that we have no interest in continental European territory. However, we need to announce that the English Homefleet has currently started preparations for a punitive strike at the Portuguese heartland. Not sure though, what we will do in the case that the invasion indeed succeeds. Perhaps declare it an open city or sell it to any interested continental European power?

Another point: would you be interested in obtaining Naval Tactics for a small fee?

GPS to Jarovid/Spain
Zis is quote contradictoire, n'est ce pas? You disclaim any and all interests on ze European mainland but you're also dealing in Portuguese land futures? Quite possibly we fail at understanding zis Germanique tongue of yours, Monsieur lord Protecteur.

What is zis fee you speak of?
Why is it contradictory? We have no interest in the European mainland, but unfortunately we are at war with Portugal and therefore need to strike at them and weaken them where we can, in order to complete the war as quickly and efficiently as possible. This includes striking at their main production center, which happens to be in European mainland. But as we are not interested in mainland territories, we are willing to give them away to any other interested party, in the case that we manage to conquer any in the course of our campaign (which is by no means taken for granted yet!). Of course if that alliance you speak of comes to pass, France would get first right of preemption. (However, let's not count any chickens before they have hatched. At the moment any plans of an invasion are still in their early stages, and it's not at all clear, whether they can be put into action successfully. Even the town of "New" is already pretty heavily defended.)

> What is zis fee you speak of?
Just make an offer of how much it would be worth to you. I have instructed Mad Jack to send it to you accepted. If we can come to an agreement about the price by the time you get the turn, you can simply accept the offer and have it already that turn. If not, just decline the offer.
Peglegs' turn: In a little skirmish, another Portuguese Matchlock Musketeer is defeated at no own losses. One half of our troops rushes to Belem to support the English there next month. The other half relaxes at Mapaca, awaiting the development of the next events: if Belem turns out to be a tough nut, they may need to be sent there as reinforcements, if not, they will be ready to proceed to Boa Vista soon.

GPS to Eclipse/Swashbucklers, T022
Ze King's new favourite, Madam la Comtesse du Champignon, is curious about why les Anglais seem to be utilising troops and ships piratique in zeir attacks on Iberic shipping. Ze Ambassadeur to Londres has been instructed to inquire about zis.

Also, it must be certainment be observed, ze Ambassadeur is instructed to convey, zat we view ze European mainland as ze Anglais view Ireland.
Ve vould like to ask le Roy d'Espagne, as a politesse, whether he would take kindly to our establishing a small naval base in zat petite isle across from New Barcelona.

Also, His Majesté le Roi is busy with his newfound friend, Madame d'Champignon, so ve vould like a clarification from les Anglais. What exactly do zey propose? An alliance against ze Portuguese monarchie would be mutually advantageous in and of itself, so what do zey want in exchange for zese Tactiques Navales?
Just a quick note to answer France's questions:
- We are not attacking Iberic shipping?! And the Peglegs aren't either. In fact we are at perfect peace with Espania.
- We wanted to hear your suggestions first, but ok, here are ours: Strategic alliance against Portugal would be ok for us. We can offer to help with the attacks at Boa Vista and "New". Boa Vista will be yours in any case, and in case we are the ones to capture "New", you can have it for a small contribution to our efforts. For Naval Tactics: what about 100gold?

Regards, Oli
One 'undred pieces of gold? Ve'll even pay in real gold for such a price, Monsieur du Cromwell.

Ve'll impart our orders once we 'ave heard from Madrid. It is said zat zey are partakin' 'eavily of ze wine from Jerez.
As we stated earlier, Portugal was asking for trouble and Spanish Crown won't mind if those insolent peasants lose their so called collonial possesions to France or England, as long as earlier designated unsettled spot is left to the Spain.

However, European continent is different story, and Spain opposes any changes here, especially to the south of the Pyrenees.

North to the France, South to the Iberians, that is rule that kept two nations on good terms for centuries and I wouldn't want to see that changed.

It is our view that it would be best for all if Portugal keep its European cities, but if England and France feel that Portugese should not keep that small city, then Spain will take it.
Très bien, zen la France vill engage in activities such as zose described.
Ve desire to communicate to Monsieur Cromwell zat we have entrusted zis Jacques Rackhem individual with one hundred pieces of gold, as agreed, which he should hopefully deliver to London. Our Marines are expected to take over zis city of 'Amsterdam'.

We have, indeed, accepted the knowledge of Naval Tactiques from ze aforementioned pirates. Which brings to ze King's mind, aided by Madame du Champignon, zat ze pirates in ze area of Haiti and so on are to be reminded, zat our Marines are quite ready to reduce ze fortresses piratiques of Ile de la Tortue and/or Heneago, should anyzing happen to our shipping.

Our fleet is moving upriver towards Boa Vista. Observers are reminded in good faith to stay clear of ze line of fire and, pending identification of shipping under dubious flags, especially as, by January at ze latest, operations du combat shall have commenced.
Bad news: Civ3Conquest.exe crashes while loading the game. Eclipse: I will forward the save to you, can you please try, whether the same happens when you try to open it with the Admin password?
On case the file got corrupted during mail transfer: Takhisis, can you resend it to me?
I've just resent the December 1657 file.
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