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None Shall Pass [Game Thread - Concluded]

I tried to roleblock dcmort on night 1, but it failed. As for the me/FII thing, I wouldn't be surprised if both of us are innocent, or if he's cult. Nobody counter claimed about his night 1 injury, so he was probably telling the truth about that. Also, the fact that only one message appears on the night wrap ups suggests to me that the distribution of power roles might be different for every faction.

Finally- I'm Padme Amidala, Star Wars town role blocker. So please don't kill me.
I was also role blocked on night one, so that must mean there is a third role blocker out there. Does anyone want to give any suggestions for who I should use my sexy time block on tonight? It has to be a male character. Shoot me a PM.
I tried to roleblock dcmort on night 1, but it failed. As for the me/FII thing, I wouldn't be surprised if both of us are innocent, or if he's cult. Nobody counter claimed about his night 1 injury, so he was probably telling the truth about that. Also, the fact that only one message appears on the night wrap ups suggests to me that the distribution of power roles might be different for every faction.

Finally- I'm Padme Amidala, Star Wars town role blocker. So please don't kill me.
What are your thoughts on a dcmort lynch?

I was also role blocked on night one, so that must mean there is a third role blocker out there. Does anyone want to give any suggestions for who I should use my sexy time block on tonight? It has to be a male character. Shoot me a PM.

1: Could have been the lotr roleblocker, if those exist.
2: Also, so roleblocks are gender-dependent? That could explain the number of them. G3tC can you confirm or deny this?
It appears that both FII and myself can only roleblock males. Perhaps dcmort is a female character, which would explain why my roleblock failed. I also roleblocked Dumanios the night he died, which is why there is the porn in his death scene.
It appears that both FII and myself can only roleblock males. Perhaps dcmort is a female character, which would explain why my roleblock failed. I also roleblocked Dumanios the night he died, which is why there is the porn in his death scene.
Kill methods in the writeups are just flavor. The only thing you can really take away as evidence are deaths, injuries, and protections.

Being a ranger and whatnot, Aragorn stroked his beard, contemplating all the different ways he could use his knowledge in matters of stealth to break into someone's abode. In the end, however, he simply walked into the man's home. He quickly found the man, reading the paper in bed.

The man looked at Aragorn, raising his eyebrow. "Look, I don't swing that way, partner. Best look somewhere else."

"I think you've misread the situation."

"Perhaps so, although I could've sworn I saw you eyeing my legs. How about this - instead of just standing there like an idiot, make yourself useful and get me some wore water."

"Have you lost your mind? You want a glass of water right before bed?"

"Well, excuse me! I'm sorry if you can't fit that into your narrow worldview!"

"Stop trying to shove your watery agenda down my parched throat! You allow a glass of water before bed, next thing you know people are marrying water!"

"You water-conservatives need to get with the times! Thousands of people have a glass of water before they go to bed, and there's not a damn thing wrong with it!"

"I will not stand to hear this blasphemy! AAAAAAAARGH!"

Aragorn leaped towards the bed for the killing strike, but the man darted out of the way just in time - although he wasn't fast enough to avoid getting injured by a glancing blow. The man quickly grabbed what was left of his water and splashed it in Aragorn's face, who screamed in horror and ran home.

"Water is mightier than the sword!"

Night summary:

• Aragorn injures someone.

It is now Day Four.

[TIMER=11/04/2013 11:59 PM EsT; Day Four Over]your mom lol[/TIMER]


29 / 33

Backwards Logic
Darth Feather
Double A
Frozen In Ice
Gone 3 the Celt
Stuck in Pi


4 / 33

Kennigit - Admiral Ackbar

Dumanios - Han Solo

The Black Knigh - Samwise Gamgee

Autolycus - Lando Calrissian

Haven't seen head or tail of Palpy since N1. I'm worried about the LOTR cult as well, considering they haven't done any kills.
That's an intriguing vote. Care to back that up?


Haven't seen head or tail of Palpy since N1. I'm worried about the LOTR cult as well, considering they haven't done any kills.

I don't see you backing up your vote on my that much either.

And if your reasoning is that I'm scum because I flinched and then lurked a lot, wouldn't you asking for a reason on the first vote on you be flinching?
Almost as intriguing as the host constantly spoiling genuine scum strategies with his 'clarifications'. I'd be so fuming if I were cult.
I don't see you backing up your vote on my that much either.

And if your reasoning is that I'm scum because I flinched and then lurked a lot, wouldn't you asking for a reason on the first vote on you be flinching?

I'm more curious about why he voted me rather then the fact that he voted me.

You've been hiding in the background, refusing to jump on any kind of wagon, saying the wagons are bad then abstaining. You're not helping the town cause by doing that, you're playing a cult game imo.
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