Oh, wow... Monty really IS a nut!

Crighton, your guide was great. But Ghandi forcing a war-monger path? They way he builds units you can take him out at your leisure - admittedly you may have to be first in line. He doesn't declare at pleased and it's d*** hard to get him to declare even if he hates you.

Ghandi is my nemesis. There is a level of hatred that borders on irrational. I'd rather have alex and monty as my neighbors than have the beady eyed bald devil around. I swear by all that is holy and unholy alike, if Ghandis in one of my games and he's not my neighbor, he builds and builds and builds, and even if I had managed to be on good terms with him, he always comes knocking on my door.

I take great pleasure in crushing him. With Ghandi, I don't let him become a vassal, the few times I have, he's the only example I can remember of a capitulated vassal ever breaking away from me.
We'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're not a pervert.

Pacal. Look at his leaderhead and try to tell me that's a grown man. Looks like a 9-year old about to throw a tantrum.

The mischief eyes were intended to convey...ahem...mischief. It actually dawned on me that the reference was to Pacal as I was hitting "submit" (also I read the rest of the thread).

So a Zara caricature...hmm, I tend to react to him in the following two ways:
1. "Wonder who he's racing?" referring to his track suit
2. "All hail 'King Almost Corn Rows' leader of mighty Ethiopia
He also has "Jazz hands". Not very PC.
I said it before, and I'll say it again: Montezuma is a raging lunatic.

Nobody argues. Some are more dangerous, but nobody's crazier. Most of us are thinking about nemeses (Crighton) or who is most dangerous.

Later in the game, Monty's a great source of GG points and experience. Attacks with a near-infinite number of obsolete units. He must not pay the same unit support costs as the humanoid.
I kinda like Monty - at least you know what to expect. Cathy on the other hand...

Provided Monty isn't next door to me I'm more than happy with his existence. His actions are predictable, and his tactics are woeful once you have the edge in military tech.

I particularly like him on an island/different continent. He doesn't seem to understand anything naval beyond a hollowed-out log.
One of the scariest games I have tried was Monty and Shaka on the same continent being BFF's with 2-3 peaceful AIs inbetween. Being semi-isolated I was really bummed out after having thought I did reasonably well, but gave up since I didnt want to be at war for the rest of the game.

lesson learned Monty/Shaka makes things challenging
I have seen Monte get disturbingly large on a distant continent though. Didn't enjoy that much.

I'm in that situation at the moment - it's a huge map and I'm playing a domination win. He's got to go and it's going to be hard work.
Best of luck to you. When he gets room early and therefore keeps up with tech he can be an intimidating candidate for invasion.
Monty is a bowl of fruit and nut, but at least with him you're guranteed an interesting game.

The other leaders play a more conservative game of poker. Monty plays poker upside down and gives himself entitlement to throw chips and cards at opposing players every couple of turns or so. He's five million loaded pistols meshed into one psychotic being.
As others have said, I prefer a game with Monty in it to a game without him. He breaks up the religious hugfests, sows dissension around the world, and generally ensures my rivals are busy with some damn war or another until his inevitable destruction. I'd take 3 Monties over a Joao any day.

Last night I got stuck in a game where I'd taken over my continent, reached the other, and found a Jewish hugfest of 5 peaceful civs, none of whom could be budged into war with any other despite 500 years of generous diplomacy from me. I would have PAID to get Monty in there.
Good slugfest world:

Alex, Monty, Izzy, Cathy, Jules, Napoleon, Toku, and (I suppose arguably) Sitting Bull.

I have to say your post tempted me. So I have made just that world. (well minus Cathy) My game is all the Aggressive Leaders. Alex (me), Boudica, Genghis, Ham, Monty, Ragnar, Shaka, Stalin, and Toku. Also to fill the game out to 18 civs there's also the semi aggressive leaders Julius, Napoleon, and Bull along with the religious nuts Izzy, Pacal, Saladin, and Zara and finally the jerk (my nemesis) Bismark.

The world is Pangaea, Huge, Marathon, Arid.

Wonder how long til the first wars break out.
Why arid?

Figured it would cut down on good land and force the AIs into war sooner in order to capture the average to good lands each cap starts with.

Edit: forgot to mention Monte is having fun in a religious war already. Monte founded Buddhism and his closest neighbor Izzy founded Judaism.
I due to 2 good huts got Hinduism. Was a bit of a nice surprise getting a religion I normally miss due to trying to get worker techs.

Map looks like the outline of a guy running. (like on a crossing walk sign) but with the tip of the head in the west border of the map and the feet in the east. I started @ the tip of one of the feet with 2 Fish, and 2 Clam, in my BFC. Though sadly ole nemesis Bismark is blocking off me expanding to much land. But I have halfway decent land in my peninsula and after getting enough cities will take out Bismark. My other near neighbors are Napoleon to even more southwest, Pacal dead west, Boudica, northwest, and Ham even more northwest.

Sadly found Shaka and Genghis are best buds. They started near each other up in the head part of the outline.
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