Okay, I'm Stupid


Sep 3, 2004
Lost Wages, Nevada
Why can't I load the GOTMs' and COTMs' saves? I really must have hit the crack pipe too hard, because I've downloaded them and put in the Civ3 folder and they are not showing up. Do I have to put them somewhere special in the folder? Do I need to convert them or something? Do I need a brain transplant where I get a 6 year olds brain and then I become smarter? Help, thanks.

Thank you to AlanH for always helping by the way!
In Civ3 you can click the little 'up-arrow' icon at the top of the Load Game dialog to go up your folder hierarchy, so you can actually find your save files wherever they are on your hard drive. However, the Load Game dialog starts off in the appropriate Saves folder, so it's probably easiest to put the C/GOTM start files in there to begin with:

Put COTM start files in ~/Documents/Civilization 3 Complete/Saves. Play them using Civilization 3 Complete.

Put GOTM start files in ~/Documents/Civilization 3 Play the World/Saves.
Play them using Civilization 3 Play the World. WARNING - they will load in Complete, but your game would be ineligible if you played them using it.

'~/' means your home folder at /Users/<your-name>/
Thank you both.

I figured it out about two hours after I posted this and just forgot to come back and edit it. I almost started the GOTM in Complete, but then realized what the heck I was doing and quit before I even founded the city so I should still be okay to submit if I get it done in time by playing in Play the World...that is if I get it done in time, Right?
Well done. As long as you haven't actually played any turns in the wrong version, and replay any moves you made in the same way, you'll be OK to submit - you still have ten days :)
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