Only two hundred thousand Germans

Ι don't understand how the biggest economy in the word can not both pursue Drilling that would be profitable for it and pursuing other type of energies other than oil.
Ι don't understand how the biggest economy in the word can not both pursue Drilling that would be profitable for it and pursuing other type of energies other than oil.

Wealthiest also comes with greediest. Capitol hill is full of politicians who whore themselves to the highest bidder. Primarily big oil and big pharma. I mean an oil tanker named "Condaleeza Rice" WTF?
McCain is a polarizing candidate. Right now he is actually ahead in the white vote but trailing the general because his message is not resonating with an overwhelming percentage of minorities. That's racial polarization, and that's arguably worrysome.

Indeed it is!

But where did I say that McCain is a transcendental figure? Where did I say that he will unite everyone in one massive hug around Mother Earth?

They're both polarising. But IMHO (and I could be wrong) McCain is polarising because he is a Republicana and the current Republican president is a deeply dividing figure. Obama OTOH is polarising on his own merits (as are all messianic figures).
Americans when it comes down to it doesn't care what europe thinks as europe doesn't care what America thinks when they pick their leaders. Everyone is looking out for heir own interests, lets not be diluted.
But where did I say that McCain is a transcendental figure? Where did I say that he will unite everyone in one massive hug around Mother Earth?.

No, you just play that game with Obama. Probably a good 95% of the transcendental/massive hug/messiah crap comes from Obama's detractors, not his supporters.
No, you just play that game with Obama. Probably a good 95% of the transcendental/massive hug/messiah crap comes from Obama's detractors, not his supporters.

Did you see the post I as replying to when you first quoted me? Sims (who I don't think is an Obama detractor), was talking precisely of Obama's transcendental powers.

It really takes a blind man to not see that Obama is in fact treated like a messianic figure by a huge number of his supporters.
No, he did not. There is a huge amount of over-enthusiasm, when it comes to Obama.
Bill Clinton also lost the white vote.

Shutup, downtown. it doesn't matter that Democrats routinely win an overwhelming amount of the Minority vote and Republicans typically win the white male vote. When it happens to Obama it means he is polarizing and playing on division lol.
Enthusiasm perhaps, but worshipping no. That critique comes from the other side.

Enthusiasm is too light, worship too heavy. He is somewhere in between.
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