• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Paradise Democracy- A Final Frontier Realpolitik


(Financial, Philo)
Jun 12, 2008
Canada (Greatest Country Ever!!!!!)
Time to kick off 2012 with a new realpolitik.

We have a chatango page: http://ilduce349rp.chatango.com/

The Nation
We are playing Paradise in Final Frontier Plus.

Read the intro for FFP

The game
This game isn't like any realpolitik done before I suggest reading the rules prior to play.

Each player is to create a party or join an existing party. Please note when choosing your parties values, if your parties platform is to similar to another party, even if said party is in your coalition. There will be a vote split, NPC's voting for you will only be valued at a third of the amount, significantly reducing the odds of said coalition winning the election.

So if you want to create a create say, for example, a communist party, you are much better off joining a prexisting party then creating a new one.

Unlike previous Realpolitik's elections, players no longer receive the right the vote. Thats right, NPCs will make up 100% of the vote, so it is your job to sway the people of England, to vote for you, rather then making special alliances and voting for other parties. It is now entirely possible for one party to get over 50% of the vote and as a result, not need a coalition to govern the civilization.

The Government
The government is a parliamentary democracy. The people vote in two different elections, parliament and presidential. For parliament the number of seats is proportional to our population. While for President it is FTPP, meaning which ever candidate gets the most votes, becomes president.

For the parliament, the coalition with the most seats has their leader become Prime Minister, while for president it is the party with most votes. This means that even if you are not in a coalition, if the people like you, you can become president.

Roles of the government
House of Commons
Here is where the parties come into play. Each of the parties will be represented in the house of commons proportionally to popular support.

If you get 20 votes, you get 20 seats. The number of seats each player gets in a vote is proportional to the number of players in the party. Say there are 4 players in the party and the party got 20 votes in the election. Each party members vote when deciding courses of action would be 5 votes (20/4). In the case of a rounding issue, the party leader will be rounded up and everyone else will be rounded down.

House of commons will be were most of the action is held, and is will bills must be introduces inorder to be voted on. (Same with the plan)

Deciding which tech to research, what workers do and what to build is up to the house.

Prime Minister
The leader of the Party with the most votes inside the winning coalition becomes Prime Minister, the role of the prime minister is to lead the House of Commons. He is the one who presents bills to the President, for decisions about whether the President will sign it into law.

As Prime he is the one who leads the house of commons, for a bill to be voted on, either him or the opposition leader has to suggest the bill.

The Prime Minister is allowed to create cabinet ministers, players who will be part of his administration. The ministers roles are the help the Prime Minister make decisions in the areas of their field.

Opposition leader
The leader of the party with the most votes outside the winning coalition becomes the opposition leader.

The President
The head of state. He has the right to veto any actions done by the House of Commons, he is solely in charge of foreign affairs and the army.

So declaring war, signing open borders moving troops etc is up to him.

The President also appoints cabinet ministers, namely the vice president, who in the result of absence acts as president.

Election Campaigns
Now this is where it gets complicated.

Election campaigns are made more interesting with the introduction of money. Basically, one can now conduct advertising in certain regions in hopes to further your chances of winning the election. Party leaders allocate funds towards different cities in the election and the amount of funds allocated towards a planet will make speeches for party members more effective in said planet.

As a result Speeches are really important, and are encouraged if you want to win the election, especially given that it is the NPCs, not the players who vote.

For funding each party gets $15 per person in it, as well as funding from fundraiser and public funding.

Public funding gives each party $6 for every vote they got in the previous election.

To hold fundraiser, choose a planet and an issue, the support for you cause as well as the wealth of the planet will dictate the amount of money you raise. I will provide sufficient details for you guys to make proper decisions.

Leader debates, occasionally we will host leader debates, which will be done via our chatango page. I (and players if they PM me in advance) will ask questions of each of the leaders and provide significant as to who is fit to run the country. I will try to coordinate times with the leaders to maximize the number of people who can participate in the debates. The debates should probably take 1-2 hours to complete.
Opposition Strength Rating(OSR): - Insignificant

- Insignificant

- Weak

- Minor

- Moderate

- Noticeable

- Fairly Strong

- Strong

- Dangerous

- Murderous

Opposition Actions:

General Strike - Basic action. Must be declared in thread by opposition leader. Based on the strength of the opposition, a certain number of cities will be selected for coin flips. Heads=get off scat-free. Tails=all production shut down. Number of cities depends on opposition strength.

Vote of No Confidence - Action that the Opposition Leader can take. Calls on the President to hold a reelection. I may step in depending on the circumstances, however, for one side or the other.

Sabotage - Basic action. May destroy a random province improvement. To perform, ANY player must PM me with the target city and improvement(or leave it up to me) and I will flip a coin for odds of success. Whether it fails or succeeds, I flip a coin again to decide if the President discovers evidence leading back to the instigator of the action.

Kidnap - Functions as Jail, save can be performed by any player. Higher odds of success if you are targeting an NPC. Odds increase further if there are multiple people participating.

Call for Desertion - Advanced action. Opposition leader must announce the call in the thread. Some units may or may not be disbanded. Number of units depends on opposition strength.

Armed Revolution - VERY advanced action. Must be declared in thread by opposition leader. Every player who wishes to participate for either side PMs me with this information:

- Allegiance (Government or Rebels)
- A unit type they wish to raise (Era applicable, please)
- Four promotions (in order of priority) for their unit to receive.
- Name of ship (if a naval unit, otherwise, unit will be called ______'s Company. Ships for the Government will be given the prefix FGV (French Government Vessel) and rebel ships will be RNV (Revolutionary Naval Vessel).

The leaders (President and Opposition Leader) will be represented by a regiment with a Great General attached.

Then I will use worldbuilder to create a small, flat-world map where the fighting will take place and add in the two armies. Me and my brother shall then duke it out, and you will be provided with every turn updates on the fight.

Armed Revolution Concepts:

The Foreign Legions:

The Legions will provide extra strength to the Government or the Rebels in a Revolution if nearby nations are sympathetic to the cause of either side. Foreign Ministers for both factions in a Revolution may negotiate actively with foreign leaders for more troops - though this may backfire or prove ineffectual.

Government Actions:

Martial Law - Advanced action. All opposition actions except Armed Revolution and Sabotage are made impossible, and the latter is highly unlikely to succeed. Elections are not suspended, however. Is in effect until repealed, even if the President who ordered it is not the one who repeals it. That's right - it transcends elections. However, there are penalties for this action. They include unhappiness and civilian uprisings. . . .

Jail - The administration may place another player in jail at any time . . . but this will raise the OSR and could produce disastrous consequences if not handled correctly.

The storyline behind the game will be revealed within the next few minutes. You have one week to organize your parties before I begin the first administration starting right . . . NOW!
party list:
Party for Technological Advancement and Psychic Ascendency to a Higher Plane
Our goal is to better our nation through peace and technological advancement first, so that we may ascend from this world to the next.
Founder: Tycho
Party Leader: Tycho
Other members: SouthernKing

The Epic Party
They believe that Epicness can only be gained by blowing everything up. Destruction of the universe is the only way to success.
Founder: MoreEpicThanYou
Party Leader: MoreEpicThanYou
Other members: Arya

Revolutionary Party
Down with the old, up with the new! Its time for a new era, a new nation! They believe the only way to success is to listen to the people, and if you do not, the people will force you to.
Founder: Red Spy
Party Leader: Red Spy
Other members: spaceman
Spoiler :

The start of our glorious paradise, this shows the state of our empire the day we declared independence from earth, due to lack of communications.

Spoiler :

I started buy building a colony ship and researching survivalism, remember I was drunk when I played this so might have made a few mistakes (for example I didn't do binary research)

Spoiler :

Our first contact with alien life.

Spoiler :

We discover surivilism, and find a religion. Which we of course convert to.

Spoiler :

Our colony ship is up and away ready to colonize a new star, we land on a nearby planet and named it eden.

Spoiler :

Our empire expands as an alien faction join ours paradise.

Spoiler :

Our scientists discover a few new techs

Spoiler :

Fortunatly we are not the only ones who survived the fall of man, we come accross the Halis planned state.

Spoiler :

The religion of knowledge if founded in a far away land, damn its my fav religion :(
The Imperialist party

We should take over the entire universe.
Peace Party
The PP is dedicated to keeping our nation peaceful, and forming strong diplomatic ties with our neighbors. We are also dedicated to improving the standard of living for our citizens by technological advancement.
Party for Technological Advancement and Psychic Ascendency to a Higher Plane

Our goal is to better our nation through peace and technological advancement first, so that we may ascend from this world to the next.
@Tycho - coalition?
I join the Party for Technological Advancement and Psychic Ascendency to a Higher Plane
I join tycho's party
I join the epic party.
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