pbem 'Iota' proposed v1.61

The English welcome any immigrants who wish to join our civ. All you have to do is smile and wave at the Statue of Liberty as you enter our lands.
Having the English snub us once for tech they then trade for with the Aztecs (after a good faith trade with the Aztecs for that tech) - we considered rude. Doing it twice is considered belligerent.
The English are baffled by your statement. First off, we did not snub you for a tech which we traded with the Aztecs. Second, I did not trade for the Aztecs for Fission which I'm sure is what you are referring to. I have been researching that for a while. I can show you a screenshot if you would like, eh? Or you can just check the F4 screen to see if the Aztecs got any new techs this last turn. If they did, it is purely coincidential.

i'm not sure I know what you mean by "belligerent".
We congratulate Dogboy of the English on a fine conquest.

My radioactive capital has just disappeared, and my four other radioactive cities are beyond regeneration.

Another enjoyable game. The second Civ4 game I have completed.
This one had my first ever construction of the Manhattan Project,
and I at least managed to bathe my conqueror's capital in Uranium, before the inevitable happened.

My grasp on this game disappeared a while ago.
For any long term future I had to invade the main continent, and conquer the Persians to achieve any scale.
I didn't find the time to organise to do this.

However the main obstacle to victory, that both the other games also illustrate, is incomprehension at how quickly Dogboy researches.
Until I can understand the mechanics of, and match, that I will always trail.

I enjoyed this so much I would normally propose another.
However, unfortunately, work is killing me and I already dropped out of another fast moving pbem.
Quandary... I enjoy the fast moving games, but increasingly can only cope with the other kind...

Well done Geoff....

oh, and btw...

i'm not sure I know what you mean by "belligerent".

Mmmm, really? ;)
It was a most enjoyable game. That is the first time I have launched nukes in a Civ4 game. I had not intentions of launching nukes until the Aztecs built the Manhattan project, then I rushed nukes. After my capital got nuked I retaliated with two nukes on the next turn. Then I was able to launch two more nukes shortly afterwards. Hopefully that taught my enemies a lesson...probably not.

As for trading techs, I never broke any deals. I didn't trade the Aztecs any techs that I got from the Incans in good faith. After I got a tech lead there was really nobody to trade with.

I had no intentions of attacking the Incans. It's just that I couldn't get to the Persians without going through the Incans. And since Inca was climbing the score chart and grabbing so much land, they became a good target. Plus a few stealth fly overs revealed their front line troops guarded by quechas while all their forces were bogged down with Persia and I had modern armor on their border...that was an indication that they needed to be attacked.

The only reason I went after Aztec was because they were going for a culture win and I didn't think I could launch a spaceship in time. Turns out I could have launched due to every time I captured an Aztec city it took at least 3 turns to get to the next Aztec city due to their culture. But still, waging war with modern armor and mech infantry and stealth bombers against a few gunships and axemen with a few riflemen can be quite satisfying.

Thanks to all for a fun game.
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