Photos thread

I speak spanish and english, and can understand some of the other latin languages (italian, portuguese and french).
English, Spanish, minor bits of Russian, Italian (Forza Milan), German, and I understand Cajun French fairly well.
I speak English and have been learning Spanish in school for 3 1/2 years.
I can do basic greetings, requests and polite bits in about 30 odd languages.... only because I have travelled to those countries and like to learn how to speak a little (it's amazing what doors it can open if you can speak a little of the lingo).

I speak English, French, Italian and Thai. I can hold an extended conversation on most topics in these languages, even though I have grammar problems in each! :D (except English :p)
I can get by in German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Hindi, Swahili, Bahasur and Russian - well, I can order food, say thank you and ask women on dates - I consider that "getting by". ;)
I can do basic greetings, requests and polite bits in about 30 odd languages.... only because I have travelled to those countries and like to learn how to speak a little (it's amazing what doors it can open if you can speak a little of the lingo).

I speak English, French, Italian and Thai. I can hold an extended conversation on most topics in these languages, even though I have grammar problems in each! :D (except English :p)
I can get by in German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Hindi, Swahili, Bahasur and Russian - well, I can order food, say thank you and ask women on dates - I consider that "getting by". ;)

Getting by must definitely include ordering local booze!
Osaan puhua suomea.
I can speak English.
Jag kan tala svenska.

Finnish, English, Swedish. In the order of my knowledge.
I think he means tagalog, it's spoken in the Philippines.

I myself speak the following: Danish, English, Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, German and I also spoke latin (the real latin), but I have forgotten almost all of it.
Other than that, I understand most Norwegian and Swedish (don't speak much of it though) and I speak a bit of Arabic.
I know two different alphabets and I am currently learning a third.

Once I spended some time on learning Chinese, never learned it though :)

Sorry, no photo from me. The best one I have is me in an airforce uniform with green paint in the face (camouflage)
English, a small (read: useless) amount of Welsh, Italian and Portuguese, and a slightly less useless amount of Spanish.

I'm also a pretentious loverboy for Sanskrit.
We should open a separate "What languages do you speak?" topic.

(English, Farsi, and French, in order of fluency, btw.)
Perhaps Rhye is afraid we'll have a "Photoshop Rhye's Picture" thread. He shouldn't have to live through that pain.
I think he said he'd post one once everyone had posted theirs (which could mean never, hehe)
Yeah, this is what happens when you speak too many languages, they start mixing... Pero is Spanish, però is Italian...

This isn't so bad unless you ask for butter in a Spanish restaurant. :D
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