PIE's Ancient Mediterranean on Deity

OWhat do you notice in the surroundings?

hmm...the elephants?

I used one TH. Taking the city without it would have been eeemposseeeblay. If we can take his cap that would be great, but taking cities are going to be hard once no more THs and now siege. Although archers/chariot archers really help. But we need those to range attack and swords to attack. We have no swords.
I'm still waiting for your new fuzzy kitten avatar :lol:
hmm...the elephants?

I used one TH. Taking the city without it would have been eeemposseeeblay. If we can take his cap that would be great, but taking cities are going to be hard once no more THs and now siege. Although archers/chariot archers really help. But we need those to range attack and swords to attack. We have no swords.

No, all those great dense forests. It's a natural moat, meaning we can strike hard stacks targetting Ephesus. Lotsa enslavements, cash, profit. We need to harness our economy back even before considering progressing.
We'll have to think deeper tomorrow. It's a crucial moment between utter failure and success.

Don't you think it's exciting to be at the edge of a failure. :)

BTW, elephants are nothing special before mid-term of a game. It's not like Ivory resource, giving a happiness point. It's just the war elephant unlocker.
Ok...I played one more turn and killed several of Crouton's units lying about including saving Grape City. We have quite a few slaves to sell and whatever that treasure gives us....no clue.

The killing of units appeared to put Lydia over threshold. They will actually make White Peace if we so choose.

Oh...we actually had captured 3 Composite Bowmen and I captured a Nubian Archer this turn. Those are good units.

Alright, we will take this up tomorrow.
A treasure is ~100-120 gold and supposedly a +1 :culture: for the Palace, which I didn't ever observed.
Wow! I have found the way to salvage our empire. Selling exceeding soldiers to the mercenaries in Ephesus. I sold one chariot with one promo and I got 41 :gold:. That's wonderful. We have 40 GPT for the unit department. If we can lower the cost a bit. We'll end up with -30 GPT, which is a bit more manageable.
Phew! We got away without further revolts at 35% for two turns while waiting for the capital quelling the revolt. Now -19 GPT. Much reasonable. Will raise the slider.
Another wow! I think I just grasp a new PAE concept: improvements affecting the defensive bonuses. Normally, dense forests are -25 :strength:. With a road, it's +5% and at different stage of a cottage, it's +5%. So, a level two cottage+road would lead to -10% dense forest!

Wow! I have found the way to salvage our empire. Selling exceeding soldiers to the mercenaries in Ephesus. I sold one chariot with one promo and I got 41 :gold:. That's wonderful. We have 40 GPT for the unit department. If we can lower the cost a bit. We'll end up with -30 GPT, which is a bit more manageable.

Well, just don't sell our good units. Some of those old chariots maybe, but not chariot archers.

Heck, we can just build some crap units and sell them.

Welcome, cool.sound!
Okayyyy! I'm onto this for the next two hours. I'm pretty glad I was able to implement Civ4 on my job. Makes the bore torture less tortuous.

I played a mini-turnset where I salvaged the economy from a crash. Thanks the celtic gods for sparing us for two turns at 35% science (this +15 :gold: than acceptable, thus resulting to 2% odd of revolts in certain cities).

The second mini-turnset is where we harness Croesus from his runawaynism. Now, he's under our pawn. Boadicae rulz.

I stopped (I had enough of mah pathetic work day with an african income) where I was about to attack Lydia. I have a huge army (I'm near the forces of Egypt) and still at -30 gpt, which is extremely strong. I still have ~700 :gold: in treasury.
Before finishing my complete turnset, I expect Lydia capital along two really strong wonders to fall and I'll probably make peace for a strong tribute of Engineering tech. I aware you I won't use the second Trojan Horse because its purpose is to minimize losses while battling the Egyptians (which have terrible wonders for generating WWeariness against the attackers). After getting Engineering tech, we'll prepare a strong army of rams to reduce their defenses to nil.

Will play soon. And I'll upload last set of screenies and this set too. I was neglectful recently.
Without seeing it, everything sounds good.

For some reason I picture you working in a lab, although the hours are a bit odd....or you are still in school.
Was in university and did a 180 degree return to what we call Cegeps (there are no Cegeps in USA IIRC, it's between Uni and High School) studying how to become a Physics Technician.
I'm not at it. I'm geared towards theory, not practical applications. Sigh.

Nope, that job has nothing to do I want to do later. Just a summer job for helping my family and the income has dramatically decreased in the past 3 years. I guess this is die ende.
The hours are odd because I have semi-control over it. It can start at 11 AM and finishes ~11 PM. Or the day can be shortened because it just doesn't work and doesn't worth the effort.

Anyways, Lymond, you have become quite quiet, my my! Where's the one who wants to discuss strategy?
I knew it was Physics!!!! I was going to mention it, but forgot.

hey, stop with the typo police.:ar15: I'm terrible with typos, but I usually proofread most everything I post

edit: I'd say there are quasi-Cegeps institutions in the US, although generally not tuition free.
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