Play the World first Screenshots!

Originally posted by andyo

why don't you just read the post? your questions are already answered there - and it would take less time then *****ing and whining - and would be alot less bothersome
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

The Civ community got to be the worst fu(king one i have ever seen, because of people like you.

On a site like you can ask a question and people are more than happy to answer. But here, no one answers, and people call you a whiner for no reason.

You are the ****ing whiner, whining about a new member to this board, instead of answering his question.
Help! I am a new fan and confused. I do not know how to play the Danes and other mods. As well as set-up new units in the game I am lost. I downloaded assassin zip, but I do not know how to get it appear in the game play. Can someone help me?
Originally posted by SRN

The Civ community got to be the worst fu(king one i have ever seen, because of people like you.

On a site like you can ask a question and people are more than happy to answer. But here, no one answers, and people call you a whiner for no reason.

You are the ****ing whiner, whining about a new member to this board, instead of answering his question.

we are more than happy to answer any questions we can - and the people here are very helpful and nice - but as you stated in your first post - you are too lazy to read the whole post, which already comtains your answers - and instead are asking your questions again
and i quote " Since i dont want to read the entire post, to find out if anyone has said something about this, here goes. " the answers to your questions are already contained in this thread - you don't even have to go searching for them - you just had to read this post - and when no one gave you a clifts notes version of what has been said (which, again, you could have easily read in THIS post), you started whining again -
So if i hadnt written, that i was to lacy to read the topic you have been more than happy to answer my question?

This thread is 10 pages long. Do you really think i would read 10 pages, about people discussing wether or not the viking special unit being an amphibious unit would imbalance the game?

And instead of just telling me how big a whiner i am, you could spend you time giving me the answers to my very good questions.

By the way... I want to be a cool guy but I am really just a sad, sad person.
Dudes, chill, before I get the Hammer of Crushing.

SRN, we don't memorize the answers in the thread. For us to find the answers to some of your questions, we'd have to go back and work our way through the thread...which would consume as many man-minutes as for you to do the same thing.
I understand the impulse to be lazy, but you're asking other people to do your work for you.
And btw, I 'dig tit' as well :D
a) thats you opinion, that your questions are very good
b) in the time it took for you to write out all your questions, you could have read the thread
c) at the time you wrote your question, the thread was only 7 1/2 pages long
d) in the time you wrote out this response, you could have read the whole thread again
e) switch to another language - that is good
f) in the time it took for you to read this response, you could have gotten through this thread again
g) mi pero negro is mui flaco y alto
h) if you are going to continuously b**** and whine, why not us PM so you don't waste everyone elses time?
SRN said:
Since i dont want to read the entire post, to find out if anyone has said something about this, here goes.

1. What are those radar things on the picture and what does they do?

2. Will some of the new civs feature some more modern special units? So far, its only germany and America, who got more modern units, and thats pretty lame.

3. What about the multiplayer? I had heard that it was going to be in a patch in the original version, but has that never been the plan?

4. As far as i can see on the screenshots, the spanish conquastidor is an upgraded version of the cavalery. If they dont change some of the excisting special units. there are going to be like 5 versions of the cavalery, which is pretty lame too.

5. Are they going to add more civ specific abilities, like religous, so all of the civs are going to be unique, like in the original game?

6. Will the game feature more pre-made maps? In the original there were only two, one small and large world map. It would be nive to have maps like the Mediterranean.

I have answers :)

1. They are radar towers and they are supposed to spot units outside your borders, and also spot invisible units like subs.

2. No, I don't think any more modern units will be included, because most of the new civs are very historical.

3. The multiplayer will be in PTW, and if there hasn't been a multiplayer patch yet then there probably won't be.

4. Sadly, there will be too many UU's replacing knights (not cavalry, I think you got a little mixed up there) and the Conquistador should have replaced the explorer.

5. I don't think so, from what I've read in the forums so far.

6. Probably not, but you can make one on the new and improved editor, which will have full scenario support.

I hope I answered your questions.
I guess you lose a big part of you ability to remember things you read when you play civ then.
Mostly people remember things about the next game they are really waiting for, but i guess the civ community isnt as devoted as the Blizzard(warcraft and starcraft only, since most diablo players are idiots) and Quake fans.

But of course, if people does not remember the answer to any of the questions, i dont want to call them names for not reading what i didnt want to read.

And btw, dig tit means something like "you, often"
Thanks alot for the help WarlordMatt.

Why doesnt you all follow WarlordMatt's example?
This is the best I could do for translations from

Moderator Action: Thanks, I have modified this post to keep the comments of the previous immature poster from getting more attention than it deserves. Thanks for the translation, s5669111, but next time just report it. ;)
Please read the forum rules:

I think the point is pretty clear - Our little (15 yrs old?) friend from northern Europe does not really want to be in our group. Just wants to talk dirty to us.

pls go back to blizzard - thx bu-bye
Why do you have to put andyo down like that? Has he ever done anything bad to you? Calling his mother that is really low of you.
Originally posted by SRN
I guess you lose a big part of you ability to remember things you read when you play civ then.
Mostly people remember things about the next game they are really waiting for, but i guess the civ community isnt as devoted as the Blizzard(warcraft and starcraft only, since most diablo players are idiots) and Quake fans.

But of course, if people does not remember the answer to any of the questions, i dont want to call them names for not reading what i didnt want to read.

And btw, dig tit means something like "you, often"

It's not purely about memory, it's about time as well.
This thread has been around for a couple days now. Many of us have read it piece-meal (a page here, a page there). When done in that manner, it's tough to fully grasp (and remember) all the information that is present (you're better off reading it straight through). Also, some of the questions you asked weren't even answered in this thread (well, until now)...or the info is incomplete, or heck, the answers don't exist yet. Heck, I didn't know what the Radar Towers did either, and I frequent this board.

As for devotion, you're talking about a fanbase that stretches back to the original Civ (which we still play)...when was the last time you played the original Starcraft (I loved the little suicide ship) or Castle Wolfenstein?
PH76 says: Just a few days ago this moderator played Broodwar...let's not get into a inter-game arguement. Both series has strong devotees.

EDIT: Besides, we're MORE dedicated, because we spend more time playing than talking about it. Some of us are just bored at work...
There is obviously something wrong with that translation.
If you want, i can translate it correctly.
thanks s5669111 - appreciate the translation
it made just about as much sense as i expected him too
now that (hopefully) he is gone - can we get back on topic?
Actually, i just played warcraftII the other day, but since XP cant run it properly i dont get play it much now adays.
And i wouldt call myself a warcraft devotee.

But as for some of the questions not being in the thread at all until now, just makes me happy, that i didnt read it through.
No problemo SRN. ;)

Some of the civs in Civ III should have 2 UU's , like the Vikings (they should have the Beserk plus the Longboat). Does anyone agree with me?? (the Americans should also have the Minuteman plus the F-15, if not removing the F-15)
Originally posted by SRN
Actually, i just played warcraftII the other day, but since XP cant run it properly i dont get play it much now adays.
And i wouldt call myself a warcraft devotee.

Blaming the OS? Talk about lack of devotion. Devoted fans make the OS work for the game.
And Warcraft II is from, what, 1996? Warcraft is for newbies. Us Moria, Zork and Adventure players scoff at all your fancy graphics. We remember when @ was you, not part of an email address! We remember cursing that stupid dwarf for throwing his axe at us. We still can't figure out how to slip through the fissure (lord knows I never could).

When @D causes you to scream instinctively, you know you're old-school.
Bandwidth does not devotion make.

I still think a Hawaiian Civ would be a good idea...
Originally posted by WarlordMatt
No problemo SRN. ;)

Some of the civs in Civ III should have 2 UU's , like the Vikings (they should have the Beserk plus the Longboat). Does anyone agree with me?? (the Americans should also have the Minuteman plus the F-15, if not removing the F-15)

I disagree; I find multiple UU's many cases it would be reaching to find a second UU, or they'd be so close together to make them pointless (a second UU for the Persians for example, the Parthian, would be a mounted archer, which is basically what a Mounted Warrior is...and which comes earlier on the Tech Tree in Civ but later historically)

The main point of the UU is really to trigger a Golden Age, imho. Thus the UU's are spaced in such a way that your Civ's Golden Age roughly corresponds to that of the historical Civ -- in terms of technology, not chronology (otherwise the Mounted Warrior would be a late Middle Age UU). Keep 'em that way.
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