Polish Cavalry 1939

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I hope Wy can make cavalries of various nations in WWI or WWII. It must be wonderful very much.:drool: :goodjob:
Although Poland had 11 Cavalry Brigades, the Polish cavalry never charged on German tanks.

I just lost a lot of respect for the Polish military.
Reputedly they Were attacking a part of enemie's infantry, then encountered tanks of another German troop...

But for my individual opinion... However this, they were even very brave.
Welcome, Aquatarkus :)

FYI we frown on reviving dead threads unless there's a timely reason - broken d/l link, etc. Also, if you made appreciative comments for every sterling unit here, you'd be busy for a very long time.


And so he picked my thread to post his first statement? Me? The guy that thinks thread necromacy should be a punishable offence?

A thread from 2004 bumped ?:cry: OK... :D

I`m using this chance to ask for a "Unit_32.pcx" of the unit. The DL include none. My own pic has become only a mess... (Cavalry and Helicopters are far too hard to make - for me):)

... so IF anybody have made one please post it here ...
Thanks in advance !

General 666
I have made one a few weeks back, here you go...
The easiest way I have found to make one, is to bring up the default animation in Flicster (so it's not moving, and usually aim the animation to the SE for consistency), hit Print Screen and then paste into Photoshop (or w/e you use), then resize down to 32x32. This looks well in game, hope it helps!

View attachment units_32PolCalv.zip

Generally we use the same procedere to make one. But every time I copy my pic into my Mod-Unit_32.pcx ,the legs of the horse disappears. The same for the rotors of Helis. The pic that Zulu has included in his sheet has no legs too. So a big Thanks to you ,for rescueing my nerves...
I have made one a few weeks back, here you go...
The easiest way I have found to make one, is to bring up the default animation in Flicster (so it's not moving, and usually aim the animation to the SE for consistency), hit Print Screen and then paste into Photoshop (or w/e you use), then resize down to 32x32. This looks well in game, hope it helps!

View attachment 208971


The problem with this is that the palette is going to be all wrong. For a tutorial on how to make a unit_32 see this post.
You haven't read the tutorial yet have you? ;) :)
Vuldacon has sent me once a even more detailed version (including different .pal and Unit_32.pcx`s files) which I follow...
So I have no problems anymore to handle things like the Civ-specific color.
Vuldacon has sent me once a even more detailed version (including different .pal and Unit_32.pcx`s files) which I follow...
So I have no problems anymore to handle things like the Civ-specific color.

But you didn't change the BLUE civ color of my original unit to the RED color of the new pallete.

Thanks for playing. Try paying attention to the rules next time.
Vuldacon has sent me once a even more detailed version (including different .pal and Unit_32.pcx`s files) which I follow...

Yup yup. That's what I linked to...
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