Poll shows 80% of Civers are under 33 years old!

yea Like I said this topic will never end!
its cool that most civers are under 33 years old! Dont ask me why?

The people in my cool book
Yeah why?
I'm a whole Marketplace/Library (i.e. 50%) OVER that age!
I've been gone for I don't even know how long, and I am SOOOOO behind, but what a cool thread Spiff, good guess on my age; I'm 37. It's nice to hear of others dealing with wife/kids/job/etc and still play Civ. I average probably 1-2 hours a week, but have done the 4 AM bit a few times in the past. My wife hasn't tried stealing my CD yet (and don't tell her ) Haven't been to the forum much because work has gotten busier I"ve got a lot of reading to do!

Okay guys, I'm new to this site. Allow me to introduce myself. They call me madman, I have been playing civ for about 12 years, I still have my original copy of civ1. I'm about to turn 32, I was not able to vote in the poll but would've if I could have. I used to be a member of the appo site but since I'm in the NAVY and they don't let me stay on land very long the appo people kicked me out of their data base. So I've come home recently from a trip across the seas and thought I would try this site. Please be gentle with me, It has been about a year since I have played any mp on line, but I used to be well known in the circle of civ2, lets see if I can recreate the dynasty once more. Well I've blabbed more than long enough and I'm sure to expect some good and some smart comments from you all. Wouldn't expect less from the civ world.
"I have not yet begun to fight"
Admiral madman

Hmm well then WELCOME to this fine Civ site, we hope that it's going to be everything that you have ever dreamed of and there are lots of interesting things to read and games to play - so if you love Civ you have definitely come to the right place!!

Veni Vidi Vici.

Coolbook: Cunobelin Of Hippo, Håkan Eriksson, vladmir_illych_lenin, stellar converter, Stormerne.
I missed this thread when I first signed up...what a cool thread.

I am in the 20% minority with two kids and a wife who is threatening to put an alarm clock near to the computer so I don't stay up into the wee hours playing this game. Boy is she going to be happy when I mention Civ III coming out!!!

There are some who call me...Tim

This is my cool book:
John Valdez, vladmir_illych_lenin, Thunderfall, shadowdale, stormerne, Stellar Converter
Computers are a fairly new epedemic. I believe that the majority of people over 40 have already found their live long ambitions and hobbies well before the 80's and 90's.

That is one reason that onder people play less. Not because they don't care or are any different as people.

Also, many people start to slow down after 60.

The majority of younger people (under 15) haven't really found the flavor for strategy yet.

It is my prediction that as this computer generation gets older, so will the statistics of older people playing games such as civilization. I think that the younger part of the graph will stay much the same


Where there is money, there are liars!
I bet that teenagers will play civ more and more. Preteens just don't have the patients to play, and would rather play Duke Nuke'm or something.

Some older people enjoy Civ, but i find that most of them think it's silly or cannot go around the learning curve. I tried to teach my dad about city radius and demanding tribute, but he didn't get it!
Well, I'm 38 and I still play!

All knowledge begins with the Phrase: I don't know
He can't remember a thing!
I'm like "Dad, R is for road!"
He's like sure, I'll get this knight to build roads.
He diddn't even understand that different colours meant different tribes until I explained to him 3 times!
I'm going to play hot seat with him and kick his *** !

No really, it's hard to teach old people how to play Civ. It's just like teaching someone a language. I wonder how all the people like lefty scaevola and stormerne learned to play.
SInce my dad has a Phd in philosophy of logics or something, he's always asking questions like:
"Son, you can't just 'buy' that phalanx. Who do you buy it from?"
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