Possible bug, my governor starves my city!!!


Dec 29, 2005
I read about cities dropping their pops down to 1 seldom times. So today when it happened to me it was no surprise.

The issue is that I try to kick out the only specialist my gov suggests, instead making that citizen work on the bread at the right of the city (atlanta). Up to this point everything is OK, but when i end my turn, i notice that in atlanta, my specialist is back on track!!! So I'll never be able to grow atlanta back, since im stagnant, and the dummy refuses to work my bread.

Is this a bug? I have everything unchecked (in particular automate citizen production).

Can anyone give a go at my save and tell me if im mad?

BTW i dont have any mod, except for the sevopedia.
I was able to duplicate it. Moved to the bug reports forum.
I loaded the savegame, and noticed that there were three forced artists in Atlanta, so the game always tried to fill them before the end of the turn. After setting them to zero, Atlanta began growing as expected.

best regards,
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