Prehistoric+Enlighment+FW Compatibility Patch


Oct 25, 2016
Vancouver BC, Canada
The mod itself only works properly if I load era mods in a particular order. problems such as blanket tech trees or tech disconnections will still take place if the loading order is not right. I am sorry, I don't recall the loading order and I can't provide logs since I already solved this problems by myself and I don't want to encounter the problem that I indicated above again. All I want to say is the patch now works once again for me and it deserves to try. : ) great works!


Apr 13, 2016
The mod itself only works properly if I load era mods in a particular order. problems such as blanket tech trees or tech disconnections will still take place if the loading order is not right. I am sorry, I don't recall the loading order and I can't provide logs since I already solved this problems by myself and I don't want to encounter the problem that I indicated above again. All I want to say is the patch now works once again for me and it deserves to try. : ) great works!
Have you played from pre his. era to future era? Cause, im stuck at enlightenment era. The game always crash in that era. Not to mention the tech is so slow.


Oct 25, 2016
Vancouver BC, Canada
I finished up a whole game last night using v.4. (Beginning at the prehistoric era and ends up somewhere in the future era). I have not yet got a chance to reach the final tech of the future era, (I got a domination victory) but I could say that in my case I have not encountered a CTD in the game. I agree with you that the game runs a little bit slow during the prehistoric era, it forces me to play the game with quick pace. But other than that, the patch have not troubled me so much. I feel like you might need to start a game with only the patch and 3 era mods to see if the problem is caused by other mod incompatibility. sorry I can't contribute more because I don't know anything about modding. I can provide the list of my mods to you hopefully it may help a littble bit more.

So far I have not encountered CTD with mods as following in the game

Community patch
More luxuries
Events and decisions
ethnic diversity
Infor addict


Apr 13, 2016
How many turn did you get?
In the 300th turn (mine was enlightenment era, but the computer was still in the end of med era/the beginning of renaissance era), it was already too slow. The computer built too many units. It took more than 2 minutes to finish one turn (I know my computer is slow, but the primary reason was the lua. Too many units to process).
I got 2200+ science every turn, but it still took 5-7 turns to complete one tech.


Oct 25, 2016
Vancouver BC, Canada
I met the similar condition. The game runs extremely smooth before the renaissance era. After that I encounter lags although in my case it did not last longer than 2 mins per turn (probably because I only play No more than 5 AIs) . I finished my game in the 370th turn when I had artillery and infantry units (emperor level difficulty with CP) I ran some Al-onlybattles before I play the game myself (typically for the testing purpose) and I knew I could not play a game with more than 5 AIs because that would be a way too slow and tedious for me. In my case, I always play QUICK pace with this patch enabled and I have to admit that I never reach the science level like you did (way too high for me haha), the situation of mine is kinda different. In the prehistoric era, it always takes me About 10 + turns (in some case it takes time about 20 plus turns) to finish a tech, sometimes i may not even get culture for about 50+ turns. After I research and build the library, it takes me like 5-6 turns to finish a tech in classical and so on (similar to your case, but I personally can bear that problem) The problem I feel a bit more annoying is a different one. Once I have more than 4+ cities and reach the med era, I can actually snowball units(cost me about 1-2 turns to produce a unit). I guess the AI may do that as well in a more difficulty level as I witness them doing that in my AI only battles. So the problem of mine is not about science but production. I feel like that snowballing units is the reason why we run the game slow later on. Overall, The game with 3 era mods altogether is not very balanced even though I know Siskin tries his best to work on that.


Apr 4, 2017
Hey there! I just tried out the V4, and tech tree got all messed up again. I'll send screenshot if you need one, when I'll have time, and I don't know if it helps, but here is my mod list:
-Community Patch
-Civ4 diplomatic features
-More luxuries
-43 civs CP (no EUI)
-Community Events
-amer-asian resources(modified to only add rice and maize)
-Enlightnment Era
-Future Worlds
-Global Warming
-Greatest Cities
-Historical Religions
-JFD's Cultural Diversity, Cities in Development, Exploration Continued Expanded and Rise to Power
-Less religious religions
-More city-state luxuries
-More Mercantile mod
-Prehistoric Era reborn
-R.E.D. modpack
-Resource Buildings
-Strange Religions
-Events and Decisions
-Unique Cultural Influence

More city-state luxuries, -Prehistoric Era reborn,,Cities in Development and Rise to Power,,,all these mods not compatible with CPB at my game


Mar 18, 2017
10 here they say that RTP did become incompatible with CBP couple of times, if you have any problems, you probably should tell them to JFD or someone else, as I didn't have any problems with CiD, RTP and city-state luxuries mods. And Prehistoric Era seems to not be updated since last year, so I doubt it will be made compatible. So my hopes are that someone makes this mod and future worlds compatible with it.(which is why I'm in this thread.)


Apr 10, 2017
26 here they say that RTP did become incompatible with CBP couple of times, if you have any problems, you probably should tell them to JFD or someone else, as I didn't have any problems with CiD, RTP and city-state luxuries mods. And Prehistoric Era seems to not be updated since last year, so I doubt it will be made compatible. So my hopes are that someone makes this mod and future worlds compatible with it.(which is why I'm in this thread.)

Sorry I don't understand, Can you elaborate a bit? What is RTP exactly, and what is not compatible with what.

About the slowdown... I'm not sure what to say... I just checked and units do have maintenance costs so AI should not be able to build more than normal. Though difficulty levels higher than prince, while not improving AI gameplay, do give them bonuses among which gold so they can sustain larger armies. I don't really see anything I can do here. More units (even when used just as poorly) is exactly what higher difficulty does.
Personally I always play with 22 civs at Prince difficulty so they play their best without unfair advantages. Around renaisance, it takes about... 15-20 sec I guess for each turn. based on memory. (laptop i3 6th gen CPU so not awesome but not horrible either)
(And I always play epic speed)

About production and research costs balance... that's a work-in-progress thing.

In V4 research costs were significantly reduced.

If you want, you can play around with the values yourselves.

If interested:
Spoiler :

To change research speed:
Spoiler :

To change overall research speed based on gamespeed:
Spoiler :

Open with notepad the file:
MODS\Prehistorc_Enlighment_FW Compatibility (v 4)\GameSpeed\GameValues.xml

Change the ResearchPercent values as desired.
For example, if I want to change the research cost for a Quick game from 67% to say.. 30%, I would change from
            <Set ResearchPercent="67"/>
            <Where Type="GAMESPEED_QUICK"/>
            <Set ResearchPercent="30"/>
            <Where Type="GAMESPEED_QUICK"/>

To change research speed per age:
Spoiler :

Open with notepad the file:
MODS\Prehistorc_Enlighment_FW Compatibility (v 4)\GameSpeed\ResearchSpeedMultipliers.sql
and play around with the multipliers. 1.0 = 100% 2.0 = 200% 0.5 = 50% etc
So if I wanted to change ancient era tech cost from 100% to 50%, I would change the line
UPDATE Technologies SET Cost = Cost*1.0 WHERE Era='ERA_ANCIENT';
UPDATE Technologies SET Cost = Cost*0.5 WHERE Era='ERA_ANCIENT';

To change building production cost:

Spoiler :

Open with notepad the file:
MODS\Prehistorc_Enlighment_FW Compatibility (v 4)\GameSpeed\BuildingSpeedMultipliers.sql
and change the cost multiplier as desired. 1.0 = 100% 2.0 = 200% 0.5 = 50% etc

So if I wanted to change ancient era building production cost from 100% to 50%, I would change
UPDATE Buildings
SET Cost = Cost * 1.0
WHERE ( PrereqTech IN ( SELECT Type FROM Technologies WHERE Era = 'ERA_ANCIENT' ) );
UPDATE Buildings
SET Cost = Cost * 0.5
WHERE ( PrereqTech IN ( SELECT Type FROM Technologies WHERE Era = 'ERA_ANCIENT' ) );

I did not make a file for unit costs since I didn't touch that yet.

Oh and, as a little bonus, I added a little tool I made to calculate gamespeed steps (basically tell the game how much time to advance each turn).
It's the GameSpeedCalculator.xlsx file.
It's password protected to prevent accidental edit of cells with formulas, but if you want to change the tool itself in some way, the password is in GameSpeedCalculator_password.txt

My time is limited so there's only so much testing I can do myself, so any feedback is helpful. The more feedback I see, the better I can adjust balance and/or fix bugs.
Last edited:


Apr 10, 2017
Hey there! I just tried out the V4, and tech tree got all messed up again. I'll send screenshot if you need one, when I'll have time, and I don't know if it helps, but here is my mod list:
-Community Patch
-Civ4 diplomatic features
-More luxuries
-43 civs CP (no EUI)
-Community Events
-amer-asian resources(modified to only add rice and maize)
-Enlightnment Era
-Future Worlds
-Global Warming
-Greatest Cities
-Historical Religions
-JFD's Cultural Diversity, Cities in Development, Exploration Continued Expanded and Rise to Power
-Less religious religions
-More city-state luxuries
-More Mercantile mod
-Prehistoric Era reborn
-R.E.D. modpack
-Resource Buildings
-Strange Religions
-Events and Decisions
-Unique Cultural Influence
-Panem et Circenses
-Symbolic Ideology Tenets
All up to date.

Screenshot won't help in any way.

Based on logs I might be able to tell you where the problem is, but what I suggest is that you disable all mods except the 3 era mods + patch, confirm it works like that, then step by step add a mod, check if it still works, then add another, etc until it blows up. Then you'll find the culprit.


Mar 18, 2017
Sorry I don't understand, Can you elaborate a bit? What is RTP exactly, and what is not compatible with what.

About the slowdown... I'm not sure what to say... I just checked and units do have maintenance costs so AI should not be able to build more than normal. Though difficulty levels higher than prince, while not improving AI gameplay, do give them bonuses among which gold so they can sustain larger armies. I don't really see anything I can do here. More units (even when used just as poorly) is exactly what higher difficulty does.
Personally I always play with 22 civs at Prince difficulty so they play their best without unfair advantages. Around renaisance, it takes about... 15-20 sec I guess for each turn. based on memory. (laptop i3 6th gen CPU so not awesome but not horrible either)
(And I always play epic speed)

About production and research costs balance... that's a work-in-progress thing.

In V4 research costs were significantly reduced.

If you want, you can play around with the values yourselves.

If interested:
Spoiler :

To change research speed:
Spoiler :

To change overall research speed based on gamespeed:
Spoiler :

Open with notepad the file:
MODS\Prehistorc_Enlighment_FW Compatibility (v 4)\GameSpeed\GameValues.xml

Change the ResearchPercent values as desired.
For example, if I want to change the research cost for a Quick game from 67% to say.. 30%, I would change from
            <Set ResearchPercent="67"/>
            <Where Type="GAMESPEED_QUICK"/>
            <Set ResearchPercent="30"/>
            <Where Type="GAMESPEED_QUICK"/>

To change research speed per age:
Spoiler :

Open with notepad the file:
MODS\Prehistorc_Enlighment_FW Compatibility (v 4)\GameSpeed\ResearchSpeedMultipliers.sql
and play around with the multipliers. 1.0 = 100% 2.0 = 200% 0.5 = 50% etc
So if I wanted to change ancient era tech cost from 100% to 50%, I would change the line
UPDATE Technologies SET Cost = Cost*1.0 WHERE Era='ERA_ANCIENT';
UPDATE Technologies SET Cost = Cost*0.5 WHERE Era='ERA_ANCIENT';

To change building production cost:

Spoiler :

Open with notepad the file:
MODS\Prehistorc_Enlighment_FW Compatibility (v 4)\GameSpeed\BuildingSpeedMultipliers.sql
and change the cost multiplier as desired. 1.0 = 100% 2.0 = 200% 0.5 = 50% etc

So if I wanted to change ancient era building production cost from 100% to 50%, I would change
UPDATE Buildings
SET Cost = Cost * 1.0
WHERE ( PrereqTech IN ( SELECT Type FROM Technologies WHERE Era = 'ERA_ANCIENT' ) );
UPDATE Buildings
SET Cost = Cost * 0.5
WHERE ( PrereqTech IN ( SELECT Type FROM Technologies WHERE Era = 'ERA_ANCIENT' ) );

I did not make a file for unit costs since I didn't touch that yet.

Oh and, as a little bonus, I added a little tool I made to calculate gamespeed steps (basically tell the game how much time to advance each turn).
It's the GameSpeedCalculator.xlsx file.
It's password protected to prevent accidental edit of cells with formulas, but if you want to change the tool itself in some way, the password is in GameSpeedCalculator_password.txt

My time is limited so there's only so much testing I can do myself, so any feedback is helpful. The more feedback I see, the better I can adjust balance and/or fix bugs.
I wasn't talking to you, previous commenter said that Rise to Power wasn't compatible with CBP for her. There might be some issues with Cultural Diversity tho, as it splits civs in culture types which get different era splash screens, soundtracks and start bonuses in capital. (Eastern cultures(Russia, Byzantium, Serbia, etc.) start with walls(and barracks without CBO), Central (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc) with grannary and Totalitarian(USSR, Pilsudski's Poland, North and South Koreas, Third Reich, etc) start with a great general, and some cultures start with some tech being already researched.) I don't know how to provide logs, as I've never done it before, but if I find out I'll do it. And I actually already wanted to test just era mods with patch, and see which "particular order" YINGCHENG was talking about.


Mar 18, 2017
I just tried it out(by now no progress, I'll clrear the cash and try again.) but by browsing trough civilopedia (with just CBP and age mods) I've noticed that now there are 2 Crystal Palace wonders, one of which is built trough World Congress.


Mar 18, 2017
After huge amount of unsuccesful tries to find this "specific order", I finaly decided to disable mods 1 by 1, and (why am I not surprised?) it's the CBO that's doing this.


Oct 25, 2016
Vancouver BC, Canada
this patch is not compatible with CBO as far as I know. Siskin said he did not test it with the CBP. The thread claims that the patch may not be compatible with mods that tends to alter the tech tree (In my knowledge, CBP alters the tech tree a lot) in the end, I treat this patch as a vanilla based patch. However, If you see my previous comments you would know that this mod is at least compatible with the core CP. I also list many mods I have used with this patch in my previous comments, and hopefully it may help you a bit.

So far my game runs perfectly with the patch. And yes, you need to disable all the mods at first. Then you need to try adding era mods in different orders with the patch. (it takes me like one and a half hour) Keep in mind that you do not add any mods other than the patch and era mods. Eventually you may make the patch work and add more mods for fun. At least that is what I did, and it worked.

Hopefully my comment may help you a bit


Jan 25, 2018
Hi, I just made an account here because I recently discovered this mod. When I place the mod in the Mods folder, it causes the game to crash on startup; it doesn't even get to the main menu. I also found that when it crashes, the game creates a "civ5modsdatabase.db-journal" file in the cache folder; not sure if that's related to it. I saw someone else had the same issue, and they solved it by modifying the .modinfo file, but I don't have a lot of modding knowledge, so I'd rather not mess with it.


Mar 6, 2019
I actually tested the patch today. Here are the following mods I am using now:
Community patch v.88 (auto-downloaded version "VP")
C4DF (auto-downloaded version "VP")
Enlightenment era (latest version I believe)
Prehistoric reborn (latest version as well)
Future worlds(latest version)
Siskin's prehistoric reborn+enlightenment era+future worlds compatible patch (version 2)
Nutty's ethnic diversity
More luxuries (Version 155)
Coloured religion
Notice: I did not play the game with EUI because I encountered CTDs when I enabled it.

The game seems fine with those mods altogether, despite some balance issues (I guess I have to set the game as the "Quick" pace, otherwise I won't enter the classical era in 6 hours). and interface problem (production icons are not shown sometimes), I have not encountered any CTD. Right now I am possessing 8 cities. The game moves to the medieval era.

So far, it seems work altogether.

I don't know if v. 3 solve the balance issue. My experience is that at the beginning of the game, the tech goes REALLY slow if I choose any speed other than quick speed. Unfortunately, in a quick pace game, I thought once I got enough pops and cities (let'a say 8 cities with more than 40 pops) , the cities could construct every buildings in 2-3 turns. The game becomes REALLY quick later on. So I have mixed feeling about this. But so far so good. Minnor issues are bearable.

I want to give my personal compliment for this patch. It gives me the chance to play all three era mods together. Great job!

I do hope in case if you have time, please test it with other mod packs, projects and see if there is a problem. I am also willing to run a game and contribute myself a little bit by sharing my experiences.
YINGCHENG I hope you see this. I am using the patch right now and since this post, there have been changed to the tech costs in prehistoric era.
Would you be able to boot up your initial savegame and tell me how many turns from start/how much science cost your first techs?
On inital save with no mods enabled, my byzantium takes 19 turns to unlock its first tech.
TL;DR It just seems a but unbalanced in the tech tree progress.


Oct 25, 2016
Vancouver BC, Canada
Sorry, I am not being able to boot up my initial savegame, but I do remember that I need to take 16-20 turns to unlock my first tech. It takes quite a long time to actually pass the prehistoric era with this patch because partially you just cannot have good yields at the beginning, and partially because you culture output in the beginning maintain static. Siskin proposes a solution on the thread #48, but i have not tried it yet, so there is not much I can talk about. Prehistoric era mod gets updated after the release of this patch, and I am not sure if this patch is still functioning. I think if you tend to make another compatible version that combine these era mods together, you should ask the authors of these mods and they can give you more insights.


Oct 23, 2019
I found a way to make this patch work beyond combining two mods that don't work together.

I looked into the folder of this patch under the file of Prehistoric Enlightment Compatibility Patch that is the same name as the folder. Then, I edited in notepad here is the edit:

<Mod id="ce8aa614-7ef7-4a45-a179-5329869e8d6d" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Enlightenment Era" />
<Mod id="8c63c188-045b-4955-bbea-6c685d119c86" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Prehistoric Era Reborn" />
<Mod id="d9ece224-6cd8-4519-a27a-c417b59cdf35" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Future Worlds" />
<Mod id="d9ece224-6cd8-4519-a27a-c417b59cdf35" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="City Limits" />
<Mod id="d9ece224-6cd8-4519-a27a-c417b59cdf35" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Great Spy (Brave New World)" />
<Mod id="d9ece224-6cd8-4519-a27a-c417b59cdf35" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Historical Religions Complete (BNW or GK)" />

<Mod id="ce8aa614-7ef7-4a45-a179-5329869e8d6d" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Enlightenment Era" />
<Mod id="8c63c188-045b-4955-bbea-6c685d119c86" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Prehistoric Era Reborn" />
<Mod id="d9ece224-6cd8-4519-a27a-c417b59cdf35" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Future Worlds" />

<Mod id="d9ece224-6cd8-4519-a27a-c417b59cdf35" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="City Limits" />
<Mod id="d9ece224-6cd8-4519-a27a-c417b59cdf35" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Great Spy (Brave New World)" />
<Mod id="d9ece224-6cd8-4519-a27a-c417b59cdf35" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Historical Religions Complete (BNW or GK)" />


This patch seem not to care if you don't have the name of the mod with a version at the end but it does care if you have the full mod name whether it has () and/or not. So if you look let me know if this fully works. It seems to fully work for multiple mods that didn't work before when you combine the patch with the 2 other mods for tech in Enlightment and Future Worlds.

Let me know if you got any questions.


Oct 23, 2019
Also, I forgot to mention that this patch in theory makes all other mods incompatabile when you combine the two tech trees together. this solution seems to use this patch to combine all the other patches under 1 patch that does exactly the same when you click the mods in civ 5 game. so that may explain why things aren't working or crashing. so hoping this solution would be tried and worked. I have so far found this does work through trial and error now going to try the rest of the mods since so far these mods that weren't incompatabile before the patch now are and with these small tweets seem to work now.


Oct 23, 2019
In addition, I suggest when you add a new mod to the patch you need to recheck the new version of this patch when you choose your mods in the game. Next, try a new game under the same conditions exactly every single time like someone else suggested through other posts by building up 1 mod at a time till you get all of the mods back working together. In theory this tweet as I said before could fix the incompatible issue.


Oct 23, 2019
well the only mod name that seems not to work at all is a - like City - State if someone could figure out a way to include that as well without hurting the patch itself that would be great. just stump honestly since it works for every single other name except not sure if the underscore works as well like City_State?
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