[Preview Thread] stHSnes2 Tribal Fury


brand new year
Sep 15, 2003
Cowboys Stadium
Background History: History is written by the winners. In the case of the Americas the “Indians” were beaten back by the Europeans in the 1700s. This time you write the history. A Native American tribe is in your control. Lead it to greatness through conquest, trade, politics, or land gain. It’s up to you to change history.


Economy: Each tribe starts with the same set up 2/1/1 The first number represents how many points is needed to go to the next Economy level. The second number says how many points your tribe receives to spend on stats. The third tells you what economy level you are in. Even if you don’t have enough points to get to the next level you can invest it into the economy then wait till next turn to put more points into it.

Army: Your army is used to enforce law in your cities and to wage war on other tribes. In the Army section there are two things to spend economy points on. Size: the number of soldiers in the army. And Skill: How trained the army is. For every economy point you spend on size you get 100 soldiers.
Pitiful- Starting
Horrible- 1 pt
Good- 2 pt
Very Good- 3 pt
Trained- 4 pt
Regimented- 5 pt
Synchronized- 6 pt

Navy: Navy works in the same way as army. Only for every economy you gain 5 War boats. They also have the same skill levels as the army levels.

UUs: Unique Units. Make one up. Do a little research on your tribe and find out what type of elite warriors they had.

Trade: Trade is a 2 sided deal. Both tribes must agree before hand and must be connected by border. Every 4 turns that you have a trade route you gain an extra economy pt to use. Your stats will show how long until your next bonus.

Projects: Projects can give a boost to Economy Army Navy ect. Make it realistic and depending on the benefit decides how long it will take. One econ pt a turn will continue work. You can speed up work by investing more but have to skip a turn on work. So for example there is a project that takes 4 turns and I make 3 econ a turn I can put 3 into the project and have it be ¾ but have to skip giving it econ pts next turn.

Stories: Not required but it might give you a little boost *Wink*
Haida Tribe- reserved by Lord Iggy
Chief name/CFC Name
Economy: 2/1/1
Army: 100 Pitiful Warriors
Navy: 10 Pitiful War boats
UU: None
Trade Routes: None
Project: none
Dark Green

Nez Perce Tribe
Chief name/CFC Name
Economy: 2/1/1
Army: 100 Pitiful Warriors
Navy: 10 Pitiful War boats
UU: None
Trade Routes: None
Project: none

Chumash Tribe - reserved by MjM
Chief name/CFC Name
Economy: 2/1/1
Army: 100 Pitiful Warriors
Navy: 10 Pitiful War boats
UU: None
Trade Routes: None
Project: none

Chief name/CFC Name
Economy: 2/1/1
Army: 100 Pitiful Warriors
Navy: 10 Pitiful War boats
UU: None
Trade Routes: None
Project: none

Chief name/CFC Name
Economy: 2/1/1
Army: 100 Pitiful Warriors
Navy: 10 Pitiful War boats
UU: None
Trade Routes: None
Project: none

Chief name/CFC Name
Economy: 2/1/1
Army: 100 Pitiful Warriors
Navy: 10 Pitiful War boats
UU: None
Trade Routes: None
Project: none
Neon Green

Taino- Reserved by Reno
Chief name/CFC Name
Economy: 2/1/1
Army: 100 Pitiful Warriors
Navy: 10 Pitiful War boats
UU: None
Trade Routes: None
Project: none

Cherokee- Reserved by uubry
Chief name/CFC Name
Economy: 2/1/1
Army: 100 Pitiful Warriors
Navy: 10 Pitiful War boats
UU: None
Trade Routes: None
Project: none

Chief name/CFC Name
Economy: 2/1/1
Army: 100 Pitiful Warriors
Navy: 10 Pitiful War boats
UU: None
Trade Routes: None
Project: none

Chief name/CFC Name
Economy: 2/1/1
Army: 100 Pitiful Warriors
Navy: 10 Pitiful War boats
UU: None
Trade Routes: None
Project: none

Inuit -reserved by Israelite9191
Chief name/CFC Name
Economy: 2/1/1
Army: 100 Pitiful Warriors
Navy: 10 Pitiful War boats
UU: None
Trade Routes: None
Project: none

Apache- Reserved by Swiss Bezerker
Chief name/CFC Name
Economy: 2/1/1
Army: 100 Pitiful Warriors
Navy: 10 Pitiful War boats
UU: None
Trade Routes: None
Project: none

Maya- Reserved by Royal
Chief name/CFC Name
Economy: 2/1/1
Army: 100 Pitiful Warriors
Navy: 10 Pitiful War boats
UU: None
Trade Routes: None
Project: none

* This is only a preview thread tell me what you think and if you are interested*

Edit this is weird maya isnt showing up on the map ill look at it tomorrow
Ok im thinking of putting the time line around 1492. but in this scenario Colombus never made it to the New World. I want to let the Americans Migrate to Europe Asia and Africa on their own.
NM, just rename the northwest coast tribe to the Haida. I'll join as them. Partly because they made cool totems, partly because I live there.
Well Tommy the whole point is that the Native americans populate the rest of the world. So its kind of a switch role nes. When the NA get to Europe asia and africa the people they meet will be really primative.

Sure Haida it is
MjM that would be Chumash
I dont know when im gonna start it. I havent been on the forums either lately, got my Wisdom teeth out on monday. It will probly be after the new year tho because thats when i get back from my vacation.
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