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Questions about The BUG Mod

I'm not getting any errors showing up in the game anymore, but the reference to CIVILIZATION_MINOR has returned in the error log at the start of the game, plus one more issue that appears after a turn.
Can't find type enum for type tag CIVILIZATION_MINOR
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "CvGameInterface", line 130, in cannotResearch

  File "CvGameUtils", line 202, in cannotResearch

AttributeError: 'CvLeaderHeadInfo' object has no attribute 'getReligionWeightModifier'
ERR: Python function cannotResearch failed, module CvGameInterface
The actual error log is a lot longer than that, but is is obvious that it is just the same issue repeated for each technology that founds a religion. The issue is with the code that Kael used to stop an AI leader from founding a religion thematically inappropriate religion (so good guys don't found the demon-worshiping religion, for example).

I'm not sure what the problem here is though. I don't get that error in Tholal's mod. )His instead mentioned some trouble importing various map scripts.) I did add 3 new religions, but

I don't see any TRACE or ERROR messages in the debug log. I do see that the import of CvAltRoot failed.

Edit: I just checked and it seems that Tholal removed the offending lines from his mod. He probably moved such AI decisions into the dll, and felt it unnecessary to leave that function exposed to python. I guess I should just delete those myself.

That got rid of the getReligionWeightModifier issue, but I still haven't figured out the cause of "Can't find type enum for type tag CIVILIZATION_MINOR".
Have you tried doing a search for all files that include CIVILIZATION_MINOR in them? I think you can do this using Windows Search, but you might try wingrep instead.
(Tholal admitted that he accidentally deleted the python link for getReligionWeightModifier, which explains those errors.)

I remember using PyScripter to search in all xml and python files of my mod for CIVILIZATION_MINOR and finding nothing. However, when I just tried again to be sure it managed to find an occurrence in 3 files this time.

(I just downloaded wingrip to try it, but it does not seem to be working and did not find any of those three instances.)

The one in an XML file is not an exact match. CIV4ArtDefines_Civilization.xml has ART_DEF_CIVILIZATION_MINOR as its last entry. That file has art defines for all of the default BtS civs as well as all of the FfH2 civs.

One exact match is "sXMLMinor = 'CIVILIZATION_MINOR'" in line 32 of the Revolution mod's RevDefs.py file. It does not actually seem to be used at all in the file after that though. I commented it out. Four lines below that it sets "sXMLSpy = 'UNIT_SPY'", which I also decided to comment out since no such unit exists in this mod.

The other exact match is found in RandomNameUtils.py. It looks like Tholal took the file that BUG placed in my CustomAssets folder and changed CIVILIZATION_AMERICA to CIVILIZATION_BARBARIAN and both CIVILIZATION_ARABIA and CIVILIZATION_AZTEC to CIVILIZATION_BANNOR, but left all the other civilizations as things that do not exist in this mod.

I just tried a game after only commenting out those two lines of RevDefs.py. (I have not touched RandomNameUtils.py yet.) It got rid of the "Can't find type enum for type tag CIVILIZATION_MINOR" error, but caused more serious errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "BugConfig", line 110, in unknown_endtag
  File "BugConfig", line 334, in endChild
  File "BugConfig", line 337, in end
  File "BugConfig", line 318, in process
  File "BugConfig", line 547, in handle
  File "BugUtil", line 651, in callFunction
  File "BugUtil", line 632, in lookupFunction
ConfigError: Module 'RevolutionInit' must define function or class 'RevolutionInit'
I don't know why, but having CIVILIZATION_MINOR there seems pretty important in order to get the things from the Revolutions mod to load properly. (The reference to UNIT_SPY does not seem relevant.)

I just decided to add a CIVILIZATION_MINOR, which is just a copy of the barbarian state and has the <bGraphicalOnly>1 tag so that it does not show up in 'pedia. That seems to be the easiest way to eliminate all errors.
Edit: I just noticed that Tholal added a CIVILIZATION_MINOR too. Maybe Revolutions just requires that.
The above error means that the RevolutionInit module (probably inside Revolution.xml or RevolutionInit.xml file) is telling BUG to initialize some events defined in RevolutionInit.py, but that doesn't exist. Can you post all files named RevolutionInit.something?
What's the easiest way to view the BUG help for the naming conventions ? I tried to put "BUG Mod Help-ENG.chm" in about 12 different directories, but I still can't access it inside Tholal's More Naval AI mod.
you can try our wiki ... see link in my sig.
OS: Windows 7 64-bit

HELP! I'm pulling my hair out!!!

I've been using BUG4.4 with Blue Marble for years (literally) without any issues. Suddenly, this week, I kept crashing and receiving a "Runtime has caused this program to close in an unusual way" error message. I decide to uninstall everything & reinstall it all from Civ4 vanilla right on up.

Everything is patched up (BTS 3.19).

I went to install BUG4.4 using Single Player option (CustomAssets folder), and then I install Blue Marble. I load up my game, Blue Marble works, but BUG is nowhere to be seen. So then I uninstall BUG completely (even deleting left over files) and then install Blue Marble FIRST, followed by BUG mod (figuring maybe the order was messed up). No sir. Blue Marble loads fine, again, and BUG is still nowhere to be found. All permissions are set properly and administrator install doesn't make a difference, either.

This has been driving me nuts for days now and I'm losing it, man! I need my fix! Daddy needs his BUG mod BtS medicine!

Please, EmperorFool or ruff_hi, let me know what's going wrong....

I've even gone so far as to completely uninstall everything and completely reinstall it into the C:\ directory (so UAC won't effect it), changed permissions to full control for everyone, run as administrator, and it still WILL NOT load BUG in the game. I've even tried using the ZIP file instead of the EXE to install BUG. It simply refuses to work on my computer. It's so wildly frustrating because I had been successfully using it FOR YEARS. WTF is going on?!?!
Start by following the instructions on the Troubleshooting page in my sig and post the PythonErr.log and PythonDbg.log files from the Logs folder here. You can zip them together for easier posting. Also, please post a screenshot of the ABOUT THIS BUILD page.
Thanks for responding, EmperorFool. After uninstalling BtS and BUG, I restarted my computer and reinstalled both & blue marble and it works now. When I previously installed to c: drive (as stated above), I didn't install the patch. So, when I re-did it this time, I made sure to patch first. Works great now. Thanks anyways, man.
Hi! I've installed BUG v4.4 (and chose 'multiplayer'), but noticed that the changes I made are not saved. Thus each time I load my savegame I have to reconfigure the mod again. Is there a way to change the default settings?
Hi! I've installed BUG v4.4 (and chose 'multiplayer'), but noticed that the changes I made are not saved. Thus each time I load my savegame I have to reconfigure the mod again. Is there a way to change the default settings?
Are you starting the game as Administrator? BUG saves to protected folders in Windows 7 and Vista, and it can't write to them if you aren't starting as Admin.
Ah cool, I'll try that, thanks!

Edit: Errh, how do I do this? I can run as admin, but when I load the mod, the game restarts. Apparently not as admin anymore, cos changes are still not saved. :undecide: I'll probably have to load the mod automatically in the shortcut, but I don't know how (what command line). :help:
Ah cool, I'll try that, thanks!

Edit: Errh, how do I do this? I can run as admin, but when I load the mod, the game restarts. Apparently not as admin anymore, cos changes are still not saved. :undecide: I'll probably have to load the mod automatically in the shortcut, but I don't know how (what command line). :help:
I can help you fix that permanently (for all mods).

Go to your Firaxis games\BTS folder, and right click the main executable "Civ4BeyondSword.exe", choose Properties and then click the "Compatibility" tab. Check the "Run as Administrator" box. Click "Apply" or "OK", close the window and load the game. Now it will always run as admin, no matter what. :)
Awesome, cheers! :)

Would you believe me if I told you I'm a programmer by profession? :p

Don't feel bad. I'm a psychologist and I can't seem to keep my own head on straight. I suppose we're even. :lol:
I am playing BTS 3.13, I noticed I have to use a very old version of BAT, but can use a new version of Bug, can these 2 mix? and how to install?

Edit:btw, which one and which version shows hidden diplomatic modifier?
I am playing BTS 3.13, I noticed I have to use a very old version of BAT, but can use a new version of Bug, can these 2 mix? and how to install?

Edit:btw, which one and which version shows hidden diplomatic modifier?

The newest BAT needs 3.19, but it includes BUG (and BULL), so there is no need to mix them. For older versions, just use the installer for BAT and you should be fine. It also includes BUG, but it's an older version for older versions of BAT.

BUG can be installed for regular games just by using its installer. When BAT loads, it ignores it and uses its own version of BUG.

Is there a reason that you haven't upgraded to 3.19? There were many good fixes in that patch, and most mods require it these days...

And the newest bat shows the hidden diplomatic goodies.
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