Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

World Map is everything you've ever seen, Territory Map is everything within your borders.
World Map>Territory map.
Territory map is just that. It only shows the land in your borders. A world map shows all the world that you are aware of at that time.

so why do they have both if asking for World will get you territory?
I really don't understand this... I hate stupid and it is so humiliating when I'm the stupid.
Because it's worth less in negotiations. Send out a couple Galleys early and you can trade a World Map for a LOT.
I was looking for a more specific answer, since browsing through (and understanding) mods isn't my forte at all.

I'll still check for it though, thanks.

If you want to mod the epic game, to to the Scenario tab and click "custom player data" Then go the same tab and click "scenario properties" the go to the "players" tab in that window, and mod each player to start in whatever age. (you can set each player to start in a different one). Then save as "Industrial age start" or whatever, and play it. You still start with one settler and one worker, so you tech rate will be 50 turns at first. All the previous wonder will be available, so the AI might get them all before you.
so why do they have both if asking for World will get you territory?
I really don't understand this... I hate stupid and it is so humiliating when I'm the stupid.

territory maps are cheaper, so a civ might give you their territory map, but not their world map and sometimes you can get their world map if you give them enough in return.
Hi everyone!

I have a big problem.
Basically I mad a scenario where The Pentagon autoproduces a mech inf every 5 turns. I forgot to put the pentagon in modern times so the old rules still are there where this building can be built as soon as you have 3 armies in the field. So now i am in ancient times enjoyng the game and I just saw that The Pentagon is in my build list.

My question is - What can I do to correct this but still continue my game? I have saved the game but I canot open it in Stephs expanded editor (I think its because the saved game file is compressed) Is there a way to open this saved game and change the requirements for The Pentagon so it needs a TECH that belongs in modern era???

I would really apreciate if someone can help me :-(

All the Best!

Don't know anything about how Steph'sa editor works, but if the file is compressed CAII can be set to show it in color. I would guess by compressed you mean it is an autosave. If that is the case load the game in Civ ands do a manual save. It should be uncompressed and then Steph's can use it?
No its not an auto save. I think its compressed because the game is based on a Biq i created in the normal editor for conquest and I didnt disable the option "compress biq"

I dont seem to be able to open the save in the normal editor or in Steph's expanded editor. Is there some utilitie that lets me open the save file and then changing the uilding parameters?
I doubt I can help, but let me see if I even understand where you are now. A biq can only be edited with the editor or some tool like Stephs. I do not know if the BIQ is compressed or not as I only have seen them using the normal editor.

A save has two flavors. One that has the min stuff and one that has more data that is an autosave. I always thought of the auto has compressed, but I think that is not correct. The std save is the most compressed and a save cannot be edit with any tool that came with the game.

I know that Grampos has an editor that worked on vanilla civ and PTW as we had to send him our demo game save from time to time to fix problems. It was suppose to be able to compress and uncompress saves. I do not know what that means or if it in fact works on C3C.

I have heard others say it does not work on C3C and have seen lots of post in the thread with request for help. Gramphos was still around on Poly last I knew, but not active.

AFAIK the tool is not able to work on BIC,BIX or BIQ files. I am not sure what it is you hope to be able to do to a save at this point. You can correct a BIQ via the std editor I would think.

Best bet is to try the Creation forum where people actually have some experiences with modding. I have never made a mod.
You cannot change the game that you have in progress. You can only change it for future games; I just wasn't sure that is what you meant by changes
There is a save editor (I think it comes with C3MT) but you can't edit the rules, you have to edit the .biq and start over.
ICan I not use det savegame editor to open the save file and then save it down as a scenario file. Then I can open the scenario file in the editor and change the rules, then save it down as a scenario and just start the scenario from beginning - which should mean that all units and citys is there jsut as I left it?
ICan I not use det savegame editor to open the save file and then save it down as a scenario file. Then I can open the scenario file in the editor and change the rules, then save it down as a scenario and just start the scenario from beginning - which should mean that all units and citys is there jsut as I left it?

You can't have it both ways. Either you play your old game with the rules you set for it OR you star over with a brand new game. You can choose to Play Last World but you start at 4,000BC with your settler and worker (& scout if it appliesw0)
Hi! I was hoping that someone smarter than myself could help me out. Though a newbie to the world of Civilization, I certainly am not computer illiterate, have had experience adding mods to other games, and am not an idiot. I was trying to add some new units to Civ 3 (Conquests, BTW), and I followed the wonderful tutorial Colonel Kraken provided. I double-, triple-, quadruple-, and quintuple-checked to make sure all my file names matched, I did the Civilopedia entries, I put the folders containing graphics and text into the appropriate folders, I entered text correctly in the pediaicons text document (and other such programming files), modified the units_32 file, and used the same .ini as specified, etc. I found my new units in the Civilopedia and I find the icons in the build new unit section in Rules, but whenever I try to build them, the error message reads, "Missing entry in text 'pediaicons.txt' ANIMNAME_Seraphim." I looked at that text, and the _PRTO is in place. I tried doing all of the stuff in the My Mods folder, then subsequently every pre-existing folder for Art and Text. I see literally no problems in the way I've entered the data, and I have tried multiple different downloads, none of which I have been able to build. Any suggestions as to what I am missing here, or am I just %@$*ing it up with my brainwaves?
Thanks for your time.
Missing pediacon is usually a typo someplace. Typos are hard to see for the author, just like programmers miss logic and usage. They both see what they expect to see, not what is actually there.

Without the mod to examine it is hard to spot what is missing. You also want to be sure there are no search issue, IOW the files are the highest in the search order. Maybe post this in the mods forum for people who do this everyday.
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