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Quot Capita: Majesty


I recently downloaded this mod. My Beyond The Sword is from Steam. I don't know if that makes a difference but I do have little problem. The game loads up perfectly and I can get to start off my civilization. But a few turns in the game crashes. I've read a few things but none have answered my specific problem. I have Windows 10 and have also read that that messes up some Civ4 mods. I usually figure out how to do these things on my own but this one is stumping me. Any information will be very much appreciated.

Need a little more info please. Is Civ itself crashing? or the mod? Additionally, the steam version requires a slight tweak in the code ( which you can do yourself, it's easy) in order for the game to run smoothly on WIN 10.

Side note to all: I remembered a topic concerning BT over in the C2C troubleshooting thread and the possible resolution to fix it. If I don't have the time to post the relevant fix by later tonight, will someone please do a thread dive and link the corresponding thread here?
Additionly, over in the german forums, there is a possible fix to some of the loading issues for WIN 10 users that i'm currently following. I'll keep everyone posted and hopefully I can have some really good news in the next day or so.
Hey Kiddo, just came across this epic bit of info over in Orion Veterans thread. You may want to PM him and see if he would be willing to share his intel. May help things out a bit. I'll keep surfing btw, and see what more tidbits I can find out to help.

Oh most definitely Drak, that bug fix he discovered would definitely help this mod for sure.

Sorry for the near week I took to respond, I've been abit busy myself lately. I hope all is well with you Drak.

Also, Kingpin, any luck with getting the game working?

And Hiio317 how are things on your end?
Also, Kingpin, any luck with getting the game working?

I haven't really tried. :blush:

I am keeping an eye on developments here in the hope that this can get resolved.

EDIT: I am downloading the latest version you have posted and will let you know how that works out.
EDIT: So far, the latest version solves the issues I was having. Further bulletins as events warrant ;)
I haven't really tried. :blush:

I am keeping an eye on developments here in the hope that this can get resolved.

EDIT: I am downloading the latest version you have posted and will let you know how that works out.
EDIT: So far, the latest version solves the issues I was having. Further bulletins as events warrant ;)

Latest WIN 10 update fixed a few civ related things ( you can thank those testy germans for that, their thread to Micro was funny), as well as the Steam version of Complete Civ IV. Everything should hopefully run fine, with the possible exception of the BT issue, which I'm currently trying to track down in the C2C troubleshooting thread.
Playing the most up to date version (3.1.5).

I've got a consistent CTD. I went into World Builder and looked around. Erased the two cities i found building Wonders as that has caused crashes in the past. Changed my tech as i was 1 turn away from getting Engineering. Neither of these things helped.

I've been frequently getting CTD with this mod. Sometimes earlier but usually by this point Middle Ages.


  • Solson RI.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.1 MB · Views: 40
No need to apologize. I appreciate all your hard work. I believe i'm using the most recent download but not entirely sure. I'll redownload and see if i can get the save running.

When it works i love your mod! It's just been awhile since i've been able to finish a whole game with it.
It sounds good
Went to the mediafire link and I'm getting permission denied, tried making an account there too, still no dice.

Is it region locked download? I'm in Canada.

Thanks Kingpin.

I've also found the cause of many of the Python problems. Still need to test a game before I upload, just in case.
It shouldn't be, Kingpin is also from Canada and he has been able to download it.

It might take a couple tries to get the download to appear I think. mediafire is weird.

I just realized, I had Ad Block Plus on. I turned it off and sure enough it worked for me. Hurr durr.
I just finished a game and all went well.
No crashes or anything.
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