R1-Fast and Dirty

Just to be sure, these are the parameters I should work with:

Standard size map
4 tribes - 2 vs. 2
No accelerated production
No SGL's
Statue of Zeus a minor wonder that needs horses
Knights Templar a minor wonder that needs iron
Increased unit support- what does this mean exactly? make it so all gov't have really high unit support? if so, how much exactly?

Chamnix (China) & Calis (Celts) vs. denyd (Iroquois) & Cyc (Sumeria)

Let me know if that should be the set-up, if there are any other things you want me to play with, and exactly what you guys mean by increased unit support.

Then I'll get to work. :)
GreekGuy, thanks for helping, any questions, I'd be glad to help.

A couple of bits of information we'll need to supply:

Barbarian Level (none is my choice)
Game Level (monarch is my choice)
Changes to starting Units: I propose adding 2 Spearmen, 1 Settler, 1 worker & 100g (I agree with Cyc that no scout is probably a good idea)
How plentiful/scarce for strategic resources & food bonuses?
Do we want choke points or wide open plains?
Barb Level (Roaming, Sedamentary, or none)
Game Level (I like Monarch also)
Extra starting units (I can't buils Spearmen, but I'll take them anyway :thumbsup: Also, the extra Settler, Worker and Gold wouldn't hurt me none. ;)

All Tribes should get 1 each of all resources within a reasonable distance. 4 Luxs within reasonable distance. We all know what a reasonable distance is.

The Pangaea on a Standard Map, say 60% water should create it's own choke points. I don't think we need to worry about this. We can even set up all the rules and have Greekguy choose the best generated map. Blinfolded, of couse. And he'd have to cut out his tongue so he couldn't talk.... naw, scratch that. Just use your best judgement, Greekguy. But yeah, 60% water, Wet, Temperate, 5 billion years sounds good.
OK, I'm almost done with the map. There's just a few things left that requires input from you guys.

-Everyone starts with 2 settlers, 2 workers, and 2 spears (except Cyc, he gets 2 Enkidus). this what you want?
-Should the teams be in locked alliances or locked wars or should you guys have the option for peace/backstabbing?
-what do you mean by increased unit support? should i just turn the numbers up on all the governments or what?

Other than that, the game is pretty much set. Once we get these last few things straightened out, PM me your passwords, I'll hit enter through the first turn and then I'll send it to Player 1.
Well, let's see. The starting Units look good.
Lock alliances but not lock Wars, I'd say.
Increased Unit Support was not my idea, although I like it. denyd handled that. He posted - "All support levels are 6 times normal (Democracy gets same as Republic)
Each nation gets 50 free units (units above support limit cost 1g each)

Under Governments change "Free Units per" each city size, Free Units, and then under Difficulty Levels change the "Number of Citizens quelled by Military". But you might want to ask denyd. He did up the last map.
GG: I just changed the number of units supported by each government and added some initial gold (100g I think) to handle the early turns. The free units were set in the difficulty level (which I think was Monarch)

I'll send you my password now
K, I got all your passwords and adjusted the unit support.

Just one more thing left to decide: victory conditions. Should I turn on all the standard VCs or only the military ones? Also, since its an alliance game, should it be individual or team victory?

Once that's decided, the game can begin.
Just one more thing left to decide: victory conditions. Should I turn on all the standard VCs or only the military ones? Also, since its an alliance game, should it be individual or team victory?

My votes:
- team victory
- victory conditions: Domination & Conquest
Agree with Calis
Team Victory, plus Culture. :)

Plus that babe at the bottom of the page in blue jeans.
And the game has begun!

Turn order is:

I assume you all know each others' email addresses, so I won't bother with a player order email.

If you want a new thread, I could set one up in this forum or the SABER forum or you could GPS in this thread.

oh, and the VCs are Domination, Conquest, and I did a coin flip and it came up heads, so you can also win by Culture.

Have fun and let me know how the map is. Hope it's fair and balanced. (feedback is appreciated).

Good luck to all! :)
Thank you very much, Greekguy. We owe ya.

A thread in the Saber forum would be good.
New thread here..
Posting a GPS here and in the new thread
Calis, you have the save?

EDIT: Never mind.
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