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Random Thoughts XIV: Pizza, Pomegranate Juice, and Shreddies

What does Bob Menendez need with gold bars anyway? Dude is 70 years old. My son gave me a gold coin, IDK what it's worth. What am I going to do with it? Wife says he is just giving it to himself knowing I'll still have it when I die. Needs gold bars after 30 years in the Senate? Do these people never grow up?

Trump's seven years older still, and grabbing everything that isn't nailed down. They never outgrow greed, it would seem.

On the other topic: maybe the full expression should be "Well, this hardly needs saying, but that's easier said than done."
It is almost always easier to do a chore yourself than ask your child help you do it. But then you don't have a little human learning to do your chores. Or thier own later ones.

It's easier to just build the Zoids Stegosaur and have it remain as-is, than to keep rebuilding it every time you play.
But it still wouldn't allow you to build a different dinosaur out of the same pieces.
Of course I only mean that you shouldn't just memorize formulas; sub-atomic particles can and will be necessary ^^
Cliches like "Easier said than done" are cliches because they are mostly true and carry a message that is clear and concise. Four words that tell a much longer story. Finding exceptions is beside the point. We use cliches, not for "truth", but for clarity.
Yeah, I know it's just a saying, and sayings don't have to make sense, but when you really think about it, you can practically use this saying in aaaalmost any situation.

I get that the intended meaning is "That's not going to be easy", but when you interpret the phrase literally, it becomes a bit silly.

Let's see if I can get a new saying started..

"It's easier done than said" for things that are especially easy
Easy as pie.

Which, actually, getting crusts nice and flaky is difficult. And the center sometimes doesn't set up and is runny.

Easy as saying "pie."
"A shot across the bow"
Could the next person who wants to answer this post please give me 5 single digits between 1-5 (any random order is fine), then a number between 1-22?

I would appreciate this ASAP, please and thank you. You will be helping me to make a decision that has me stumped.

(yes, really, this is not a joke or spam, but a request for help)
I won the last Star Trek Hangman game over at TrekBBS. That made it my turn to put up the next puzzle. I had absolutely no idea which series or season to use for a quote, so you helped me decide by random selection.

There's already one incorrect guess (no letter W), so we're off to a good start. :)
There are online random number generators, for future reference.
If we're ever not quick enough for your purposes, I mean.
Winners there are under a deadline. We have 48 hours to come up with a new puzzle or we forfeit to whoever else wants it. This is a game that's been going for literally years, so some patterns of blanks and punctuation are really obvious by now and it's a challenge to come up with something that isn't too recognizable.
The sum of all the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees and the measure of the exterior angle of a triangle equals the sum of its two opposite interior angles.
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