Really furious!

though don't tell me you felt gaining 300 g for a resource was "normal" :p

You're right, but then again a lot doesn't feel "normal" in this game. Like a hex being "full" if there is just one unit on it, I'm sure there should be enough room for a few more :crazyeye:- but that's another discussion
^^Yeah sadly, the game feels "young" in many regards.

I have many griefs against it (I try not to compare it to BTS because it's unfair and there is no match) but I am patient to see if it isn't just because I was too much used to opus 4... In anycase, we can very much post our observations and thoughts about civ5 in conclusion of this ;)
Apologies in advance, this report is not as detailed as the last one, I wanted to get it up, rather than spend a day working on it.

675 BC:
Japan and his allied city state declares war on china.

650 BC:
meet singapore in the northeast
get policy, but do not spend it

625 BC:
start settler
trade incense to England for 143g + 5/turn
research agreement with askia for 200g
2 horses to wu zetian for 87 gold

A times the AIs can seem a bit shifty, at 675 BC, Hiawatha asks if we intend to attack, but 3 turns later...

600 BC:
pact of secrecy with odo has run its course
Iroquois declare on us!
new archers from Budapest
askia, wu zetian and hiawatha enter the medieval period!
research metal casting on the way to steel
lots of fighting, destroy several archers, a mohawk warrior, and a regular warrior

575 BC:
open borders to japan
wu zetian wants a pact of secrecy against hiawatha?!? Ok, since we at war with him!
lose a brute (as expected) to his attack
research gives us metal casting! (best possiblity, most were 5 turn, this was 12), change research to philosophy
odo enters medieval period (as do we)
Grand river falls, puppet it
upgrade 4 more brutes to swordsmen, our army is now 2 archers, 9 swordsmen, 2 great generals, plus a brute and scout on scouting duty
start workshop in Munich

550 BC:
colossus built in a far away land
askia wants war with napoleon, i ask him for 10 turns to prepare
trade route to hamburg complete, gold up to 4/turn
buy patronage (forgot last turn)
Iroquois allied with oslo, which declares war on us
sell 2 horses to askia for 90g

525 BC:
open borders with askia

500 BC:
more fighting

475 BC:
ramses completes the great wall
buy up to allies with almaty

450 BC:
hiawatha wants peace, decline
philosophy done, start construction

425 BC:
Onodgaga falls to our assault
Buffalo Creek falls to our assault

400 BC:
open borders with england
marble to japan for 250 gold
incense to china for 106 gold + 5/turn
500 gold to tyre for 70 influence (we were about to lose allied)

375 BC:
trade marble to england for 111 gold + 6/turn

350 BC:
took worker with scout, lost scout to archers, but still have worker, prob good trade
construction done, start mathematics

325 BC:
Almaty wants a road
Osininka falls to our forces
Upgraded last brute to swordsman at tyre

Turn 120 we get research agreement with askia, prob want to research cheap techs so we get a good one when that comes in:

Here is the settler, he still has moves left, I would put him where he is now, but the next guy can make the final call (I like to leave forests for lumber mills, we almost have the tech):

Road is building now to buffalo creek, we have enough workers to devote 2-4 to building a road up to almaty, we need 10 sections built to get there (later we will want the 2 to Akwesasme). I do not think we will get the road done before we have to spend 250, but I would not spend 500, 250 is fine, as the road will not give that big a boost.

I would get a troop up to Beijing asap, as Odo keeps sending archers with a warrior to try to take the city, I think we should pounce when its hurt and take it, its a decent city and easy pickings at this point:

This is an overview:

There are definite barbarian camps south of berlin, between onondaga and warsaw (ne of munich), just north of budapest (circled in red), the one on the right is likely no longer there. I would use the newly upgraded swordsman and the archer from the east to sweep through and clear those camps (also escort the worker we 'acquired' there - it was a barbarian worker unescorted, turned out to be Odo's but I did not return it). Note, we are at war with Oslo, so be careful where you stand, do not get bombarded. I would recommend we leave Oslo alone, once Hiawatha is dead, we can make peace and our standing will go up rather quickly.

I noticed after I had played that I accidentally dipped into unhappiness, I suggest we build some happy buildings, get one of the luxury resources back (I think I gave one to China, so that would be the easiest to get back, by declaring war), or make a new city state ally that has a luxury resource we need. Also there are whales by the coast, we could pick those up for 5 happy (I do not think we already have).

Once the new city builds a library, we should probably build the national college in berlin (I did not bother to start it, since a new city was forthcoming). Note, puppet cities do not count for this, so do not annex them until we have the national wonders built that we wish to build. (I personally keep them puppets forever, but I am willing to try something different).

I was going to play to get us even at turn 100, but I actually played through to the beginning of 102, I just wanted to capture the 3rd city, upgrade the last brute, and the settler was ready, so seemed a better stopping point. I apologize if I overstepped my discretionary leeway.



  • Furious_0102 BC-0325.Civ5Save
    917.6 KB · Views: 90
OMG Iustus! I can't open the save right now (and went through the report quickly - I am at work :D- ), but the last pic is just amazing!!! Nice work! :goodjob:

edit: opening the save was a blast. I now realize also we weren't talking about the same city site, though yours is just great :) My only remark is the french dow move: I did that once and it appears the 3rd AI won't declare till we do as well. I am not sure what happens if we don't respect our words. (to be precise, I am not sure we have anything to gain in a war against the french right now. Askia and the mids look more tempting :yumyum: - of course after shutting down the iroquois and chinese for good :lol:).
And you report was great, don't worry!

Comments on the next set (and roster) after work.

have you patched already ungy?
edit: what is your version number?
in fact it appears a nex fix was released this morning... maybe that's the problem. (it seems a fix to .62 patch)
Ok, so at least two of you without deluxe versions can open the save? (And yes, I had the hotfix patch from yesterday).

Askia is kindof our best friend right now, but I see what you mean. On the other hand, Japan seems technologically backward, and may be the next easiest target, after china. Our troops will also be in position to roll up that way.

Before we dow on anyone new, it is a good idea to check to see what city states are allied with that target. Often you can bribe the city state to come to your side first, then dow, or just wait for them to lose allied, as the AIs do not spend enough to maintain relations consistently.

Great job with the war, I love the fact they declared on us, so we're not even the agressor :lol:

Great trading too, those incense and marble deals with England are pretty sweet.

A Research Agreement has just been signed with Askia, bad idea to declare on them now but they are our neighbour, so they're still high on our hitlist. Maybe after Japan.

I don't like going for the French soon. They're pretty far off. Probably shouldn't have made that deal, although honouring it is still an option, Nappy can't be trusted anyway.

That city site you propose has no resource in it's first ring and isn't riverside either. Good are those strategic resources there but we need a lot of culture to grab all of them, it might be safer to get 2 cities in that area claiming everything sooner.
That city site you propose has no resource in it's first ring and isn't riverside either. Good are those strategic resources there but we need a lot of culture to grab all of them, it might be safer to get 2 cities in that area claiming everything sooner.

The reason I put it there was that it has both iron in the second ring (which comes pretty quickly, since it picks resources first), and is far enough from Buffalo Creek to not overlap too much. I find a forest is as good (if not better) than your average resource for a production city, which is how I envisioned this one. Lumber mills are pretty good, much better than a mined hill (that does not have a resource).

With a maritime city state friend or two, having food for the city is not so important.

why don't I take a skip and see if I can get things working--don't want to hold things up --looks like we're cruising along pretty well.

Rusten--can you get this?
lurker's comment:
@ Iustus ~ just wanted to thank you for the beautiful format you posted your turn report in!
I follow along in these games during slow times at work, where I have a tiny tiny monitor. Most times I cannot even really look at the pictures people post because I can only fit a quarter or less of it on my screen. I have to copy and paste text into notepad so I can read the details without having to scroll back and forth. Your turn report fit in my screen so well and it was so easy to read and view the pictures and see what was going on! Really appreciate the effort you put into resizing your screenshots ~ Many thanks!!! :bowdown:
lurker's comment:
@ Iustus ~ just wanted to thank you for the beautiful format you posted your turn report in!
I follow along in these games during slow times at work, where I have a tiny tiny monitor. Most times I cannot even really look at the pictures people post because I can only fit a quarter or less of it on my screen. I have to copy and paste text into notepad so I can read the details without having to scroll back and forth. Your turn report fit in my screen so well and it was so easy to read and view the pictures and see what was going on! Really appreciate the effort you put into resizing your screenshots ~ Many thanks!!! :bowdown:

Thank you very much. It is a bit more work to resize the images, but I feel it really makes it more readable. I try very hard to cut out parts of the image that are not needed, and then I resize to be as small as I think is still workable. Most images I try to make less than 500 pixels width, while the largest ones I try to keep under 800.

Almost every image manipulating program will let you crop an image and resize it proportionally, which is most of what is needed. Once you have that down, you can start getting more sophisticated by combining mulitple images.

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