• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Realpolitik - Immortal Storms

Governor System

Inspired by none other than Daedwartin's insistence that cities elect their own governors, I have decided to introduce a governor system of cities sooner than I had planned. The way this will work is simple. Based on the issues that face each city, it will elect a governor every 20 turns. The governors for now are NPC, and the precedent is currently that Immortals (players) stay at the national stage, however if you wish to run for governor of a city feel free to announce it so in the thread and you will enter the election. The governor, at the moment, controls the city in its entirety, its builds, its troops, and its surrounding lands. However although this precedent has been set, the president technically has the power to take back any of these powers, or even abolish the governor system completely. Future presidents may handle the issue differently.

Currently in office are:

Governor Aysee of Cologne, and;

Governor Wayne of Munich.

You will see their personalities in their actions in the update. However they are up for re-election so after the update I will hold a mini NPC election for them while you guys are discussing future plans.

Election System Redone

Due to the rather lopsided feeling I got from the first election, I have been developing a system on the fast track instead of introducing it later on as I had planned to do. This is, introducing NPCs into the voting system. From here on out I will be introducing both named NPCs (such as governors and others) and general voting NPCs. Let me explain the differences.

Named NPCs shall take the forms of Immortals, Half Immortals, and Mortals. Immortals will stay in the game forever, just like a player, and will be used sparingly and may disappear for long periods of time (assuming this game continues for said periods of time). Half Immortals will last several turn sets, and will generally be the spawn of immortals in the story. They could potentially live forever although they do have the strong possibility of dying especially in battle. They will join a party, run for offices, etc just as full Immortals would. Then there will also be Mortals, who will likely stay around for around 2 turn sets (in other words they will be around for a national election, then usually die before the next). All of these NPCs can vote and will have their own ideologies.

General Voting NPCs are the representation of in game population. City population as well as tile improvements such as farms and cottages shall determine this. Every election a percentage of the public will turn out to vote, and this will be counted. Each pop point shall count as equal to 1 immortal vote. Now, in Munich for example, all 7 usually won't turn out all the time, and they will be swayed by the platforms of the parties and any speeches they may make during election season.

Combined, I hope to at least have some competitive elections in the future, as well as maybe some more politicking going on like lobbying for votes.

New NPCs and NPC Parties

The Krieg Party

The Krieg Party is essentially a movement based in Munich that has formed around war with West Germany. Led by Governor Jason Wayne. Can generally be said to be far right in most of its views.

Governor Jason Wayne

Type: Half Immortal
Party: KP
Personality: Fire and Brimstone type of guy with a way with words, and a hatred for the schism among East and West Germany. Tends to like militaristic solutions. He also has been the governor to have taken full advantage of the fact that President Daedwartin gave Governors full control over their cities.

Governor Aysee​

Type: Half Immortal
Party: IDP
Personality: More Laid back than most, and generally content to follow somebody else in a leadership position from what most can tell. He however wants a peaceful approach to Cologne, and that approach is being endangered by recent events.
Bad News: No Update until Sunday as I likely will not have access to internet until then, and the update has not been finished. Sorry!
Yeah, looks really interesting.
Is this dead already?
I hope not. I guess Arya hasn't had time to post the update.

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