Reform and Rule

Playing my first time through Reform and Rule I have no idea what Birthplace Buildings are or how to get them. The only MOD I am running other than R&R is InfoAddict v22, which shouldn't change anything. I know i have the legalism GP slots, but I've no idea about the Birthplace Buildings.

Any help?

Edit: Disregard, working now that I have cleared the cache
Birthplace buildings are created when a specific unit is spawned within a city. Info Addict shouldn't cause any issues.

There are two birthplace policies, one in Piety (for Missionaries and Inquisitors) and one in Freedom (for Great Scientists, Great Merchants and Great Engineers). I'm not sure which policy you have but I'll assume Piety.

After you get Ordained Priesthood when a city spawns a Missionary or Inquisitor (usually by you purchasing one with faith) it creates a "Missionary birthplace" or "Inquisitor birthplace" building (respectively) in that city. You should be able to see birthplace buildings in the city screen similar to how you see the legalism slots. You should also get a message when a birthplace is created. If you don't see those than something could be wrong.

Once a city has a "Missionary birthplace" it can not get a second one. However, it is possible for a city to have a "Missionary birthplace" and an "Inquisitor birthplace".

Birthplaces are a bit tricky to understand due to only having two sentences of explanation but does this match what you've been seeing in game and how you excepted birthplaces to work?
I think I'm having a new problem with Reform and game keeps abruptly quitting on me.
It sounds like you are getting crashes to desktop skaz. Have you made any changes to the mod's files? Are you using any other mods? Do the crashes happen consistently? (As in, can you load an autosave and have the game crash every time you end your turn or pick a specific policy?)
The crashes are random, but they generally happen in the renaissance era. I'm wondering if it's a mod conflict because it wasn't happening before. Does reform and rule not play well with mods that slow down research speeds?
Research speeds shouldn't have any conflict with Reform and Rule.

If you're playing with mods that add civilizations one common cause of Renaissance era crashes is that a newly created civilization doesn't have spy names. If a mod maker forgot to put in spy names than the game crashes to desktop when that civilization gains their first spy. Many first time mod makers start with making a civilization and overlooking spy names is an easy mistake to make and a tricky oversight to catch because everything works fine for the first half of the game.

Does this sound like what you are experiencing? If you think this may be the cause there are a couple of way to verify it. You could search through the civilization mods' files for the spy name table. An alternative approach would be to start a new game with only the custom civilization mods enabled. Ensure the map starts in the Renaissance era and that the custom civilizations are players in the game.
hm..............but they do have names (the civilizations I use are generally by Leugi, Tomatekh, Hiram and Tpangolin) and the crashes didn't start until I tried messing with research speeds............and added in the code for landsnecks and hidden sites into other policies.
What files did you change and how did you change them? I can take a quick look and determine if what effect they could have.
Here they are:


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None of the changes I see there could cause crashes. Their effect will depend on what you've done with Honor and Autocracy. What change did you make to Research speeds? I assume that it was just changing the research speed factor in game speeds (which wouldn't cause problems).
I subscribed to a mod that increased research speeds by 100%.
I played a game without any science adjusters and it crashed in the industrial era. Does Reform and Rule conflict with any of whoward's DLL components? Or with any added wonders? I added in regalemperor's Palacio Real.....

Edit: Would having an older version of DLL-Various Mod Components affect things? I just noticed that a newer version came out on the 5th (which is about when I started having problems).

Second Edit: I'm wondering if the commerce policy changes are conflicting with the DLL mods that affect city states, since the crashes didn't start until I enabled that part......


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I meant patronage, not commerce. It didn't crash when I wasn't using the patronage, commerce and exploration branches.
There are a large number of missing references showing up in your database log, including a bunch of missing spy names for a custom civilization (which will cause crashing if that civilization gets a spy) and some missing references for great works (which I'm less sure if they would cause crashing if a player tried to create a great work).

It could be that one of the mods you have is deleting a bunch of stuff other mods need. Errors in a DLL mod could also cause crashing but I don't think it is likely whoward's DLL-components are the cause. The DLL components are small in scope and whoward knows what he is doing.

It is unlikely Commerce is the cause of the crashing. Only the finisher could cause crashing.

I'm not sure how many custom civs you are using but does "LEADER_KUCHUM" mean anything to you? If you look at the bottom half of your database log you'll see a bunch of lines indicating invalid references for spy and city names. You may want to try starting a game without custom civilizations and taking a look at your database log to see if it still has invalid references with only the normal civilizations.


With respect to issues with minor civilizations, the log is saying that it is missing two tables:


Do these names indicate a specific (Yagem?) mod you may be using? Something may be messing with that mod if it is unable to set up its tables properly.
At one point I was subscribed to the Khanite of Sibir whose leader is Kuchum, but I unsubscribed from that a long time ago, I don't understand why it would still be there. I think I know which civilizations the invalid references are coming from, but I've played with them in the past and had no problems, and was able to get spys with no crashing...........I'm not using any Yagem mods but alot of the civs have start positions so that they can be compatible. I mean I haven't downloaded any of those maps.
I'm going to make a new post instead of editing. I took a closer look and remembered that I snuck a city state replacement into the India Pack, so that's probably what the reference is for.

Edit: It couldn't be that simple............I just remembered that before all of this started, I changed a file name. But surely it couldn't be that sensitive, could it?
If you changed the name of a file that a mod uses than it is kind of like deleting the file. The mod will look for the a file with the unchanged name, fail to find it and nothing that file was suppose to do will happen.

Is it accurate to say you've been editing the files of mods you are using? If so, how confident are you in your understanding of how the XML works? You may want to clear out your current mod folder and have steam redownload the mods you are using, so you can isolate the issues you are seeing to the mods themselves.
Well, what happened was that I thought I'd named a file I created to hold a civilization I downloaded the wrong name so I changed it, not knowing that it would cause problems. I've changed it back so hopefully that fixes the problem. I'm fairly confident with XML, just surprised at how one small error can cause so many problems.
Azurial, that would be possible, but would require some fairly minor lua coding. Essentially you would do something like this pseudo-code:

    player = Players[playerID];

    if(turn = 0 and player.isMajor()) then
        player:SetHasPolicy(GameInfo.Policies["POLICY_TRADITION"].ID, true);

Machiavelli i create a lua file (copy-paste) your code with VFS: False and an InGameUIAddin entry but does not seems to work...

am i missing something besides that i do not know lua:D
I know this is irrelevant from your mod
The line that has:

turn = 0 and player.isMajor()

needs to use actual functions instead of the pesudo code I put there. Depending on exactly what you want to do you can probably get away with not including the check and give the player the policies over and over every turn (although I'm not sure how setHasPolicy crashes if you call it on a non-major civ).
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