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[Religion and Revolution]: Feedback and Questions

I have checked the code again and made some testgames. Everything works fine. Sorry - cannot find anything wrong and will not investigate further.
I agree with Schmiddie. It's not a game breaking bug and with the amount of modder power (or lack hereof. All modders declared that they stopped support of RaR!) available, this issue is insignificant. I stopped development of RaRE, but have decided to fix bugs in it after a report of teleporting wagontrains. Not moving, but teleporting. That sounds like a serious bug and I have yet to figure out if I introduced it in RaRE or copied it form RaR. I think it has to be bugs to that scale if they should be fixed now. That or if it is really trivial to fix.
Well, ok, what can I say. Just letting you guys know...
Just letting you guys know...
And that's a good thing. Found issues should be mentioned, investigated and then decided if it is something, which is reasonable to do anything about. If the issue isn't mentioned on the forum, the issue will not be investigated, which brings the risk of ignoring serious, yet fixable issues.
Original. I did pay 5000 like 40 turns ago, got the dialog, got the governor unit. Now 40+ turns later I just got log entry only. So something is broken for sure.

I think another player got the Event. These events are shown globally. I often get messages like "a colonist fell in love with the daughter of a chieftain and their wedding boosted ties"...So pretty sure it's not a bug.
I think another player got the Event. These events are shown globally. I often get messages like "a colonist fell in love with the daughter of a chieftain and their wedding boosted ties"...So pretty sure it's not a bug.

That's a very big possibility, because when I click on the message it centers over my Caracas/Dutch capital. So the problem is the message itself: "your colonies" means my colonies, not some other civ, I hope it's clear.
So the problem is the message itself: "your colonies" means my colonies, not some other civ, I hope it's clear.
I agree on that one and I would argue that it would be correct to classify it as a display bug (the game is ok, but the screen displays something else). However fixing this brings up a new question: from what I can see, the string is fixed. How do we set up an event with one string for "owner" and another one for everybody else? Alternatively block the message for non-owners.
I am a bit confused with how Monarchy (Constitution) is interpreted in RaRe. What's the point of declaring Independence if you are paying the same old King's Tax rate in Europe and Africa, while keep bribing I don't know who's officials to sail to Port Royal. Lets say I used to be a governor and now I am the first Mexican Emperor -- who gets my taxes? King of Spain? I understand that tax free "civic" would give Monarchy big and unfair advantage compared to the alternative Republic. Perhaps nascent New World Monarchy should start paying a Maintenance for every building it owns, while trading tax free. Or maybe something else, but the current interpretation of Independent Monarchy is very illogical!
This thread is about RaR, not RaRE. However RaRE doesn't change anything regarding taxes or anything else mentioned by Tigranes, meaning the post applies to both mods.

Here is the thing about taxes. When you go somewhere to sell your goods, you pay taxes to the owner of the port. This mean if you sell in London, you pay tax to the British king regardless of who you are. You could be living in London or the colonies or some foreign country. You still pay tax for trading in the port.
When you go somewhere to sell your goods, you pay taxes to the owner of the port. This mean if you sell in London, you pay tax to the British king regardless of who you are. You could be living in London or the colonies or some foreign country. You still pay tax for trading in the port.

I am not confused about paying taxes per se. I mean even 20% "bribing" in Port Royal can be understood as some flat rate tax set for all the visiting ships regardless of origin. The problem is in the specific tax rate you end up paying after the Revolution. I mean, after the independence this nascent New World nation is somehow forced to pay the same absurd tax rate which has caused the rebellion in the first place! I suggest replacing it in RaRE with 20% or the current pre-independence rate, whichever is less. This way our New Nation will be treated with some international flat rate, and not the one set by the former colony's King, who was marrying his 7th wife.
soon I want to start a new game but I have got problems with arrangement of indian nations especially on map americaya.
For instance inuit always appear in rain forest areas and (so funny :lol:) atztecs with naked body in perma frost parts of the map.
How can this be fixed or is there any chance to have an impact on this?
The natives should be distributed randomly. I mentioned some "prefers terrain" code at some point, but nobody implemented it. Some tribes have production bonus on hills, which makes them view hills as better plots, hence making them more likely to colonize hilly areas, partly because it would often be left vacant by other tribes.

To get a certain tribe in the "wrong" area is quite possible. Inuit can show up in rain forest just like everybody else. In fact given how many tribes are in the tropics vs arctic, they would likely be more likely to show up in a tropic climate. If you start to use math on the problem, you will see that the odds that they will appear in the tropic region for 5 out of 5 games is surprisingly high. Placing every single tribe in the correct region by chance is very unlikely.

PS . I choose always not random Option in starting screen
The random seed is used to determine how randomness is handled when loading a savegame, not how the map generator works, or at least that is how it should be unless somebody screwed up. The best example is exploring ruins. If you don't like the result, you can load and enter again. With a randomized random seeds, you will get a new result while with fixed random seeds, you will get the same result. The same goes for combat results. Fixed random seeds also helps when debugging as you can play the same event over and over without getting random results.

This only affects the current turn as a new randomized random seed appears at every turn start.
PS . I choose always not random Option in starting screen

I really love the Huge and Giant maps supplied by RaR, both with randomized option. They have all the natives in all the right places. Seeing Inca Empire on Giagantic map with all those roads was mouthwatering as Spanish :mischief:

I want to voice 2 important concerns meanwhile. AI absolutely refuses to use African slaves. They just don't buy them. I used chipotle cheat code to check other colonies -- their price for Slave in Africa was 100 gold, meaning they never bought a single one of the during the entire game (perhaps only events gave them some Africans). This is serious enough to warrant some attention from RaRE modders.

The second thing is the same exploit used even in the original Colonization: recyclable unit creation. Single unit of horses allow creation of a 2-3:move: unit, which can attack, win the battle, change the specialty to free colonist, and the next colonist picks up the same horses and muskets, kills the enemy, disbands, and poor horses are used again -- all during the same turn. I cannot believe the original MS-DOS Colonization and sophisticated RaR share the same gimmicky mechanics. Is it possible to ban the unit from disbanding right after the battle? Why does nobody talking about this? :confused::dunno::hammer:
This is serious enough to warrant some attention from RaRE modders.
Is it possible to ban the unit from disbanding right after the battle?

I second that, would be much more realistic. :crazyeye:

Just a thought:
There is one unit/profession in the game, that cannot be changed as soon as some of the movement have been used: the pioneer!

If RaRE modders can find out what's different with that profession (xml or "hardcoded") this mechanic could perhaps also be used for military professions and avoid "recycling" of weapons and horses... :D
:) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :) happens :help:

Since updating my machine to Windows10 RaR doesn´t work anymore.
After starting a new game everything works fine but after ending first round it chrashes.
Vanilla on the other hand works fine.
Shall I deinstall RaR and try to install it again????
Got a problem :help:

Since updating my machine to Windows10 RaR doesn´t work anymore.
After starting a new game everything works fine but after ending first round it chrashes.
Vanilla on the other hand works fine.
Shall I deinstall RaR and try to install it again???
You could try reinstalling first RaR and if that doesn't work, then colo itself. You could also try moving RaR to the mods folder in program files. Other than that, I can't really think of anything without more information. Maybe run colo in compatibility mode.

I'm trying to think of what happens at the end of the turn/starting next turn and I can't think of anything, which could cause something like this due to upgrading windows. I can think of a bunch of reasons why the game would fail to start, but to be able to play the first round, but not the next puzzles me quite a deal.
After last crash I got a small windows with a report.
It has to do with DirextX. There was written something about measure and dimensions. Wide and height got wrong numbers or scale units.
Do I use a wrong version of DirectX? But can´t install a newer Version all updates were administered by Windows10 itself...
Windows10 tells me everything is up-to-date

Stupid Windows10!!!!
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