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Replacement(s) needed for 16-civ Rocky Pangea pitboss

Do you need another player?

I'd like to play if possible - even if its a "dying" civ, just to get some Pitboss experience under my belt.

Yes we do - please be my guest Sarge. :goodjob:

I'll send you the connection details now via PM. The civ is Byzantium and it's been kicked to AI already so you don't need a password. Just log in and claim it.

Give me a shout if you have any issues or questions.


PS Here's another game that's looking for a replacement if you're interested (for Shaq Zora who's currently AI):
Happy to fill in - although judging by the thread - it will be curious to see why it is "hopeless" - none the less, we will give it ago.

I'll log in and claim my civ today - and take a look around...

May I voice my extreme annoyance and disappointment that the three nations I considered allies in this game suddenly all switch ownership, and all past deals and agreements are suddenly forgotten?


There, now I feel better.
Sorry :(

Sarge, I have to give you kudos. :salute:
I have a computer crash, hardware issues. Kick me to an AI. Someone can have my nation.
I am also interested in playing. Am an avid Civ player, with a good amount of multi player experience, but none really in PitBoss. If possible, could I play with an AI'd civ? If so, please PM me with any details. Thanks.
CH: thanks for doing that (although if it's just for a few days that's not really necessary).

Kuningas - sorry to hear about your hardware issues. If you're still able to get online and read this, please can you PM me your civ's password? I'm out of town this weekend so won't be able to kick you to AI until sunday evening (and it's nice not to lose a turn to the AI in any case... it can do bad things even in 1 turn... :eek:)

slaze - Kuningas' civ is yours (Pericles of Greece) as soon as I get the password for you (or get home and kick him to AI).

Mattygerst - thanks for volunteering. I'll put you down as the next future replacement if one is needed. In the meantime, you might consider sending Fosse a PM for this game to see if he's looking for a replacement: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=320456

He's missed 7 turns in a row and only logged in sporadically in the 10-15 turns before that. I'm not sure if his heart is in it...
Okay, someone can take over for me. I just don't have enough time to commit to the game. :(
I have actually never been in a pitboss game but I have wanted to try. I do have a lot of civ iv experience, as well as MP experience. I just have never done a pitboss game before and I am interested in trying it out. If interested in having me I will play.
Due to very private reasons I have to get out of this games at least temporarily. Please find a replacement for me.

I'll PM Munro my password...
I am interested in filling in for Calis if there is not a waiting list for this game.
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