• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Request your AoE unit here.

Originally posted by Kilroy

Wow. I for once agree with Kilroy. Great Idea!:)
I would love to see the Viking UU I think it was called Berserker or something like that.

As for stats shrug I don't use the standard stats but If I was going to use them I would probably make it 3/2/1 with a hit point bonus of maybe 2 for a viking civ.
Bah!!! Who cares about the trebuchet !!! I DON"T WANT THE TREBUCHET!!!

I want the Giant crossbow thingies (Can you tell it has been a long time since I played AOE? lol you know the artillery unit that shot the giant arrow at the enemy? I would love that you either could use it as a UU for one cive to replace the catapult or give it to all civs as a later version of the catapult! :)
Originally posted by Meop79
Bah!!! Who cares about the trebuchet !!! I DON"T WANT THE TREBUCHET!!!

I want the Giant crossbow thingies (Can you tell it has been a long time since I played AOE? lol you know the artillery unit that shot the giant arrow at the enemy? I would love that you either could use it as a UU for one cive to replace the catapult or give it to all civs as a later version of the catapult! :)

I'd rather have the trebuchet, but this wouldn't be too bad either.
Something tells me that Cracker convinced Jimmyh to stop modifying units.

I don't think that JimmyH stopped "modifying" units.

The discussion focused on issues that made it clear that modification could probably be viewed as a fair use, but wholesale copying of animation that is copyrighted would definitely not be something that would be allowed.

The AOE units were just being copied directly and exported to another game and another file format without gaining permission from the copyright holder.
Alright, then how about:

Something tells me that Cracker convinced Jimmyh to stop copying AOE units.

And besides The Copying of sounds is also illegal. And I don’t see a similar post on the sounds creation thread. I know it says creation but lets face it some are basically copied from other games. Some game companies pay top dollar for Voice actor's.
As for this issue, I say let the kids play. Someday He might become a designer, programer or reviewer. Its actually helping ensemble sell games I for one saw these great units and went out to buy the game. And I did, and was pleased, and will likely buy ensemble’s next game: Age of Mythology and their expansion. Not to mention recommending the game. If Microsoft declares a lawsuit :lol:. I would start protesting, not buy their game and stop recommending it....... Which one would you do if you are Microsoft. You would, at worst give a warning, correct?

Your logic includes a number of convoluted issues that don't make it even close to legitimate to steal from others even if you have an atruistic motive.

You can't go into a convenience store and steal a chocolate bar just so you can give away pieces to all the local school kids so they will want to buy more of the chocolate bars.

The sounds effects issue is similar but somewhat different in that copies, duplicates, and imitations are commonplace. There are hundreds of thousands of versions of Arnold Schwartzenegger voices saying "ahll. be bahck" and "astah la veesta babee". Most of these sounds are modified and even if they are not it is difficult to argue who has the best version of chains clanking when there are many hundreds of version to choose from.

There are many ways to pay homage to a game you like, short of stealing the game content and making it available in another format that is not license by the owner. Using the original work as your inspiration is not what creates the conflict.

The more likely outcome that would result from mass stealing episodes like JimmyH was proposing and supporting would be that the game makers would install barriers to using their artwork formats in other games via technology and proprietary format blocks as well as hardcoded limitations that can only be lifted by purchasing xpansion packs directly from the original software maker. In any of these options, the end user gets less access to make changes and modifications all because some players forced the software companies to install more protections.

Don't try to ignoret he facts and say this will not happen because we already see it across the board in virtually every new game release over the past 18 months. The proprietray cab and spc formast are increasingling hard to access outside of the game forums where they are intended to be used. The proprietary control tools are becoming more sophisticated just as the content deisgn and management tools get more sophisticated. These combined facts put the ability to change and modify the games further and further beyond the reach of the average game playing person.
Originally posted by Level
... check the EULA you agreed to on install.
This should be legal as long as you are not going to sale it.
To be safe ask for permission.

Some of what you say here is good advice, but the middle comment is total wrong. You can usually make copies of things you have licensed for your own personal use, but making copies and distributing them for free is just as illegal as making copies and selling them.

Most EULAs you will read are very specific about reverse engineering or redistribution any portion of the software product.

Just like when you see film clips used on TV or in other movies, you will find that ssoftware and game companies will permit you to use their artwork if the use benefits their objectives for the original product. The key point is that you need their permission for any use that redistributes their property outside of the EULA.
As i said "as long as you are NOT told not to" this includes EULAs, FBI warnings, and copyrights.
What i meant was that most companies (not all) let you use there work if you do not make money and they do not lose money from it.
You can draw a zerg and give it away, you can make a star wars mod, you can make a Spiderman spoof, ect.
I would ask for permission thought.
Originally posted by cracker
The more likely outcome that would result from mass stealing episodes like JimmyH was proposing and supporting would be that the game makers would install barriers to using their artwork formats in other games via technology and proprietary format blocks as well as hardcoded limitations that can only be lifted by purchasing xpansion packs directly from the original software maker. In any of these options, the end user gets less access to make changes and modifications all because some players forced the software companies to install more protections.
Are you saying we should stop stealing content, because if we don't we won't be able to steal it in the future....?

What is your motivation for conducting this one man crusade to stop jimmyh from providing units to the 150 or so guys/gals in the whole flippin' world who use these units?? Why do you care?? I'd wager that if you were at a cocktail party and ran into a high level Microsoft exec and dutifully informed him of the fact that 150 people downloaded a copy of an AoE Broad Swordsman to use in Civ 3 mods, he'd most likely ask you "what the hell is "A-O-E" and where's that goddarn manhattan I asked you for??"

I notice that you like to take a moral stance in your argument: "stealing is wrong" etc. Copying units from other games for our small audience is immorally equivalent to going 3 mph over the speed limit. The next time you catch yourself straying above the posted limit I hope you'll prove to at least yourself that you are not a hypocrite and promptly exit the vehicle and pummel yourself with large rocks to absolve yourself of the horrendous sin.

And what is this?
Don't expect to get rave review for creating a new leader head by scrippling in a beard on an exitsing head, or airbrushing in a different skin tone. These things look like crap.

The sooner we get to a broader base of people with some functional 3D base models and some functional 3D graphics skills, the better the CIV3 scenarios will be. Until that time, most of the mods will be severely limited to using half-adapted units that really don't fit their roles very well.

Above from this thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24874

It sounds as if you don't like the units that are being created by our little group. Is that it? Is this some bizarre conspiracy to force us all to download GMAX?? :rolleyes: :p

Seriously, I would like to know, if you care to share, why you have expended so much time and energy trying to get jimmyh to stop producing these units that a small group of people enjoy using. Just like to meddle? Rain on people's parades? Or do you serve some higher purpose?? :confused:

PS - if jimmyh offered the conversion program to us then I would actually go out and buy those games so I could make the units I want (Aztecs) myself for my own use.

PPS - would it be morally and legally acceptable in your esteemed opinion for jimmyh to take custom units made by humble AoE/AoK modders and posted on the Age of Kings site and convert them for our base and despicable use? They're not copyrighted animations, correct? Would that be OK or do they have to made with a 3D modelling program?
After reading your comments in Sween32's thread and posting a comment there I felt the need to comment here as well.

My question to you is "who are you and why are you so angry?"

I have read through several of your posts in other threads to try and get a better understanding of where exactly you are coming from, and I just don't get it. You seem to think that you know exactly what everyone else should be thinking and doing and worse than that you seem to think it is your job to tell them that what they are doing/thinking is wrong and they need to do things your way.

I am referring specifically to a post you wrote in regards to Teturkhan's "Message to Firaxis" thread in which you lambaste all the people who are so "stupid" to want to have their own civilization represented in the game. Where do you get off telling these people that they are stupid. I realize that in the post you so politically say that "WE" are stupid, but who are you trying to fool? You are calling them stupid, and in so doing claiming that you are the wise one enlightening all of us foolish little mortals.

Then again in another post by Teturkhan, "Civ3 maps should evolve beyond flat", you have the audacity to tell people that
all the other competent humans on the planet) should not be wasting their time on these issues.
Why the need to throw in the rude remarks. Why not just say that you don't think its a high priority, acknowledge that it would be cool, and go about your business. no need to make the forums contentious. They should be a place where people can come together and discuss ideas, hopes and opinions without worrying about being flamed. Which isn't to say that all opinions should be tolerated, obviously hateful, completely ignorant, and intolerant behavior should be censored. But what you really need to understand is that a lot of these people are really making suggestions for Civ4. But that doesn't mean they are stupid or lower forms of life than you, does it?

Anyway, I think I have said my peace. I hope you find happiness someday. Good luck!
I left apolyton months ago, I want to say about 8, because it seemed like anywhere I went, there was offensive comments, or a flamefest going on, and I always got drawn into it. I can't say it wasn't sometimes my fault, but I have only been back there once since, and one of the factors that drew me to civfanatics is the fact that it's forums are generally so filled with polite, respectful people. I agree with Kal-el on this one.
Actually I thought Cracker handled it very admirably, and even you Kal-el previously stated the simple words of "well said" after one (one of many) of Craker’s long posts. I would also like to make it clear that in NO way is anyone, associated with this thread supporting game pirating, Period. Including Jimmyh. Like the sacred Game Informer editors said, “Go out and buy your games, like everyone else.” Also Cracker you should read between the lines of Kal-el’s posts, While im not saying you should leave this site, im saying you should calm down. If you haven’t noticed JIMMYH is nowhere to be found, you flamed a fellow member of this site into hiding. Its not your place to say whether copying these units is right or wrong. And like I said, modifying these units is helping Microsoft I went out to buy AoK after seeing these units. Am I the only one? Doubtful, Very Doubtful.
I'm still here, just keeping a low profile for a week or so, I've also been away for the past few weekends, so I've not been able to do very much.

I've also begun work on a turn based project that has an enviroment that enables any one to make modpacks for.

I'll get back to doing these units in the near future.

Interesting site you have there. For Nations?
originally posted by Jimmyh
I'll get back to doing these units in the near future.
That’s what we like to hear:D Keep up the great work.
Nation was the title I had for the whole game, but now I'm taking it in another direction, and I shall probably change the name.

Since most people here want to customize the game, then why not write some thing that is a turn based game editor.

I shall continue with the units after the patch get's released.

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