Returning to Civ 6

Reading the AI comment made me look at the date of the post.
The AI is really surprising though. Its sending settlers to the front line sure was.
I haven't played Civ6 in months. I came back after the last couple of patches.

I have to say the game is totally amazing! This is now the best game ever made. The intricate strategies and play of systems is mind blowing. The AI is the most strategic, tactical and surprising AI ever created. They should use the new AI in defense modelling systems to plan the upcoming Chinese-US war.

Anyways that's all I wanted to say. :D

. One of the all time great comments. I laughed , I cried, Now I have the T-shirt to prove it
The AI is better, but still has a long way to go. I still don't find the AI different enough from each other in playstyle--ALL are aggressive in the early game on higher difficulties, and none propose trades more often than others to a noticeable degree, all ask for embassies, etc....the AI don't create unique stories and atmosphere like they did in Civ IV, and that's sad. It's one of the reasons why Civ VI is kinda boring. I only play it to get the odd achievement or play the odd Game of the Month now. (Though I still listen to the music out-of-game quite often, esp. Arabia, India, Japan, Macedonia and Rome themes).
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