Revolution: with BarbarianCiv, Rebellion, AIAutoPlay

bigmeat said:
is there still only a max of 18 civs? like, if there are 18 civs, no new ones can spawn
This is a hard-coded constraint that cannot be moddified by anyone not named Firaxis ... rumor has it the 18 civ limit is at least going up with Warlords, but that's all we know. So, no, it is not possible to spawn beyond the 18 civ limit.
z1r0un said:
I DL'd the mod, and might have changed a few settings in the mod .ini. I know for a fact that AIauto don't work, and haven't seen evidence of any other features. I am absolutely positive mod is in correct location. I'm attaching the first turn save, and both the C4 ini and the Revolution ini. **edit** And I cleared the cache before playing.

C4 ini (- variable explanations for space reasons):
Spoiler :

HideMovieBackground = 0
BinkNoSkip = 1
BinkCopyAll = 1
Bink16Bit = 0
BinkInterlace = 0
FullScreen = 1
SetMaxFrameRate = 0
PitBossSleep = 1
DynamicUnitPaging = 1
DynamicAnimPaging = 1
NoTechSplash = 0
NoIntroMovie = 0
HidePythonExceptions = 1
MaxAutoSaves = 5
AutoSaveInterval = 4
AudioEnable = 1
Language = 0
UserProfile = Default Profile
SyncInput = 0
ForceNumlock = 0
Mod = Mods\Revolution
MinimapTrilinearFilter = 1
CutTrees = 1
AllowFlying = 0
PopSlides = 0
EndSlides = 0
HideMinSpecWarning = 0
MapRandSeed = 0
SyncRandSeed = 0
PitbossEmail = 0
PitbossSMTPLogin = 0
PitbossSMTPHost = 0
GameUpdateTime = 10
Bandwidth = broadband
QuickStart = 0
PlayMusic = 1
MemSaver = 0
GUIManagedTextures = 0
ScreenShot Format = JPG
EnableVoice = 1
SelectIP = 0
DisableFileCaching = 1
DisableCaching = 0
DisablePAKMemoryMapping = 0
GenerateCrashDumps = 0
LoggingEnabled = 0
SynchLog = 0
RandLog = 0
MessageLog = 0
BreakOnAlloc = -1
AutorunTurnLimit = 0
Autorun = 0
D3D9Query = 0
ScreenHeight = 0
ScreenWidth = 0
HAPDebugger = 0
OverwriteLogs = 0
Port = 2056
Nickname = 0
DirectIP = 0
CheatCode = 0
Map = Continents
GameType = singlePlayer
PitbossTurnTime = 0
MaxTurns = 0
GameOptions = 0010100010000100
VictoryConditions = 1110110
QuickHandicap = HANDICAP_NOBLE
GameName = Chris's Game
FileName = 0
Nickname = 0
Email = Chris
DirectIP = 0
Alias = Chris

Revolution ini (same as above):
Spoiler :

SinglePlayerOnly = 0
AllowPublicMaps = 1
ImageFile = 0
Name = Revolution
Description = Generic Mod
FoundConfig = True
DebugMode = True
; ------------------------------------------------------
Enable = True
DebugMode = False
BarbSettlePopup = True
DoGameStartKill = False
KillFraction = .3
CityRadius = 10
Modifier = 1.00
BaseMilitaryOdds = 0.5
BarbTechFrac = 0.60
BuilderTechModifier = 1.00
AllowMinor = False
BarbCivsByStyle = True
MaxVikingStyleWindow = 30
DoCultureCheck = True
; ------------------------------------------------------
Enable = True
DebugMode = False
PythonOnlyMode = False
Threshold = 1200
UnitThreshold = 400
AllowHappyRebellions = False
RebelsAsBarbs = False
Roll = 10000
Turns = 10
Modifier = 1.0
RebelSizeModifier = 1.00
LandModifier = 1.00
; ----------------------------------------------------
Enable = False
DebugMode = True
ColonySplit = False
CulturalSplit = False
UnhappySplit = False
EmpireSplit = True
MinCitiesForSplit = 5
MinNationality = 15
MinCulture = 50
MinPowerPercent = 20
CloseRadius = 10
; ----------------------------------------------------
Enable = True
DebugMode = True
; -----------------------------------------------------
Enable = False
DebugMode = True
[Dead Civ Scoreboard Mod]
Hide Dead Civilizations = false
Grey Out Dead Civilizations = true
Show Dead Tag = true

This is not urgent, as I have much work to do on my general strategy :blush:
:thanx: for making the mod in the first place.
BTW, you mentioned finals a few times. How'd they go?
I'll check out your save ...

Finals went very well actually :king:
Yet another issue I've come across. I've seen this error come up in a couple of games, ususally somewhere in the middle of the game. Once it pops up once, it continues to come up about once every turn or two for the rest of the game when I end the turn. There are actually a couple of different messages, depending on what loop the code jumps into, but they are all the same gist ("NoneType does not have such-and-such attribute") and they all occur in the rebellion script. Now admittedly I have been doing unusual things, switching player civs many times, turning AIAuto on while "playing" as different civs, even switching to the barbarian civ (which doesn't let you play unfortunately :( ). I also have several mods/changes of my own incorporated in (not directly related to this mod), so they could be causing it, but I don't know.


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I think I found a bug while playing this yesterday.

I decided to go ahead and lead a Japanese rebellion around 500 BC (Huge map, raging barbs – I had a lot of whipping) against the Chinese empire. After I took the city, barbs started coming after me and I now had to defend Shanghai from the Chinese as well as the barbs. Well, I sent an axeman out to take on a barb archer and I got a pop-up message asking whether or not I was willing to declare war on the Barbarian State. Not really sure why, but I clicked no and –BAM- it’s like I vaporized him, Matrix style. :eek:

Things stayed the same way too for the rest of the game as I played. Anytime a barb came close, all I had to do was move on the same spot and he was gone.

Anybody else find the same thing?
I noticed that when new civs arise they get a lot of mercenaries (i'm playing with the mercenary mod of course) and all mercenaries have the same name
Cincinnatus3 said:
I think I found a bug while playing this yesterday.

I decided to go ahead and lead a Japanese rebellion around 500 BC (Huge map, raging barbs – I had a lot of whipping) against the Chinese empire. After I took the city, barbs started coming after me and I now had to defend Shanghai from the Chinese as well as the barbs. Well, I sent an axeman out to take on a barb archer and I got a pop-up message asking whether or not I was willing to declare war on the Barbarian State. Not really sure why, but I clicked no and –BAM- it’s like I vaporized him, Matrix style. :eek:

Things stayed the same way too for the rest of the game as I played. Anytime a barb came close, all I had to do was move on the same spot and he was gone.

Anybody else find the same thing?
Very strange ... I haven't seen this before, but without raging barbs there aren't often barbs around when Rebellions come to town for me. This might happen if Rebels contact/relationship with the Barb state is reset (all players, even the non-existent ones, begin the game at war with the barbs) when they are created. Interesting find! I'll look into it ...
suspendinlight said:
Yet another issue I've come across. I've seen this error come up in a couple of games, ususally somewhere in the middle of the game. Once it pops up once, it continues to come up about once every turn or two for the rest of the game when I end the turn. There are actually a couple of different messages, depending on what loop the code jumps into, but they are all the same gist ("NoneType does not have such-and-such attribute") and they all occur in the rebellion script. Now admittedly I have been doing unusual things, switching player civs many times, turning AIAuto on while "playing" as different civs, even switching to the barbarian civ (which doesn't let you play unfortunately :( ). I also have several mods/changes of my own incorporated in (not directly related to this mod), so they could be causing it, but I don't know.
Well, I looked over that section of the code and don't see how that could happen ... I added a check for validity of the spawned rebel player so that you won't get those error messages in the future. Does it happen when you haven't switched to the Barb civ? Cause when you do that, all bets are off ... I debated whether to even leave that possibility in, as it does wierd things to the game (game thinks it's over, but can't bring up the end game screen as there's no player to show it to ...)
JDog, sorry to come in as some 'Johnny-come-lately' but I was curious if you had considered adding the following feature to your excellent mod-namely 3 more missions for spies that tie into this Rebellion system. The first two missions effectively exacerbate health and happiness penalties in the targetted cities-both seperately (propoganda or biological/chemical attack) and combined (straight out terror attack), the other mission involves inciting a rebellion. Obviously to have any chance of succeeding, this mission must be done in cities with an unhappiness 'surplus', with the actual chance of success dependant on HOW unhappy the city currently is. Success automatically generates X rebel forces close to that city. Basically this will allow other nations to destablise their enemies via the use of 'assymetric warfare' and thus make espionage MUCH more interesting!

jdog5000 said:
Does it happen when you haven't switched to the Barb civ?
I'm not sure. I usually just switch over to more easily see where Barb cities are popping up. I will try to keep that in mind and see if I notice it only when I have switched to the Barbs.

Also, there seems to be a problem with the Rebellion code. I have enabled AllowHappyRebellions which I assume would allow for rebellions due to unhealthiness or religious difference. However, I have one city in my current game that faces continuous rebellions (every 10 turns or so, after the minimum limit has expired), even though it only has one religion, is not unhappy and is not unhealthy. It has probably experienced 10+ rebellions so far. I think the intial rebellion was justified because I had recently captured the city and it was unhealthy and unhappy, but it almost seems like the number of "rebellion points" are not getting reset. I have noticed rebellions always occurring in the same cities in other games, but I haven't paid attention to the actual values of unhealthiness and unhappiness. Ha, sorry for the never ending list of things to look at.
suspendinlight said:
I'm not sure. I usually just switch over to more easily see where Barb cities are popping up. I will try to keep that in mind and see if I notice it only when I have switched to the Barbs.

Also, there seems to be a problem with the Rebellion code. I have enabled AllowHappyRebellions which I assume would allow for rebellions due to unhealthiness or religious difference. However, I have one city in my current game that faces continuous rebellions (every 10 turns or so, after the minimum limit has expired), even though it only has one religion, is not unhappy and is not unhealthy. It has probably experienced 10+ rebellions so far. I think the intial rebellion was justified because I had recently captured the city and it was unhealthy and unhappy, but it almost seems like the number of "rebellion points" are not getting reset. I have noticed rebellions always occurring in the same cities in other games, but I haven't paid attention to the actual values of unhealthiness and unhappiness. Ha, sorry for the never ending list of things to look at.
If you post the save, I can tell you what's the issue. There are a bunch of factors ... if you're running a theocracy and it's one religion isn't your state religion, that would exacerbate other issues.
Aussie_Lurker said:
JDog, sorry to come in as some 'Johnny-come-lately' but I was curious if you had considered adding the following feature to your excellent mod-namely 3 more missions for spies that tie into this Rebellion system. The first two missions effectively exacerbate health and happiness penalties in the targetted cities-both seperately (propoganda or biological/chemical attack) and combined (straight out terror attack), the other mission involves inciting a rebellion. Obviously to have any chance of succeeding, this mission must be done in cities with an unhappiness 'surplus', with the actual chance of success dependant on HOW unhappy the city currently is. Success automatically generates X rebel forces close to that city. Basically this will allow other nations to destablise their enemies via the use of 'assymetric warfare' and thus make espionage MUCH more interesting!

Adding spy functions is definitely on the list ... just not the top :p I'm going for getting the various components all working well first, and was then planning to examine how to best allow spies to destabilize things. Your suggestions about targetting happiness and health are very interesting ... I had just been thinking you could pay for a boost of x to the cities rebelliousness, but linking it with happiness ties in better with the game. Propaganda or the classic "poison water supply" ...
z1r0un said:
I DL'd the mod, and might have changed a few settings in the mod .ini. I know for a fact that AIauto don't work, and haven't seen evidence of any other features. I am absolutely positive mod is in correct location. I'm attaching the first turn save, and both the C4 ini and the Revolution ini. **edit** And I cleared the cache before playing.

C4 ini (- variable explanations for space reasons):
Spoiler :

HideMovieBackground = 0
BinkNoSkip = 1
BinkCopyAll = 1
Bink16Bit = 0
BinkInterlace = 0
FullScreen = 1
SetMaxFrameRate = 0
PitBossSleep = 1
DynamicUnitPaging = 1
DynamicAnimPaging = 1
NoTechSplash = 0
NoIntroMovie = 0
HidePythonExceptions = 1
MaxAutoSaves = 5
AutoSaveInterval = 4
AudioEnable = 1
Language = 0
UserProfile = Default Profile
SyncInput = 0
ForceNumlock = 0
Mod = Mods\Revolution
MinimapTrilinearFilter = 1
CutTrees = 1
AllowFlying = 0
PopSlides = 0
EndSlides = 0
HideMinSpecWarning = 0
MapRandSeed = 0
SyncRandSeed = 0
PitbossEmail = 0
PitbossSMTPLogin = 0
PitbossSMTPHost = 0
GameUpdateTime = 10
Bandwidth = broadband
QuickStart = 0
PlayMusic = 1
MemSaver = 0
GUIManagedTextures = 0
ScreenShot Format = JPG
EnableVoice = 1
SelectIP = 0
DisableFileCaching = 1
DisableCaching = 0
DisablePAKMemoryMapping = 0
GenerateCrashDumps = 0
LoggingEnabled = 0
SynchLog = 0
RandLog = 0
MessageLog = 0
BreakOnAlloc = -1
AutorunTurnLimit = 0
Autorun = 0
D3D9Query = 0
ScreenHeight = 0
ScreenWidth = 0
HAPDebugger = 0
OverwriteLogs = 0
Port = 2056
Nickname = 0
DirectIP = 0
CheatCode = 0
Map = Continents
GameType = singlePlayer
PitbossTurnTime = 0
MaxTurns = 0
GameOptions = 0010100010000100
VictoryConditions = 1110110
QuickHandicap = HANDICAP_NOBLE
GameName = Chris's Game
FileName = 0
Nickname = 0
Email = Chris
DirectIP = 0
Alias = Chris

Revolution ini (same as above):
Spoiler :

SinglePlayerOnly = 0
AllowPublicMaps = 1
ImageFile = 0
Name = Revolution
Description = Generic Mod
FoundConfig = True
DebugMode = True
; ------------------------------------------------------
Enable = True
DebugMode = False
BarbSettlePopup = True
DoGameStartKill = False
KillFraction = .3
CityRadius = 10
Modifier = 1.00
BaseMilitaryOdds = 0.5
BarbTechFrac = 0.60
BuilderTechModifier = 1.00
AllowMinor = False
BarbCivsByStyle = True
MaxVikingStyleWindow = 30
DoCultureCheck = True
; ------------------------------------------------------
Enable = True
DebugMode = False
PythonOnlyMode = False
Threshold = 1200
UnitThreshold = 400
AllowHappyRebellions = False
RebelsAsBarbs = False
Roll = 10000
Turns = 10
Modifier = 1.0
RebelSizeModifier = 1.00
LandModifier = 1.00
; ----------------------------------------------------
Enable = False
DebugMode = True
ColonySplit = False
CulturalSplit = False
UnhappySplit = False
EmpireSplit = True
MinCitiesForSplit = 5
MinNationality = 15
MinCulture = 50
MinPowerPercent = 20
CloseRadius = 10
; ----------------------------------------------------
Enable = True
DebugMode = True
; -----------------------------------------------------
Enable = False
DebugMode = True
[Dead Civ Scoreboard Mod]
Hide Dead Civilizations = false
Grey Out Dead Civilizations = true
Show Dead Tag = true

This is not urgent, as I have much work to do on my general strategy :blush:
:thanx: for making the mod in the first place.
BTW, you mentioned finals a few times. How'd they go?
Your save worked fine for me ... if you're still having trouble, wait for the next version (say Thur or Fri next week), it will have an option that will inform you what components are running. That could help diagnose what's going wrong.
keldath said:
first of all, very nice work :)

i wanted to ask, about rebellion mod?
how does it work?

i really want a mod that will allow "partisans" like in civ2 - is this anything like that? the rebbellion mod?
If you mean, if Civ B takes Civ A's city, do little Civ A units immeadiately popup? The answer is no. Civ B is given some time to settle in, but if the citizen's still don't like them, then they may rebel and if Civ A's still fighting Civ B, then (like 10 turns later) they may join in the fray.
Alright...I was playing a Marathon game as the Chinese with Continents. Only Hatshepsut, Genghis Khan, and I were on the huge continent (and Khan was really really small) so I had a lot of space to expand into. I find two barbarian cities..I focus my attention on them one at a time. While sieging one city (waiting for swordsmen reinforcements to arrive while chariots and an axeman stopped them from sending **** out), suddenly both barbarian cities turned to Isabella. She immediatly declares war.

Now, in just ONE of those cities, in addition to a Great Scientist, had about 10-15 military units :eek:. Swordsmen, horse archers, archers, and axemen.. I start thinking "Okay, maybe I'm not in deep ****. If I can just declare peace/build up my army a LOT before she sends her troops after me..."

No good. The other barbarian city (which was near one of my cities) had a similar complement of troops. I never actually saw most of the second city's troops...but I am sure it was similar, because suddenly two horse archers appear out of nowhere and attack my city.

GG, I'm done.

You don't need to give new civs a monsterously huge military.

I'd recommend giving them a military about 1/4-1/3 the size, with a few settlers and well as maybe a few GP.

A large complement of settlers and workers would work better...
GenocideBringer said:
You don't need to give new civs a monsterously huge military.

I'd recommend giving them a military about 1/4-1/3 the size, with a few settlers and well as maybe a few GP.

A large complement of settlers and workers would work better...
Bad luck, but I disagree as it would defeat the whole point of the mod. You ran into a barbarian civ that had a militaristic buildup, meant to simulate civs like the Mongols, the Huns, etc in the past. If the mass of units were removed, the military buildup would be impotent and pointless. If you get in the way of such a build up and are unprepared, then you will be crushed. It just requires a slightly different style of play. Now you need to have some additional reserves in your empire to slow down any barbarian invasion or rebellion. Besides, you can tweak that sort of stuff in the INI file. Just change the odds of military buildup to 0.0 and it will almost always spawn in builder mode civs (ie "a large complement of settlers and workers").
Yeah, but then it will have no military to defend itself.

This would be slightly different on Normal mode...I'd at least have a prayer of defending against it. This was on Marathon, though...
The "builder" type civ still has units:

jdog said:
Once the cities for the new civ are selected. There are two types of barbarian consolidation, militaristic and builder. Both get a base set of defensive units and workers in every city, plus all techs known to a majority of the world. The new civ also gets a great person (to symbolize the leader who organized the horde), with the GP type depending on the type of consolidation. The populations of all the cities are increased. Their captial is given walls and a granary. If the cities have some culture, the new civ gets half of the total. These general effects for both types of "rise of the barbs" are intended to partly catch them up with the rest of the world.

Militaristic consolidation is the most interesting in my view. It's intended to mimic the affect of Ghengis Khan or the Vikings. The new civ is given a crap load of offensive units and will declare war on a random opponent in the area. If there are no other civs in the area, the new civ is given some boats to go raiding! Odds of a militaristic buildup increase if the new leader is Aggressive or Expansionist. Militaristic new civs will be behind in economic or social technology. They also get free barracks. Gameplay spoilers: This aggressive new civ will have a very tough first wave, and often succeed in taking a couple cities and pillaging large areas. However, they don't have the infrastructure to maintain the drive and will usually stall or lose their gains (unless you're really unprepared).

Builder consolidation is intended to mimic the rise of a new civ that isn't particularly militaristic. This type of civ gets additional techs from the list of known techs. They are not explicitly given any new techs, but may use their GL to discover something new. They are also given a bunch of extra infrastructure: extra worker, free settler, and some buildings like libraries, lighthouses, and forges (if they have the tech). Gameplay spoiler: While not as exciting as the Military buildup, this type is the more dangerous in the long run. If they start up in a big empty area (like on a Terra map), they can grow into the upper echelon of the game. However, if attacked early, they will crumble.
Yes, understandable..but I don't want it eliminated completely, I just want to have some chance against it. It'd be fine for normal there a way to scale it down for Epic or Marathon modes?
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