Revolution: with BarbarianCiv, Rebellion, AIAutoPlay

Caesium said:
That sounds fair to me.

But in my Modification I enhanced the religion's spread up to three religions via trade routes, so there are maily many religions in my cities, is there a trigger or counter I could change?
I have reduced the effect of many non-state religions for the version that will be up this evening ... actually did this before I saw your post :)
Cincinnatus3 said:
:eek: so, that's how revolutions are going to work. wow!

played .55 last night. amazing. saw both the aggressive and peaceful revolutions - in fact, one revolution caught fire completely. the japanese rebelled from a fringe city of the mongolians (first barb civ, highest score and everything) and ended up splitting their empire into an eastern half and a western half - one christian and one buddhist. pretty cool.

Cincinnatus3 said:
in the middle of an assault on the chinese in the 1800's, i pillaged a couple of luxuries and then they started fragmenting into a couple of pocket civs. i didn't finish it out, but after china and i made peace they had started to 'reclaim' their cities.
An excellent strategy ... especially if you ever opt to take control of a rebellion or revolution. It'll be very hard to build your own units, but if you keep the motherland unhappy, the people will join you! Kind of twisted ...

Cincinnatus3 said:
one potential bug i found - not quite sure how it happened. the french and russian leaderheads somehow got distorted. i had met louie early on, but after he had a revolution he put down, his leaderhead and personality changed to napolean even though his name stayed as Louie. the same thing happened with Catherine 'becoming' Peter.

looking forward to playing it again - cheers, jdog :goodjob:
Definitely strange that the names and leaders didn't match ... the leaderheads will change now and then, when the leader abdicates power or loses an election when faced with revolutionaries :) I've seen the names change, but I'll keep an eye out for discrepancy.

Note: For non-human civs with only one leaderhead, the civ experiences all the effects (few turns of anarchy, etc) of a leader changing revolution except for the actual change. I'm working on being able to change the name (ie Tokogawa II or something).
Version 0.56 posted, with a couple important bug fixes and a few small tweaks. Hopefully this will resolve issues people have had getting features to work! Enjoy.

Version 0.56

Fixed bug where mod would crash on load if attempting to display a trouble shoot popup (reported by suspendedinlight). These popups are now handled by the Tester module and appear only on game start or load.

- Nerfed affect of large numbers of non-state religions (requested by Caesium)
- Reduced max possible city distance penalty
- Increased Theocracy state religion positive modifier
- Increased city garrison revolution index reduction effect
- Cities of majority other culture now easier to hold with Universal Sufferage
- While police state makes revolutions less likely, the repression makes any resulting revolutions more likely violent
- Message "Processing Revolution" only shows in Debug mode now
- Revolutionaries joining nearly cityless cultural player in war will not have enlistment reduced

- Rebels will now longer join nearby recently settled, violent Barbarian civs

- Fixed bug where popups would only work when in debug mode (reported by suspendedinlight)

- More guaranteed units in later eras
This sounds excellent. I always thought this to be Civ3's (and Civ4's) biggest drawback - the lack of the dynamicness...

When exactly do you intend to make a Warlords version?
:D i think i'm going to have to play on a smaller map.

ok, was intending to finish my first game on .55, so i picked up where i left off yesterday. a little background first. settings - large map of my own creation, seven civs (including myself) each with equal but distinct (as in different ;) ) starting locations. had two barb civs pop early on. by 1810, my game had reached its 18 civ hard count limit :eek:

one of the mistakes i made (i think) was leaving on the option that allows units to survive without a city. so, anyway, it felt like a real imitation of earth with a few monster civs (10 + cities) some decently sized nations and a few pocket civs with only a city. really wanted to try to get a diplo victory but that was out of the question - isabella, whose lone city was the christian holy city, led a religious contingent of civs who continously voted against me. settled for a space race victory :goodjob:

anyway, i've never been much of conquest or domination type of player. this mod REALLY made the industrial and modern ages interesting - in ways i've never before experienced in Civ. in your mod, jdog, its really about holding together what you've got and trying to push forward as opposed to sloshing towards a victory condition. thanks - you've reinvented civ for me.
Just tried the .56 version. Well, tried as in see what autoplay does. Anyways, the AI was doing fairly well with my empire, creating cities and expanding. It was first in score until 2 problems happened. First, my capital :eek: revolted because of unhappyness (BTW, on the turn where I founded my capital, I received a message saying that Timbuktu was a revolutionary cooking pot). Saladin took the city and made it capital of his empire. He also took the northern cities of my empire. A few turns later, Isabella organized the barbs to form a militaristic style civ and they decalred war on my poor AI which at the time had only his capital left and was still at war with Saladin. The combined assault killed the remaning defenders and Saladin took the city. But I was not eliminated! The autoplay went on until the end of the 100 turns I had scheduled. When I regained control, the game gave me a lion unit in the bottom right corner of the map on the ice caps. Since they are impassable, I can't move. But I can still conduct diplomacy :) . I will see if the game will put me in charge of a revolution in my former motherland.:lol:
Bah, never made a revolution.
captain beaver said:
When I regained control, the game gave me a lion unit in the bottom right corner of the map on the ice caps. Since they are impassable, I can't move. But I can still conduct diplomacy :) . I will see if the game will put me in charge of a revolution in my former motherland.:lol:
I guess you and your lion are in exile, waiting for your opportunity to return to power ala Napoleon.

**edit** Also, I don't think it allows the human player to move animals anyway. I've tried creating animals using world builder before and I can't move them.
suspendinlight said:
**edit** Also, I don't think it allows the human player to move animals anyway. I've tried creating animals using world builder before and I can't move them.
IIRC it does, as long as they are outside any cultural boundries.
I was having fun with 0.55 until I saw and update and tried it :(

This only happens when I try to build a city, which builds fine but these popup persist. None of the Revolution/rebellion/aiautoplay coding has been tampered with, but still I enjoy the great work you have created.


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captain beaver said:
Just tried the .56 version. Well, tried as in see what autoplay does. Anyways, the AI was doing fairly well with my empire, creating cities and expanding. It was first in score until 2 problems happened. First, my capital :eek: revolted because of unhappyness (BTW, on the turn where I founded my capital, I received a message saying that Timbuktu was a revolutionary cooking pot). Saladin took the city and made it capital of his empire. He also took the northern cities of my empire. A few turns later, Isabella organized the barbs to form a militaristic style civ and they decalred war on my poor AI which at the time had only his capital left and was still at war with Saladin. The combined assault killed the remaning defenders and Saladin took the city. But I was not eliminated! The autoplay went on until the end of the 100 turns I had scheduled. When I regained control, the game gave me a lion unit in the bottom right corner of the map on the ice caps. Since they are impassable, I can't move. But I can still conduct diplomacy :) . I will see if the game will put me in charge of a revolution in my former motherland.:lol:
Bah, never made a revolution.
Yeah, the lion thing is pretty funny ... that's not something I wrote either. Autoplay uses a built in Civ4 mechanic I assume Firaxis wrote for their own debugging/testing, and if the human player is dead at the end of automation it creates unit type 0 at plot 0,0, the ice lion =P

Even with only a lion, the game considers you alive, and so the chances of getting reborn through revolution are smaller. Basically, a city will only rebel to a living player who has significant nationality in the city ... as time goes on your civ is losing this ... but whenever I try to figure out what civ the revolutionaries should be, I reincarnate a dead civ with any culture in the city before creating a new civ.

So, if you wanted to see if your civ would be reincarnated, have ChangePlayer enables, and when you come out of automation with just an ice lion, switch to some other civ, enter the world builder and go smite the lion. Then start automation. You have to watch the new civ, but when automation is done you can see if your previous civ is reincarnated and switch back to it ...
ocedius said:
I was having fun with 0.55 until I saw and update and tried it :(

This only happens when I try to build a city, which builds fine but these popup persist. None of the Revolution/rebellion/aiautoplay coding has been tampered with, but still I enjoy the great work you have created.
Arg, I'll check it out ... just so I know, is Autoplay on here? What about the hide popups while in automation setting? Since it's happening in the AIAutoPlay function, none of the Revolution etc logic is getting messed up, so you'll be able to continue your game just fine.

Edit: Managed to recreate it ... not sure what the problem is though. Seems to be an issue with calling member functions starting with __functionName from a different class. However, I did find a different way to do what I was trying to do there that doesn't have the problem.

To fix this, just replace your file in Revolution\Assets\Python\Gameready with this one after unzipping:
could someone help me step by step with installing this mod? i thought i had it correct but the mod is not working. i am very noob with doing this stuff but i put it in the revolution folder. its all very confusing to me.
eddiebluedevil said:
could someone help me step by step with installing this mod? i thought i had it correct but the mod is not working. i am very noob with doing this stuff but i put it in the revolution folder. its all very confusing to me.
It's pretty straight forward:

Step 1. Unzip the download.

Step 2. Drag the Revolution folder into (probably) C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Mods. (Note: Depending on how you unzip it, you may end up with the Revolution folder you want inside another Revolution folder)

Step 3. To check you have it right, the folder C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Mods\Revolution should contain a folder called Assets, a bunch of readme's, and Revolution.ini (and maybe some other things).

Step 4. To apply the patch, unzip, take the file it contains and move it to C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Mods\Revolution\Assets\Python\Gameready, replacing the one that is there.

Step 5. After starting up Civ4, click on Advanced, then Load a Mod, and select Revolution. This should cause Civ4 to reload, and it will then say Revolution in the top right.

Step 6. Start a new game and enjoy!
GREAT!!! I have wait this mod for long time! Imho, there will be super if this mod improves in future, add some interesting features, etc... I am happy with this mod. Good job and good way choosen! :goodjob:

jdog5000 said:
With the SDK changes in this mod pack, these three components can spawn completely new civs that were not in the game before.

I have a question - for example, in result of revolution Mongols nation crumbled on 2 different nation:
1) How will be named new nations?
2) Will new nations have a leader ? Which leader will join to each new nation?

Also, will you plan to make compatible your mod with Civ4:Warlords ?

p.s. exuse my ugly english...
AI autoplay works great and without glitches. The most I have tried at a stretch is 100 turns, but what a century it was!

Edit: Unfortunately, I get this everytime I load or start a game with the rebellion mod. The .ini settings are to disallow caching and error logs are precleared aswell.

Edit: Amazing, simply amazing. Played a 6.5 hr game before I was clobbered out by the French. Started out as Nipolean in classical. Got 3 cities, each with a wonder, stonehenge, oracle, and Aztec temple thingy ;P, on founding a 4th city, took leadership of Spanish Isabella-led civ and took all 3 cities from myself. Re-explored and went to war by the time I refounded a 4th city as the original fourth was auto-razed being only 1 population.

Took two cities from Catherine, pillaged her gem mines, and refragmented my empire into 3, Greek led by Alex, French by Nipo, and me with the two weakest. Lost a city to Alex, and barely held onto two due to a three-sided assault by Washington who organized barbs and decided to declare war for no reason, Catherine who was just being a b-i-t-c-h and good ol', and Nipolean who didn't stop till he fried me.

Loved every minute of it. Truly and completely the MOST amazing game I have ever played. So fluid, so unpredictable, so very non civ-like. Thankyou JD.


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jdog5000 said:
Very end of August, or early September. The transition is non-trivial, and I want to get this version working solidly first.

Why? There are enough further details involved in Warlords that make it different enough that I wonder why you would bother with the vanilla version now? There are nw civic options in the civics xml involving great generals and xp in territory, and other things behind the scenes that make me wonder why you would not bother adopting it now and working toward making it solid withing the constraints of the style of play.

I'm not expressing myself well here, but there are some subtle and profound changes in warlords that will (could) deeply affect the balancing issues of your mod here and you will be simply making two nearly completely different versions. Seems like limited return on the investment of your time. :confused:
Vilmerok said:
GREAT!!! I have wait this mod for long time! Imho, there will be super if this mod improves in future, add some interesting features, etc... I am happy with this mod. Good job and good way choosen! :goodjob:

I have a question - for example, in result of revolution Mongols nation crumbled on 2 different nation:
1) How will be named new nations?
2) Will new nations have a leader ? Which leader will join to each new nation?

Also, will you plan to make compatible your mod with Civ4:Warlords ?

p.s. exuse my ugly english...
Say Ghengis Khan is leading the Mongollian civ, and a large number of his cities rise up in revolt. Ghengis is given the option, cling to power or cede power to Kublai. If he cedes power, the Kublai takes over and the Mongol civ stays in one piece. If he clings to power, the revolting cities will rise up, spawning a new civ. This revolutionary civ will be chosen from the unused civs in the game, and if an Asian style civ is available they will be chosen. The leader of the revolting civ will be appropriate for the civ. So, you might see Tokogawa leading the revolting Japanese.

I'm working on being able to name civs on the fly ...
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