RevolutionDCM for BTS

Well, I'm fine with SS being included. I completely agree with you on SS, it's just a cool addition. I've just been used to offering it as an optional add on in the WolfRevolution mod, so I figured it would be best to keep it that way. Overall, I doubt anyone playing WolfRevolution will mind if SS is auto included. I guess I could offer a version where I remove the UnitCombat from Spys (thereby removing their access to the promotions), but if I do that, it'll be the optional add on, with default being SS included.

The extra missions are all turned off and controllable via xml.

Also is the old 0.95.1 version Inquisitions compatible with 0.96? I'd like to wait for the "official" release before updating WolfRev, but 0.96 has a few bug fixes I'm more inclined to rush into the mod. The core components (Better AI and Revolution 0.41) have been tested and seem to be stable, so I'm ready to go and wol't wait past the weekend. But I do need to know if the old Inquisitions is compatible.
Also is the old 0.95.1 version Inquisitions compatible with 0.96?

Thinking about it, Inquisitions is nothing but Python and XML. The 0.95 version of Inquisitions should be able to run. Considering that 0.96 is still BUG 3.0, that is a big sign that 0.95 Inquisitions should be fine. Surprisingly, BUG 3.5 is quite a big change on BUG 3.0 internally and takes a bit of forethought to properly merge. It'll be interesting to see what Jdog does with Revolutions compatibility with BUG.

All espionage missions either standard or super spies are controllable via assets/xml/gameinfo/CIV4EspionageMissionInfo.xml including turning off and on, controllling costs and probabilities. Check out the readme for super spies.

I did a fair bit of work studying how the AI decides on espionage missions. The only real big game changer that super spies introduces is that the AI conducts counter espionage very regularly against those AI's that it is annoyed with and which it does not trust based on past transgressions. This has the side effect that it is harder for anyone, human or not, to win the big espionage goals against the AI like tech stealing or destroying a project. The AI is super diligent on it's counter espionage efforts and never get's bored with ensuring that it has conducted it. Big espionage wins still do happen, especially if humans let their counter espionage guard down. However generally the big espionage outcomes are less frequent. This seems to push the AI into conducting smaller less costly missions against adversaries. In this latest super spies (1.3) you should notice that the AI will tend to do a few more minor missions other than poisoning (like destroying buildings and take out production). However poisoning is still reasonably common.

There still are a lot of missions the AI will not do at all and for probably very good reasons. I also think that there may be a "bug" in the steal treasury AI code where the AI will consider stealing gold, but doesn't seem to execute it. It's not a big deal because the espionage cost goes back into the general pool for it do conduct other missions with.

There is a lot of room for improving espionage with Revolutions in particular. The only mission the AI knows that is remotely similar to a destabilising espionage plan in a Revolutions context, is the city revolt mission. However the AI only conducts that mission in tandem with an invasion force (which is fair enough).

However the AI could easily be taught to conduct unhappiness and anarchy missions in a Revolutions context, something it does not do right now.


PS) under /doc/dev/ss/ there is a whole basic algorithm flow of how the AI does espionage. The doc was not designed to be able to be understood by anyone but me, but it is possible to deciphor ;)
What's the difference between Revolution and RevolutionDCM?

It is another one of those cool hybrid mods that combines:

Dales Combat Mod
Influence Driven War
Better BTS AI
Solver BTS patch plus variants (Dresdon)

as well as:
Super Spies (addon)
Next War (addon)
Revolution Inquisition (addon)

(taken from the very first post)
It is another one of those cool hybrid mods that combines:

Dales Combat Mod
Influence Driven War
Better BTS AI
Solver BTS patch plus variants (Dresdon)

as well as:
Super Spies (addon)
Next War (addon)
Revolution Inquisition (addon)

(taken from the very first post)

Ah! That's what I was thinking, is the new Rev 1.65 going to be merged into DCM?
Congrats to all you Americans for a truly great election day!

We elected a communist. Nothing to cheer about.

Europe's economy is doomed if he goes through with his policies, but luckily for you it will be only after ours collapses from the weight of the tax burden he intends to impose on us.

Business growth will come to a grinding halt, and American industrial power will end in a massive assault of nonsense environmental codes that unduly burden America while "free trade" agreements with countries that think lead is a child's breakfast additive continue to allow Southeast Asian peasants to earn 20 cents a day in conditions that resemble the America of 1882.

Great election day my ass.
Good one. A little real world "discussion". Why not?! Inquisitions is still coming if you are interested. Check out the list for it's intended incarnation (post #553) and make comments here if you want it changed. I'm in the middle of coding it right now (will delayed by the BUG3.5 Rev6.5 merge).
We elected a communist. Nothing to cheer about.
Please supply a source where Obama has stated he wants to abolish private property.

Europe's economy is doomed if he goes through with his policies, but luckily for you it will be only after ours collapses from the weight of the tax burden he intends to impose on us.
I fail to see how a tax cut for working Americans, and tax credits for job creations for buisnesses is an increase in a tax burden. If you are reffering to a more balanced tax plan where people like Warren Buffet will stop paying a lower rate then their secretaries, well revenues need to go up. Nobody likes paying taxes, but they are essential. The starve the beast doctrine, and supply side economic policies pushed by the right wing have failed. Failed misserably, so you'll forgive me if I don't head any credence to your support of such failure. And I will remain skeptical of your hyperbolic attacks on a reasonable aproach to taxation.

Business growth will come to a grinding halt, and American industrial power will end in a massive assault of nonsense environmental codes that unduly burden America while "free trade" agreements with countries that think lead is a child's breakfast additive continue to allow Southeast Asian peasants to earn 20 cents a day in conditions that resemble the America of 1882.
Funny how your list of economic ills is all crap pushed by right wing supply siders, and corporitist free trade republicans.

Great election day my ass.
Yes it was. It's great we actually have an intelligent, sensible and reasoned leader at the helm again. Now we can finally start digging out of the hole the Right wing has pushed us into.
Good one. A little real world "discussion". Why not?! Inquisitions is still coming if you are interested. Check out the list for it's intended incarnation (post #553) and make comments here if you want it changed. I'm in the middle of coding it right now (will delayed by the BUG3.5 Rev6.5 merge).

Orion has stated he is building the next Inquisitions mod where alot of these things will be toggleable in the globaldefinesalt.xml file. That sounds like the best solution to me. My vote is to hold off on putting out the next RevDCM build until that is done. He said a few days in the inquisitions thread.
Please supply a source where Obama has stated he wants to abolish private property.

I fail to see how a tax cut for working Americans, and tax credits for job creations for buisnesses is an increase in a tax burden. If you are reffering to a more balanced tax plan where people like Warren Buffet will stop paying a lower rate then their secretaries, well revenues need to go up. Nobody likes paying taxes, but they are essential. The starve the beast doctrine, and supply side economic policies pushed by the right wing have failed. Failed misserably, so you'll forgive me if I don't head any credence to your support of such failure. And I will remain skeptical of your hyperbolic attacks on a reasonable aproach to taxation.

Funny how your list of economic ills is all crap pushed by right wing supply siders, and corporitist free trade republicans.

Yes it was. It's great we actually have an intelligent, sensible and reasoned leader at the helm again. Now we can finally start digging out of the hole the Right wing has pushed us into.

Hey, Phungus, I only ask you view the coming years with open eyes and not as an "Obama-can-do-no-wrong-fan-boy". I agree that many conservatives are clearly exaggerating his supposed leftist views and that he probably won't bring about Socialism overnight.

Just read his own book, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance and you'll see what has many people so nervous.

I personally believe the majority of the public have no idea what Obama REALLY stands for as, like many slick politicians, he's rarely taken a strong stance on anything. He was the perfect blank slate that conservatives could paint their worse fears as well as the rest of the country their greatest hopes.

McCain, whether you liked him or not, was at least an open book in comparison. I consider myself a conservative but have to admit McCain came off as a clumsy inarticulate old-school politician trying way too hard to be everybody's pal without having a clear focus.
I'm not an Obama fan boy. If you want to see politicians I really like, check out the Governor of Montana or Defazio here in Oregon.

That said, I have read dreams of my father, and nothing in there made me aprehensious at all. I am certainly economically very liberal, and socially very liberaterian. The only concern I have about Obama are his stances on Gun Control.
For some reason I've lost the diplomacy text for the new leaders added in the Wolfshanze mod. All the relevant XML files are there... Any ideas? Something in the python that changed in 0.96 or would cause a problem when refering to non default leaders?

Edit: Nevermind.
If you like guns you won't like Obama + DemCong with Pelosi at the helm. But are we sure we want to have this conversation here, in this place?

I'm not an Obama fan boy. If you want to see politicians I really like, check out the Governor of Montana or Defazio here in Oregon.

That said, I have read dreams of my father, and nothing in there made me aprehensious at all. I am certainly economically very liberal, and socially very liberaterian. The only concern I have about Obama are his stances on Gun Control.
Just to make your job more fun, glider1, have you caught that Jdog 5000 is now up to his third release of the latest Revolution build (1.65c)? Hopefully you're working with the latest one (although, thankfully, these sound like very minor fixes that he details on his latest release thread).
Thanks for the tipoff. Work on Inquisitions is on hold, while the core RevDCM get's merged and tested. Thanks.

Yeah, spirited debate. Cool! It honestly seemed debate and openness have been dead for years under Bush. In some respects, Bush was more like a communist! It is a real pity to see the USA blow 700 billion, China blow 800 billion and other countries smaller amounts, all because of the economic meltdown. If that amount of money were spent on R&D for Fusion power, we'd have it in ten years at a guess and the US would probably win the race to invent it. Duuk and the rest of us PC junkies would then have all the electricity we want to run our quad cores. We'd just have to solve global over-population and we'd have a save the world plan. Hmmmm.

Now, on another topic...... no-one who has played RevolutionDCM has ever got into a situation where all their surplus was blown in one turn stoping research on Fusion power tech......? nuhhhhhh never!
Thanks for the tipoff. Work on Inquisitions is on hold, while the core RevDCM get's merged and tested. Thanks.

Yeah, spirited debate. Cool! It honestly seemed debate and openness have been dead for years under Bush. In some respects, Bush was more like a communist! It is a real pity to see the USA blow 700 billion, China blow 800 billion and other countries smaller amounts, all because of the economic meltdown. If that amount of money were spent on R&D for Fusion power, we'd have it in ten years at a guess and the US would probably win the race to invent it. Duuk and the rest of us PC junkies would then have all the electricity we want to run our quad cores. We'd just have to solve global over-population and we'd have a save the world plan. Hmmmm.

Now, on another topic...... no-one who has played RevolutionDCM has ever got into a situation where all their surplus was blown in one turn stoping research on Fusion power tech......? nuhhhhhh never!

Yeah, while I might be more conservative leaning, I'm no Republican fan boy myself and love how both parties were all for this insane "bailout" that is now being used to pad CEO's salaries and fund various take overs.
RevolutionDCM is now at 0.961 and includes BUG 3.5.

All goes well except that there are some small "python issues" with BUG. There is one non-fatal and non-game breaking bug that is annoying unless you turn off python error popups. At this stage it could well be some kind of interaction between rebel units spawning without some attributes necessary for the BUG code. Still not sure. The game play experience seems unaltered. If you can help track it down, that would be great. See the readme for more details. It's a minor issue I believe.

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